
  • 网络suretyship;liability of guarantee;Guarantor liabilities
  1. 所以,我们应该考虑督促主债务人主动清偿债务,让债权人受偿,保证人免于承担保证责任。

    In this way , we shall consider urging the principal debtor to take the initiative to discharge the debts , so that the creditor will obtain indemnification and the guarantor will be exempt from the liability of guarantee .

  2. 保证责任与保证方式、保证期间和诉讼时效直接相关。

    The suretyship liability is directly correlative with the mode of suretyship , the term of suretyship and limitations of actions .

  3. 论公路建设BOT投资方式中政府的保证责任

    Government 's guarantee responsibility in investment mode of BOT of highway engineering

  4. BOT项目基准收益率的确定和政府保证责任

    Determination of Expected Basic Rate of Income for BOT Project on Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Governments ' Responsibilities

  5. 债权价值评估中因保证责任产生的或有负债的处理

    Disposal of Contingent Liabilities Caused by Responsibility of Guarantee in Debt Valuation

  6. 在理论和实践中又如何准确把握保证责任呢?

    Then , how we can precisely guaranty liability in theory and practice ?

  7. 合同效力及保证责任有关问题探析

    Discussion and Analysis on Contract Efficiency and Guaranteed Burden

  8. 业务管理层对其有保证责任的需求;

    The business management level has the guarantee responsibility to it the demand ;

  9. 保证责任期间的性质探讨

    Discussion on the Characteristics of Guaranty Responsibility Period

  10. 保证责任期间的类型主要有约定和法定二种类型,催告期间不是保证责任期间。

    Warranty period mainly falls into two categories : statutory period and agreed period .

  11. 票据保证责任的法律分析

    A Legal Analysis on the Note Guarantee Responsibility

  12. 保证责任期间若干问题新探

    New Discussing Some Difficult Problems On Warranty Period

  13. 保证责任不属于民事责任

    Guaranty Liability Not Belong to Civil Liability

  14. 保证责任期间的相关问题

    Period of Liability for Guaranty

  15. 保证责任研究

    A Research of Guaranty Liability

  16. 论保证责任

    On the Guarantee Obligation

  17. 合同项目的验收并不能免除卖方对合同项目的保证责任。

    The Acceptance of the Contract Plant shall not release the Seller from his warranty for the Contract Plant .

  18. 唯一能在某种程度上保证责任的,就是拥有一个明确定义的并且具有较强执行力的最佳实践。

    The only way to provide accountability on that scale is to have a system of clearly-defined and strongly-enforced Best Practices .

  19. 判断主合同变更对保证责任的影响的关键在于区分变更和更改两个概念。

    The crux of judging the effects of contract alteration on guaranty duty lies in the distinction between contract alteration and contract renew .

  20. 至于人力资本出资者的有限保证责任,则违背了公平原则。

    As to the limited warranty liabilities of human capital investors , this author determines that they are contrary to the fair principle .

  21. 对保证责任期间的认定,要注意最高额保证合同保证责任期间的认定。

    Besides , attention should also be paid to the identifying of the warranty period in the contract of warranty for the maximum amount .

  22. 就是把债务人的保证责任转移给保险人,当债务人不能履行其义务时,由保险人承担赔偿责任。

    Be a debtor make sure responsibility transfers an underwriter , when debtor cannot fulfil its obligation , assume liability to pay compensation by the underwriter .

  23. 最后,文章介绍了五种配套措施以辅助声明不保证责任在艺术品拍卖领域得到更好运用。

    Finally , the article introduces five kinds of measures to aid the statement does not guarantee genuine in auction for better use in the field of art .

  24. 从理论上分析保证责任期间的性质为除斥期间,而非诉讼时效期间。诉讼时效与除斥期间区分标准之再探索

    Nature of period of liability for guaranty is theoretically analyzed . A Probe into a Line of Distinction between Procedural Prescription and the terms of Validity of Right

  25. 笔者分析了注册会计师的性质定位,将其归为专家,并指出注册会计师承担的是一种合理的保证责任。

    I analyzed the nature of registered accountants positioning its return to the " experts ", and noted that the registered accountants is a reasonable to assume that responsibility .

  26. 在对保证责任的论述上,主要从保证责任的内容与方式、范围、承担及灭失四个方面进行了较为详尽的阐述。

    In the discussion on suretyship liability , four aspects , such as contents and mode , scope , assumption as well as dissolution of suretyship liability are mainly expounded .

  27. 明确总分所对审计质量控制的责任,并通过签署内部的相关奖惩协议来保证责任的承担;

    Making clear the overall analysis ' duty to auditing quality control , and guaranteeing the bearing of the responsibility through assigning up the inner relative agreements of rewards and penalties ;

  28. 1928年中华国货展览会是近代中国规模最大的一次全国性国货展览会。买办制度的核心内容包括保证责任制度、职责和报酬制度、外商对买办庇护制度等。

    The Zhonghua Exhibition of Chinese Goods in 1928 was the biggest one in modern China . The maturity of comprador system was the first exhibition of their economic condition changes .

  29. 从民事责任、义务的关系以及保证责任的自身特征角度来思考,普通意义上所说的保证责任只能是一种特殊的一般债务。

    Thought from the relationship between civil liability and obligation and its characteristics , the guaranty liability , in the common sense , is only a special " general debt " .

  30. 保证责任期间是保证责任制度的重要内容,实践中有关保证责任期间的规定,已成为保证人在实践中主张免除保证责任的非常重要的理由。

    Stipulations on the period of liability for guaranty , vital in system of ability to guaranty , practically has become a very important reason to insisting in free from liability for guaranty .