
  1. 通过对国外财产保全担保效力实现方式的研究,对我国的立法现状进行了介绍与评价。

    By researching the realization of the guarantee validity of property preservation in foreign countries , this part introduces and evaluates the legislation of our country .

  2. 最后借助国外的先进立法,提出了对我国财产保全担保效力实现方式的建议。

    By taking example by the overseas advanced legislation , it gives suggestion on the realization of the guarantee validity of property preservation of our country and the coordination between property preservation and related systems .

  3. 第四部分对财产保全和担保物权的关系进行分析。

    The fourth part analyzes the relationship between property preservation and the real rights for security .

  4. 我国民事诉讼法中关于财产保全中担保的现行立法存在一些不足,即对诉前担保的规定过于严苛;2、刑罚处罚过于严苛;

    There is some inadequacy of legislation in force for guarantee in property preservation of China 's Civil Procedural law . Thirdly , Chinese punishment for bribery generally is severe .

  5. 由于通过上面的研究认为财产保全具有担保效力,接下来就会出现财产保全与同样具有担保效力的担保物权之间应如何处理关系的问题。

    Through the research above , property preservation has guarantee validity . Then there will be a problem that how to handle the relationship between property preservation and real rights for security which has guarantee validity too .

  6. 浅议财产保全中的担保问题

    A Discussion of Guarantee in Property Preservation

  7. 要讨论财产保全是否具有担保效力,首先要明确什么是担保效力,这一部分就从这点入手,首先介绍了担保和担保效力。

    To discuss whether property preservation has guarantee validity , we should make clear what guarantee validity is firstly . This part starts from it and introduces guarantee and guarantee validity firstly .

  8. 其次,从法理上对财产保全是否应具有担保效力进行了探讨。

    Then it makes a jurisprudential discussion on whether property preservation should have guarantee validity .

  9. 但具有异曲同工之妙的是,在国外立法中,财产保全制度对债权人事前救济的功能都是通过赋予财产保全措施担保权益的性质和优先受偿的效力实现的。

    In foreign legislations , the function of property preservation system that provides beforehand relief for the creditor is implemented by endowing property preservation measures the character of security interest and the validity of enjoying preferred payments .