
  1. 企业财务筹资风险的预测与控制

    The Forecasting and Control of Risks of Raising Funds of Finance of Enterprises

  2. 第二,基于技术创新的财务筹资研究,主要包括:技术创新的不同阶段的资金需求特征研究;

    Second . Researching the financing funds problems based upon technology innovation , it mainly includes : researching the character of funds-demand at the different period when technology innovation ;

  3. 所以,利用财务杠杆筹资就要研究财务杠杆作用的限制条件,如普通股资本净值、借款利率的高低、经营风险的大小、现金收支的状况等。

    On the contrary , it can result in difficulties . Therefore , limited conditions of financial lever should be researched carefully , such as common stock net capital , loan interest operating risk and condition of cash flow .

  4. 银行财务预测是筹资计划的前提。

    Bank financial forecast is the premise of the financing program .

  5. 筹集资金是企业的基本财务活动,筹资管理是财务管理的重要内容。

    Financing is the basic financial activity of a business . Financing Management is the important contents of the Financial Management .

  6. 本文的研究的思路就是按照财务管理流程筹资、投资、利润分配的顺序进行税收筹划的具体分析。

    In this paper , the train of thought of research is to follow the financial management in the financing , investment , distribution of profit in three aspects .

  7. 分析公路经营企业中财务管理通过筹资决策、投资决策和股利决策来提高报酬率、降低风险、实现企业发展目标的策略。

    Analysis is made on the financial management in the practice of highway business management to promote the rate of return , reduce the risk and achieve the development target .

  8. 利用因子分析可以将理事会角色与责任分为高级人力资源管理、决策、财务管理、筹资、维护与任务环境关系五类。

    The roles and responsibilities can be divided into senior human resource management , policymaking , fis - cal management , fundraising , and maintenance of relationship with task environment through factor analysis .

  9. 通过纳税筹划,减轻企业在所得税,营业税等税种的税负,降低了企业的财务成本和筹资成本,减轻了财务风险,对提高企业的经济效益具有非常重要的意义。

    Through tax planning , to reduce enterprises in the income tax , sales tax and other kinds of taxes and reduce the scale of the financial costs and financing costs , thereby reducing the financial risk , and to improve the economic efficiency of enterprises is very important significance .

  10. 试论财务杠杆及企业筹资效益

    On Financial Lever Principle and Efficiency of Enterprises Funding

  11. 资本结构理论主要研究企业财务管理中的筹资政策和筹资决策。

    The study of capital structure are chiefly on the financial policy and financial decision .

  12. 企业财务战略主要由筹资战略、投资战略和利润分配战略构成。

    The financial strategy mainly consists of 3 parts : financing strategy , investment strategy and profit allocation strategy .

  13. 狭义的财务风险是指筹资风险,广义的财务风险包括筹资风险、投资风险、现金流量风险、利率风险和汇率风险。

    To a broad sense , it includes the risk of financing , investing , cash flow , interest rate and exchange rate , etc.

  14. 企业财务部门只有对筹资业务有很好的了解和把握,才能承担起企业财务管理工作的重任。

    Only the financial sector financing business to have a good understanding of and confidence in the financial management of enterprises can assume responsibility .

  15. 财务风险划分为筹资风险、投资风险、资金回收风险、收益分配风险和外汇风险。

    Financial risks are divided into fund-raising risk , investment risk , the risk of the returns on investment , income distribution risk and exchange risk .