
  • 网络Fiscal revenue structure;the Structure of Fiscal Revenue
  1. 都铎王朝财政收入结构由普通收入和非常收入两部分组成。

    The financial income of English Tudor Dynasty consisted mainly of two parts : ordinary income and extra ordinary income .

  2. 可持续地方财政收入结构的建立将意味着地方政府会逐渐失去土地财政。

    The establishment of sustainable local revenue structure will mean that the local government will gradually lose its " land finance " .

  3. 物业税的好处是多方面的,除可以抑制炒楼行为之外,还可优化地方政府财政收入结构,以及完善我国整个税收体系等。

    There lie many goods of property tax besides easing speculation , such as optimization of local financial revenue , and perfection of tax system .

  4. 农村税费改革开始使农村基层政府的财政收入结构发生重要变化,农村财政从传统财政向现代财政迈出了重要一步。

    The reform also causes the radical change of the fiscal revenue structure . The rural finance made an important step from traditional finance to modern finance .

  5. 之后,伪府建立了以税收为主体的财政收入结构,并不断扩大收入规模,至1941年12月太平洋战争爆发之前,取得了一定的成效。

    The puppet regime established a fiscal revenue structure in which the main body was taxation . It expanded the revenue scale incessantly and obtained considerable effects prior to the outbreak of the Pacific War in December 1941 .

  6. 从都铎王权财政收入结构看,王权对议会具有很强的依赖性,这突出体现在关税和议会税在财政结构中的地位和作用上。

    In view of the financial structure of Tudor Dynasty , the monarchical power relied deeply on the Parliament , which was clearly shown by the position and function of customs and direct tax in the financial structure .

  7. 从自治财政收入结构及地方事业经费筹措机制来看,新县制的经济基础并未得以巩固,主要问题在于财权与庶政的二元结构矛盾。

    Raise from autonomy fiscal revenues structure and local undertaking funds mechanism , the economic base made in New County can not be consolidated , the subject problem lies in structural contradiction of the Finance Property and Public Affairs .

  8. 通过对中央和地方一般预算收入分级比重情况、税收收入和非税收入结构情况以及税收收入结构情况的分析,可取得财政收入结构的合理区间范围,以实现我国财政收入运行科学化。

    Passing analysis to grade proportion condition for central and local general budgetary receipts , tax revenue and non tax revenue . We may get the reasonable interval scope of financial income structure in order to realize the financial income operation science .

  9. 省际财政收入的结构比较分析包括一般预算收入占财政总收入比重、税收收入占一般预算收入比重、税收收入与非税收入增长速度、税收收入内部结构等内容。

    Including general budget revenue in the proportion of total fiscal revenue , tax revenues accounted for the proportion of general budget revenue , tax revenue and non-tax revenue growth , internal structure of tax revenues and so on .

  10. 土地财政的收入结构经历了以协议出让收入为主向以拍卖和挂牌出让收入为主的转变,土地的市场价值不断得到体现,市场的力量在土地定价和土地出让中逐渐得到加强。

    The revenue structure of land finance experienced a chang from agreement transfer to auction and listing transfer . The market value of the land continue to be reflected . And market forces gradually strengthened in land selling and pricing . 3 .

  11. 论我国财政收入规模与结构的科学化及实现途径

    On Popularizing Science and approaches of Chinese financial Scale Income and Structure

  12. 贵阳市财政收入规模和结构的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of the Scale and Composition of the Government Revenue in Guiyang

  13. 财政收入规模与结构的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Gross and the Composition of Government Revenue On Revenue Designing

  14. 不同的财政收入与支出结构,反映一个国家不同时期的经济发展特点。

    Different taxes and expenditure structures reflect different economic development features of a country .

  15. 本文用经济计量方法对我国财政收入规模与结构进行了实证分析。

    We empirically analyze the gross and the composition of government revenue with econometrical method .

  16. 消费税不仅对财政收入和经济结构有着明显的影响,而且对收入分配和社会公平有着重要的调节作用,甚至在一定程度上还能引导国民的消费观念和节约意识。

    Consumption tax has a significant impact not only on the revenue and economic structure but also on income distribution and social justice .

  17. 家庭规模结构与住宅市场财政收入规模与结构的实证分析

    THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE SCAL AND STRUCTURE OF FAMILY AND THE RESIDENTIAL MARKET Empirical Analysis of the Gross and the Composition of Government Revenue

  18. 通过对我国财政收入规模和结构的实证分析,可得到财政收入规模的合理区间范围;

    Passing really certificate analysis to Chinese scale income and structure of Chinese finance , we may get the reasonable interval scope of financial scale income .

  19. 就科技推动财税发展这个方面,分别从财税管理的效率,财政收入规模与结构以及公共供给的作用三个方面进行探讨。

    Concerning the aspect of science-technology pushing finance-taxation forward , we probe into it from three angles including the efficiency of finance-taxation management , the scale and composition of finance-taxation revenue and the effect of public offering .

  20. 但我国目前的财政理论、财政收入结构、养老保险费的征缴以及财政支出结构都不能满足改革的要求。

    Yet at present , all of our finance theory , revenue and expenditure structure , and the collection of the endowment insurance fee can not satisfy the requirement of the endowment insurance system reform .

  21. 近三十年来,加工贸易起到推动经济增长、扩大对外贸易、促进就业、增加财政收入、带动产业结构升级和技术进步等方面的作用,为本省经济的发展做出重大贡献。

    For nearly three decades , processing trade made great efforts in promoting economic growth , expanding international trade , offering lots of job opportunities , increasing financial revenue , upgrading the whole industry and improving local technology .

  22. 在国家正式提出北部湾经济区的战略下,广西渔业在促进广西经济发展、创造就业机会、增加财政收入、加快产业结构调整等方面日益重要。

    Under the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone strategy which was officially put forward by China , fisheries in Guangxi has played a more and more important role in improving economic development in Guangxi , creating more job opportunities , increasing financial revenue and accelerating industrial restructuring .

  23. 一个部分是财政收入的流程,涉及财政收入的结构和分布问题,例如:正赋、耗羡等。

    One is the process of fiscal revenue , including the structure and distribution of the fiscal revenue , for instance , zheng fu ( the imperial tax on local revenues ) and hao xian and so on .

  24. 本章主要涵盖了省际财政收入的数量比较分析及其省际财政收入的结构比较分析。

    This chapter covers a number of inter-provincial comparative analyses of revenue and provincial revenue structure is analyzed .

  25. 财政支出效益受到各种因素影响,主要有财政政策目标、收入结构、支出分配结构、财力状况、支出层级、预算编制、预算执行、预算监督等因素。

    The effectiveness is influenced by various factors , mainly including policy objectives , revenue structure , distribution and spending structure , financial capacity , budget plan , budget implementation , budget supervision , etc.

  26. 本文以山西省大同市财政收入构成存在的问题为例,对调整和优化地方财政收入结构的若干问题进行探讨和分析,并对地方财政收入结构的优化提出了设想。

    This paper , which forms the problems as an example existing in the structure of the urban fiscal revenues in Datong of Shanxi Province , probes into and analyzes about several problems of regulating and optimizing the structure of local fiscal revenues , and tables some proposals for these .

  27. 与之相应的财政支出结构调整的重点在于生态品和科技品投资的加强,财政收入结构则强调特别税系和环保公债政策的协调。

    The key to adjusting financing structure is giving more financial support on eco-product and high-tech product and coordinating special taxes and the policy for environment bond .