
  • 网络tenpay;tenpay.com
  1. 阿里巴巴的互联网竞争对手腾讯(Tencent)旗下的财付通(Tenpay)占有五分之一的市场份额;

    Internet rival Tencent has market share of one-fifth with its system Tenpay ;

  2. 腾讯还计划将支付平台财付通(Tenpay)与微信整合在一起。财付通是阿里巴巴旗下支付宝(Alipay)的竞争对手。

    It is also integrating its payment platform Tenpay , which competes with Alibaba-linked Alipay , into WeChat .

  3. 周日中国互联网巨头腾讯控股有限公司(TencentHoldingsLtd.)旗下的第三方支付机构财付通(TenPay)停止与比特币中国的合作。

    On Sunday , TenPay , the third-party payment unit of Chinese Internet giant Tencent Holdings Ltd. , stopped working with BTC China .

  4. 内嵌支付宝、财付通、Paypal的支付系统,支持人民币、欧元、美元的收款业务。

    Embedded Alipay , TenPay , Paypal payment system to support the yuan , the euro , the dollar 's collection business .

  5. 选择了财付通(Tenpay)的受访者比例为26%。财付通是腾讯(Tencent)旗下的支付平台,是支付宝的主要竞争对手。

    Alipay 's chief rival Tenpay , owned by Tencent , was cited by 26 per cent of respondents .

  6. 对于腾讯旗下的在线支付业务财付通(Tenpay)和微信支付(WeixinPayment)来说,这一同盟是一个利好,因为万达电商将首选这两种支付方式。

    The alliance will also help promote Tencent 's online payment businesses Tenpay and Weixin Payment , which are to be the venture 's preferred payment channels .

  7. 去年中国消费者用他们的智能手机完成了价值3.5万亿美元的交易,不过,该市场占主导地位的是阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的支付宝(Alipay)和腾讯(Tencent)的财付通(Tenpay)。

    Chinese consumers used their smartphones to make $ 3.5tn worth of transactions last year but the market is dominated by Alibaba 's Alipay and Tencent 's Tenpay .

  8. 腾讯控股正在通过微信和网上支付平台财付通(Tenpay)扩张电子商务业务,财付通与阿里巴巴的支付宝(Alipay)相互竞争。

    Tencent is expanding its e-commerce business through WeChat and the popular online-payments platform Tenpay , which competes with Alibaba 's affiliated Paypal-like service , Alipay .

  9. 许多观察家推测,腾讯封杀支付宝,是为了提高其与之竞争的在线支付引擎财付通(Tenpay)的使用量。腾讯否认了这一指控。

    Many observers assumed Tencent had blocked Alipay to boost usage of its competing online payments engine Tenpay , a charge Tencent denies .

  10. 支付市场由支付宝(Alipay)主导,后者由阿里巴巴旗下蚂蚁金服(AntFinancial)运营,占有逾一半的市场份额,但花旗银行(Citibank)数据显示,今年第三季度财付通(Tenpay)以38.3%的份额排名第二。

    It is dominated by Alipay , which is operated by Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial and has more than half the market , but TenPay ranks second with a 38.3 per cent share in the third quarter , according to Citibank .

  11. 上周五晚,中国央行发布了管理在线支付的具体规定。中国在线支付行业由电子商务巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的支付宝(Alipay)以及社交媒体和游戏集团腾讯(Tencent)的支付平台财付通主宰。

    The PBoC followed up late on Friday with specific rules governing online payments , a sector dominated by Alipay , an affiliate of ecommerce giant Alibaba , and Caifutong , the payment arm of social media and gaming group Tencent .

  12. 与此同时,直到最近都在电子商务领域占极小份额的腾讯,已经升级了其广受欢迎的即时通讯应用微信(WeChat),允许商家通过自己的微信账号直接销售产品,并通过财付通完成支付。

    Meanwhile , Tencent , which until recently had a minimal presence in ecommerce , has enhanced its popular WeChat instant messaging app to allow brands to sell products directly through their WeChat accounts , with payments processed by Tenpay .

  13. 对腾讯来说,“战利品”不仅仅是出租车乘客——他们一直努力鼓励人们使用财付通(Tenpay,腾讯类似贝宝(PayPal)的在线支付系统),因为就在线支付领域来说,阿里巴巴的支付宝(Alipay)处于领先地位。

    For Tencent , the prize is even bigger than just taxi customers - they have been trying to encourage people to use Tenpay , their PayPal-like online payment system , because Alibaba dominates online payments with its Alipay .

  14. 阿里巴巴和腾讯分别向不用现金、而使用支付宝和财付通(Tenpay)结算出租车费的乘客和司机返还了数千万美元。

    Both Alibaba and Tencent spent tens of millions of dollars on hefty rebates to riders and drivers for paying taxi fares with Alipay and Tenpay , respectively , instead of cash .

  15. 财付通一直难以扩大市场份额,而支付宝在中国的在线支付市场占据霸主地位。北京互联网咨询公司艾瑞咨询(iResearch)估计,支付宝占有50%的市场,而财付通的市场份额为20%。

    Tenpay has struggled to gain market share amid Alipay 's dominance of online payment - estimated by Beijing internet company iResearch at 50 per cent against Tenpay 's 20 per cent .

  16. 该公司人士承认,就市场占有率而言,目前第三方支付业务的“老大”是支付宝,第二位是财付通,第三位才是CHINAPAY。

    The companies have admitted that in terms of market share of the current third-party payments business ," boss " is the payment of Alipay , the second one is Caifutong and the third is CHINAPAY .

  17. 所有这些网站都接受财付通支付。

    All of these sites accept TenPay .

  18. 在收费模式方面,用户需使用诸如支付宝或财付通等第三方支付平台进行交割&这一特色有别于其他应用商店直接从用户的话费中扣款。

    Customers will need to use third-party payment platforms like AliPay or TenPay to make the transaction , unlike other app stores , whose payments are directly deducted from users'mobile phone accounts .

  19. 艾瑞咨询的数据显示,其支付附属公司“财付通”去年处理了中国20%的第三方在线支付,同比仅上升半个百分点,远低于“支付宝”的48%。

    Its payment affiliate , Caifutong , processed 20 per cent of Chinese third-party online payments last year , compared with Alipay 's 48 per cent , according to iResearch . That 's up only half a percentage point from a year earlier .