
cái wù bào ɡào
  • financial report;statement of accounts
  1. 第三,年度报告非强制性信息披露和IFR(网络财务报告)自愿披露都不足。

    Third , non-compulsive information and internet financial report 's disclosure are insufficient .

  2. 为了纠正标准财务报告的不足之处,EVA的实施者可通过调整企业会计准则下的利润数字来得到更可靠的EVA估计。

    To correct the distortions of the standard financial report , the implementers of EVA can get the credible EVA estimates by adjusting the income figures under GAAP .

  3. 例句由于这家公司发表了最新的财务报告,与其最主要的竞争对手的合并计划已被搁置。

    Due to the latest financial reports released by the company , the merger1 with their closest rival has been put on ice .

  4. 事实上,2008年后,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)已经认定中国内地会计准则等同于欧盟(EU)采用的《国际财务报告准则》。

    Indeed , since 2008 , the European Commission has deemed mainland standards as equivalent to IFRS as adopted by the European Union .

  5. 准则咨询委员会(SAC)和国际财务报告解释委员会(IFRIC)的作用;

    ( 4 ) the roles of SAC and IFRIC ;

  6. 从而为XBRL财务报告分类标准的改进和完善提供理论和数据支持。

    Thereby the theory and data sustain is offered to improve the financial reporting taxonomy . 4 .

  7. 由于传统的财务报告都是PDF、DOC、HTML等格式的非结构化文档,甚至是纸介质的打印版,难于查询,更难于进行数据分析,无法获得信息使用者所需求的信息。

    The traditional finical report is non-structural document such as PDF , DOC or HTML , even is printed with paper , which is very difficult to finding and analyzing data .

  8. 在MRP/ERP系统中,作业成本方法(ABC)只能运行在集成系统之外,作为对组织现有的财务报告和预算系统的补充,由此大大限制了ABC信息的应用。

    With MRPII / ERP , ABC ( Activity-based Costing ) system can only be implemented as supplement of formal accounting and budgeting system , which terribly prevent the management using ABC information .

  9. 美国会计课程教授的是美国企业所使用的财务报告准则&公认会计准则(GAAP)。

    Accounting programmes in the US teach generally accepted accounting principles , which are the financial reporting standards used by US companies .

  10. 这些类别是XBRL形成语义透明性的机制,可以引用行业和全球财务报告标准,包括由XII本身维护的标准&GlobalLedgerFramework。

    These taxonomies are the mechanism for semantic transparency in XBRL , referencing industry and global financial reporting standards , including one maintained by XII itself & Global Ledger Framework .

  11. 可扩展企业报告语言(XBRL)是一种可用于企业财务报告的编制、发布、数据交换和财务报表分析的标准方法。

    XBRL is a standard way available for the preparation , publishing and data exchange of business financial reporting and the analysis of financial statement .

  12. 当联想在8月份发布上一份财务报告时,公司首席执行官威廉阿梅里奥(WilliamAmelio)尽最大努力使外界不要提高对联想的预期。他声明,我们仍有许多事要做。

    When Lenovo last released financial results in August , William Amelio , chief executive , did his best not to raise expectations , declaring that we still have much to do .

  13. 在美国会计师事务所德勤(deloitte)的帮助下,美国的大学和商学院正加快步伐,努力将国际财务报告准则(ifrs)纳入课程之中。

    Universities and business schools in the US are stepping up efforts to incorporate international financial reporting standards into their curriculums with the help of Deloitte , the US accounting firm .

  14. 审核资产负债表、MREP报告、地方财务报告和税务报告;

    Review Balance sheet list , MREP report , local financial report , tax report ;

  15. 运用AHP方法筛选出目标企业,结合私募股权投资基金的特点,并根据目标企业(上市公司)模拟出一个非上市公司,运用目标企业财务报告的数据,构建出一套完整的价值定价模型。

    The target company is screened by the AHP , combined with the characteristics of private equity fund . While we can use the target companies ( listed companies ) to simulate a non-listed company by the data of financial reporting , building a complete set of pricing model .

  16. 占沪深300指数市值70%以上的成分股公司,目前由“四大”会计师事务所使用国际财务报告准则(ifrs)进行审计:中国内地的会计过失风险,目前并不高于其它新兴市场。

    More than 70 per cent of the CSI 300 market cap is now audited by the big four accounting firms using IFRS : the risk of accounting misadventures is now no higher than other emerging markets .

  17. 他还主持了伯克利的年度会议上提出财务报告。

    He also chaired Berkeley 's Annual Conference on Financial Reporting .

  18. 关于财务报告质量衡量标准体系建设的思考

    Ideas about constructing standard system to evaluate quality of financial statements

  19. 我国开展财务报告内部控制评价探析

    Analysis of Evaluation of Internal Control over Financial Reporting in China

  20. 我国现行财务报告内容方面的缺陷及改进建议

    Our Country Present Financial Report Content Aspect Flaw and Improvement Suggestion

  21. 在所有的财务报告中你们都能看到类似的表格。

    You will find a similar one in every financial statement .

  22. 艺电将于5月7日发布2013年度财务报告。

    EA will announce results for fiscal 2013 on May 7 .

  23. 企业财务报告体系完善与发展的研究

    The Research of Corporation Financial Affairs Report Perfecting System and Development

  24. 增加上市公司财务报告舞弊的成本。

    Increase the cost of fraudulent financial reporting of listed companies .

  25. 我国财务报告的现状和改进

    Current Situation of Financial Statement of Our Country and Improvement Measures

  26. 开会之前,我们有必要过一遍Startford财务报告。

    We need to go over the Stratford account before the meeting .

  27. 电力上市公司财务报告可信度的综合评价

    Evaluation on trust degree in financial report of electric power stocking company

  28. 关于湖南省级政府财务报告的问题研究

    Research on the Issue of Hunan Provincial Government Financial Report

  29. 企业财务报告演进与预算管理研究

    Research on Financial Reporting Evolution and Budgeting Management in Enterprise

  30. 第六部分,其他财务报告分析。

    Part one discuses the analysis of foot notes to financial statements .