
  • 网络knowledge goods;Knowledge Merchandise
  1. 知识商品、才能商品与劳动价值论

    Knowledge Commodity , Talent Commodity and the Theory of Labour Value

  2. 论数字图书馆和知识商品市场运行机制

    The Running Mechanism of Knowledge Commodity Markets of Digital Libraries

  3. 信息化进程中知识商品交易价格问题研究

    Study on the Dealing Price of Intellectual Commodity in the Process of Informationization

  4. 建立知识商品经营专业培养知识经营职业人才

    Establishing Major of Knowledge Commodity Management and Training Professional Talents of Knowledge Management

  5. 论数字图书馆知识商品市场运营

    On the Knowledge Commodity Marketing in Digital Libraries

  6. 知识商品交易价格理论研究

    Study on Price Theory of Intellectual Merchandise Transaction

  7. 相对于物质商品,知识商品有其独特的多种特性。

    Compared to material commodity , the knowledge commodity has its unique and diverse characteristics .

  8. 后现代视野中知识商品化与高等教育的相关性研究

    The Correlation Between the Commercialization of Knowledge and Higher Education in Post-modern Point of View

  9. 知识商品价值的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Intellectual Commodity Values

  10. 高校是知识商品的主要生产基地之一,它的知识产权保护几乎涵盖知识产权的各个领域。

    Colleges and universities are one of the origins of intellectual goods and its intellectual property protection covers almost all areas of intellectual property rights .

  11. 信息资源的知识商品特性,共享的商品市场消费特征,决定了信息资源共享市场组织的必然性,论述了市场组织机制构建的原则与内容。

    The commodity feature of information determines the necessity of information sharing organization . This paper discusses the principle and content of market organizational mechanism construction .

  12. 研究、建立知识商品经营专业,培养知识经营职业技能人才,对促进社会经济高速发展将发挥重大作用。

    Studying and establishment major of knowledge commodity management and training professional talents of knowledge management will play great role to promote social economy development with high speed .

  13. 智能性劳动概念的提出有助于分析市场经济条件下关于知识商品价值形成及量化的一系列问题。

    The concept of intelligent labour force helps analyze a series of problems of the forming of knowledge commodity value and its quantization under the condition of market economy .

  14. 数字图书馆知识商品市场具有明显的特征和完备的功能,并在知识产权法律保护、市场调节、宏观调控的共同作用下实现其市场功能。

    It has clear characteristic and complete function . It realizes the market function through the intellectual property rights law protections , adjust in the market an macroscopic effect .

  15. 知识商品市场是实现知识商品有效配置和交易的场合,是整个社会市场体系的重要组成部分。

    The knowledge commodity markets are the occasion of realizing the effective disposal and trade of knowledge commodities , and are the important components of the whole society market system .

  16. 知识商品的生产是一个开放的系统,劳动是影响知识产权商品价值的内在因素,交换是影响知识商品价值的外在因素。

    The production of intellectual commodity is an open system , labor is the internal factor which affects the value of intellectual property commodity ; exchange is the external factor which affects the intellectual commodity value .

  17. 论文从知识商品的性质入手,在深入分析知识创造、扩散和应用的基础上,考察知识对于生产力、生产关系和经济组织三个方面发展的贡献。

    From the natures of knowledge , the dissertation began to investigate the contributions made by knowledge to the developments in the three respects of productivity , economic relations and economic organizations , on the bases of intensively analyses of knowledge creations , knowledge diffusions and knowledge applications .

  18. 部分答案在于,随着商业知识日益商品化和大型网络公开课(massiveopenonlinecourses,简称Moocs)的兴起,商学院之间的竞争也在加剧。

    Part of the answer lies in increased competition because of the growing availability of commoditised business knowledge and the rise of massive open online courses ( Moocs ) .

  19. 影响知识产权商品价值评估的因素是多种多样的。

    There are varied factors that affect the value evaluation .

  20. 知识产权商品价值评估中影响因素综述

    A Summaries of the Factors that Influence the Evaluation of Intellectual Property Value

  21. 同时在线实时帮助经销商学习销售知识和商品业务介绍等多种公司业务。

    And the system can help dealers learn a variety of sales knowledge and commodities business introductions online .

  22. 知识劳动力商品中的劳动二重性的新特点,导致了分配、产权制度的革新;

    Duality of labour , which is the new feature of knowledge labour commodity leads to the reform of title and distribution system .

  23. 本文认为,知识是商品,但知识又具有不同于一般商品的特殊商品属性;

    This paper holds that knowledge is a commodity , which , however , is distinguished from common commodities by their distinctive attributes .

  24. 价值的效率内涵在物质商品和知识成果商品的价值形成上具有完全不同的表现形式。

    The efficiency implication of this value is displayed by totally different modes of expression in forming the value of material commodities and intellectual commodities .

  25. 知识是商品,教改正将教育推向市场,但教育产业又不能完全市场化。

    Knowledge is a kind of commodity , education reform is putting education to the market , but education business can not be totally marketized .

  26. 再次,有些消费者自身素质不高,自我保护意识和能力不强。如缺乏必要的消费知识、商品知识、市场知识及科学文化知识,特别是农村居民维权意识偏低。

    Thirdly , some consumers especially those in rural areas can not take adequate measures to protect themselves for lack of knowledge about merchandise , market , and science .

  27. 从马克思劳动价值理论出发,通过经济学视角来研究知识产权商品的属性及其使用价值和价值的表现特征,可以为知识产权商品交易的合理定价提供科学的理论依据。

    Based on the Marxist value theory of labor , from the economic view , this paper works on the commodity nature of property rights of knowledge and the characteristics of value and using value , in order to find the reasonable prices of property rights of knowledge .

  28. 基于知识发现的商品住宅有效需求趋势预测方法

    A Knowledge Discovery Way for the Demand Trend Forecast of Commercial Domicile

  29. 知识产权的商品化问题,是现代市场经济生活中常见的一种经济行为。

    Commercialization issues of IPRs , is an economic act in the modern market economy .

  30. 科技成果是知识密集性商品,科技成果转化具有知识流动性的本质。

    Technology achievement is a product of knowledge , so the transfer of technology achievement has the property of knowledge .