
zhī shí chǎn quán fǎ
  • intellectual property law;intellectual property rights law
  1. 在ICT产业,保护技术创新就是在保护竞争,通过技术创新带动其他反垄断政策目标的实现,并有效地平抑知识产权法和反垄断法之间的冲突。

    In the ICT industry , protection of technological innovation is to protect competition . Technological innovation can make other antitrust policy objectives come true . It can also effectively stabilize the conflict between intellectual property law and antitrust law . 4 .

  2. 权利穷竭原则,是知识产权法上的一个重要原则。

    Exhaustion doctrine is a fundamental rule in intellectual property law .

  3. 我们要尽快修改完善我国知识产权法,以适应加入WTO的需要。

    We should revise and perfect our law of intellectual property rights so as to make it suitable for the requirements of WTO .

  4. 英国的政府官员们在听取了IanHargreaves教授的报告之后,接受了这些对知识产权法的修改建议。

    The UK ministers accepted recommendations on intellectual property after a review by Professor Ian Hargreaves .

  5. 尽管最近世贸组织(WTO)明确规定,中国的电影分销网络必须对本国和外国公司一视同仁,不过一位擅长中国知识产权法的律师史蒂夫•迪金森指出,美国电影业不必对这项规定感到过于兴奋。

    And China shows no signs of changing , despite a high profile recent WTO decision declaring that China must give equal treatment to foreigners as it does to domestic companies in its film distribution network .

  6. 我国根据WTO/TRIPS协议要求已经修改了知识产权法,但对于WTO/TRIPS协议规定的纺织品外观设计保护这一问题还没有明确规定。

    China has modified its intellective property right law according to the agreements of WTO / TRIPS , but the protection of textile appearance design in legislation which is particularly emphasized by the agreements of WTO / TRIPS is not regulated obviously .

  7. TODD:中国官员表示,他们的贸易政策并没有不公平,他们也在加强执行保护知识产权法的力度但是美国公司的投诉可能会促使国会采取行动,尤其是刚刚在众议院获得大多数优势的共和党领袖。

    TODD : Chinese officials say their trade policies are not unfair , and they 're enforcement of intellectual property laws . But the list of American complaints may prompt action from Congress , especially newly empowered Republican leaders in the House .

  8. 知识产权法体系重构初探

    A Preliminary Research on Reestablishment of Intellectual Property Right Law System

  9. 论网络环境中知识产权法的法律效力

    The Law Effect on the Intellectual Property Rights under the Internet

  10. 平行进口与我国知识产权法完善

    Parallel Import and the Improvement of Intellectual Property Law in China

  11. 那么,微软也藐视知识产权法吗?

    Does Microsoft scoff at intellectual property law too , then ?

  12. 知识产权法目的与利益平衡研究

    Research on the Aim of Intellectual Property Law and Balancing of Interests

  13. 反不正当竞争法确立了知识产权法的基本原则,是知识产权法体系中具有基础地位的一般法。

    Anti-unfair competition law establishes the basic principle of intellectual property law .

  14. 析知识产权法中的公共利益概念

    An theoretical explanation of ' Public Interest ' in intellectual property law

  15. 越南知识产权法初论

    A First Probe into Vietnam 's Intellectual Property Rights Law

  16. 商业外观知识产权法保护的基本模式。

    The basic model in trade dress protection of intellectual property law .

  17. 知识产权法与民法典关系论纲

    On the Relationship between Intellectual Properly Law and Civil Code

  18. 论国际知识产权法的社会基础

    On the Social Base of the International Intellectual Property Law

  19. 计算机软件知识产权法保护模式研究

    Protected Mode Study on Computer Software 's Intellectual Property Rights

  20. 知识产权法价值的伦理迷失及其回归路径

    Ethical Loss of Law of Knowledge Property and Path of Its Return

  21. 然而,当今的知识产权法却未能有效地回应它所提出的挑战。

    However , nowadays intellectual property law can not response to the challenge .

  22. 权威人士说两法统一知识产权法新论

    New theory on the unification of intellectual property law

  23. 平行进口既是知识产权法的问题,同时也是竞争法的问题。

    Parallel imports relate to IP and competition law ( antitrust law ) .

  24. 第二部分详细阐述了禁令在知识产权法中的具体运用。

    The second part discusses injunction 's specific application in intellectual property law .

  25. 由此可见,反不正当竞争法与知识产权法的关系非常密切。

    Thus , anti-unfair competition law and intellectual property have a close relationship .

  26. 国际知识产权法之法律地位

    The legal position of the International intellectual property law

  27. 知识产权法与公共利益探微

    Study on Intellectual Property Rights Law and Public Interest

  28. 知识产权法必须要做到一个艰难的平衡。

    Intellectual property law must strike a difficult balance .

  29. 因此,需要在知识产权法与反垄断法之间寻求某种平衡。

    It is required to balance between intellectual property law and anti-trust law .

  30. 知识产权法中的权利穷竭原则

    On the Exhaustion Doctrine on Intellectual Property Law