
  • 网络Intellectual Property Right Trust
  1. 我国知识产权信托法律制度研究

    Study on Trust Legal System of Intellectual Property in China

  2. 知识产权信托:知识产权运作机制

    Intellectual Property Trusts : Trading Mechanism of Intellectual Property

  3. 知识产权信托与科技成果转化

    Intellectual Property Trust and Scientific & Technological Achievements Transfer

  4. 在知识产权信托中,评估贯穿始终,在信托设立及存续期间都需要独立公正且精确的评估机制参与。

    Evaluation runs through the whole intellectual property trust , because in the establishment and duration of trust , independent , impartial and accurate evaluation is necessary .

  5. 本文在考察了信托制度的起源和发展的基础上,提出了知识产权信托制度,并就知识产权信托的法律特征、可行性、优点等问题进行了分析。

    Based on inspecting the origin and development of trust system , this paper investigates the character 、 feasibility and advantage of intellectual property trust in china .

  6. 本文认为知识产权信托有利于科技成果的转化,分析了知识产权信托的可能性,并探讨了如何将信托运用到科技成果转化中。

    This paper presents that intellectual property trust is beneficial to scientific & technological achievements transfer , and analyses the possibility and operating procedure of intellectual property trust .

  7. 最后对我国目前知识产权信托存在的一些问题提出了相应的法律制度角度建议,在知识产权信托登记、评估及监管方面均有所涉及。

    At last , this paper makes some corresponding suggestions in existed problems of intellectual property trust in China from the perspective of legal system , in which intellectual property trust registration , evaluation and supervision are involved .

  8. 无奈的现状急需我们找到一条激励创新、促进知识产权产业化的新途径。知识产权信托便在这种形势下应运而生。

    In this helpless circumstance , we need to find a new way which encourage innovation and promote intellectual property industrialization .

  9. 知识产权与金融资产非常类似,具有拥有的风险性和处理的困难性,知识产权同样可以作为信托财产,适于信托。

    Intellectual property is similar to the finance capital , having the Characteristic of the risk of possesses and the difficulty to deal with .