
  1. 知识经济与就业革命

    On the Knowledge Economy and Employment Revolution

  2. 两国一直在领土和用水研究机构权上公开叫板,还暗中在知识产权和就业签证问题上较劲。

    The two countries have openly tussled over land and water rights , and more covertly over questions of intellectual property and employment visas .

  3. 知识型员工就业力在主管职业支持和工作角色绩效、职业角色绩效之间发挥了中介效应,即主管职业支持通过影响员工的就业力,进而影响了员工的工作角色绩效和职业角色绩效;

    Employability of knowledge workers acts as mediator between Supervisor Career Support and Job - role and Career - role Performance , so do the three dimensions of Employability .

  4. 一些经济能力有限的家庭密切关注着大学就业率。由于学费上涨,这些家庭需要一些证据来表明:他们花了重金的大学不仅可以提供知识还能保证就业。

    Colleges ' job-placement rates have come under intense scrutiny as cost-conscious families , stung by rapidly rising tuition , want proof that universities can deliver on both academic and career fronts .

  5. 特殊儿童家长的需求主要包括物质需求、心理支持需要和教育辅导需要,心理支持包括心理咨询、社会支持网络的建构等,教育辅导包括康复医疗知识的学习、就业指导和婚姻服务等。

    Psychological support include of counseling , construction of social support network . Education counseling include of rehabilitation medical knowledge learning , employment and marriage service and so on .

  6. 结论高职护理院校应深化护理教育教学改革,拓展学生知识面;加强就业指导及相关服务工作,扩大就业口径和渠道以增加就业率。

    Conclusions Polytechnic schools should deepen the innovation of nursing education , broaden the knowledge , strengthen the employment guidance , wide the employment caliber and channel to increase the employment rate .

  7. 从工业化革命到今天高度全球化、信息化的知识经济时代,就业质量越来越受到学界、政府以及企业和劳动者的关注。

    Employment quality has increasingly become a matter of utmost concern among scholars , governments and enterprises as well as employees from industrialization through the knowledge-economy era with high-level globalization and information .

  8. 主管职业支持对知识型员工的就业力及其三个子维度均有显著影响,而且主管职业支持对员工的职业角色绩效有直接的影响作用;

    Supervisor Career Support has a positive effect on the Employability of knowledge workers , and also on the three dimensions of Employability , that is , the career supports from supervisors will benefit employees for their improvement of employability .