
  • 网络self-employed;Self employed;Self-employment;self employment
  1. 但据健维健康研究中心(HealthwaysCenterforHealthResearch)的副总裁卡特·科伯雷(CarterCoberley)说,在自雇企业所有人的生活中,压力仍是一个持续存在、而且往往被忽视的因素。

    But stress remains a constant , and too often ignored , factor in the lives of self-employed business owners , said Carter Coberley , vice president of the Healthways Center for Health Research .

  2. 拟在中国(尤其是在北京)举行或参加会议的外国商人,以及使用F字签证的大量咨询顾问、其他自雇人士或临时外国居民,将受到最大影响。

    Foreign business-people hoping to hold or attend conferences in China , particularly in Beijing , will be most affected , along with large numbers of consultants and other self-employed or part-time foreign residents who use the visas .

  3. DebraGordon现今是在佛吉尼亚州的一位自雇医学作家。曾经她在一家很大的都市报社当记者,后来经历了情绪崩溃。

    Debra Gordon , now a self-employed medical writer in Virginia , was working for a major metropolitan newspaper as a reporter when her meltdown occurred .

  4. 这些弱点会影响成功的自雇人士。

    These weaknesses will affect how successful a self-employed person is .

  5. 对你可能比较好的会是自雇的方式。

    It is perhaps better for you to be self-employed .

  6. 我父亲是一名自雇的销售培训师。

    My father , a self-employed sales trainer , was that sick , that tired .

  7. 现在是反对党把关于自雇者的计划和盘托出的时候了。

    It is time that the opposition came clean about their plans for the self-employed .

  8. 自雇可以带来许多好处。

    Self employment could bring many advantages .

  9. 自雇人士也没有稳定的工资。

    Self-employed people have no guaranteed wage .

  10. 自雇人士须按其有关入息的5%供款。

    A self-employed person will have to contribute 5 per cent of his or her relevant income .

  11. 销售代理商是独立的、自雇的个人,他们代表许多不同的名片或者礼品公司。

    Agents are independent , self-employed individuals who represent a number of different card or giftware companies .

  12. 假如阁下是自雇人士,您需要专家帮忙解决您的强积金负担。

    If you re self employed you need an expert to help you work out your MPF obligations .

  13. 这一部分的内容从自雇谋生权实现的总体思路和实现的具体制度两个层次展开。

    This part consists of two layers which are the general thinking and the specific system of realization .

  14. 如果你是自雇人士,然后创造更多价值会自动转化为更高的利润和收入。

    If you are self-employed , then creating more value will automatically translate into higher profits & income .

  15. 对自雇人士的好处之一是,利润的生意,可以属于所有者。

    One of the advantages of being self-employed is that the profit the business makes belongs to the owner .

  16. 这样一种管理方式使得这些低端自雇者与政府管理部门间的矛盾不断升级,暴力事件不绝于耳。

    Such a management style makes the conflict between government administration and self-employed escalate , the violence last permanently .

  17. 如果自雇人士的商业成功,他有机会赚很多钱。

    If the self-employed person succeeds in business , he has the chance to earn a great deal of money .

  18. 我是自雇人士的全球合作伙伴,代表厦门,福建省,中国的业务发展。

    I am a self employed global partner and representative based in Xiamen , Fujian , China for business development .

  19. 这些措施包括削减免税额度,并对自雇者征税100-300欧元。

    The measures included a cut in the tax-free allowance , and a tax levy of 100-300 for the self-employed .

  20. 他们受雇于企业管理咨询公司、广告公司以及公共和私营部门或者自雇。

    They are employed by management consulting firms , advertising agencies and throughout the public and private sectors or are self-employed .

  21. 但我从未后悔过在几年后离开伦敦金融城、开始自主创业,自雇生涯风险更高、但带给了我更大的满足感。

    But I have never regretted leaving the City after a few years for the riskier but more satisfying life of self-employment .

  22. 比较适合电子业,机械或者军事业,健康,工程或者在IT业中自雇的职业。

    Typical career routes include electronics , mechanics , the armed forces , fitness instruction , engineering , self-employment in the IT industry .

  23. 虽然不是所有的自雇人士是完全免费的,其中大多数人在这方面比工薪阶层更多的控制。

    While not all self-employed people are completely free , most of them have more control over this area than the salaried people .

  24. 自雇者们通过自食其力谋得生存,能够有效缓解城市的就业压力,促进社会稳定。

    The self-employed are making a living by self-reliance , which can effectively alleviate the pressure on urban employment and promote the social stability .

  25. 这些集团正将该地区数千自雇石油和天然气工人的薪酬削减至多15%。

    The groups are cutting up to 15 per cent of the pay of thousands of self-employed oil and gas workers in the region .

  26. 自雇移民的申请者必须提供能证明自身技术和自雇经历的所有资料。

    Applicants who are , or have been self employed , must provide evidence to demonstrate that they possess suitable skills in the nominated occupation .

  27. 由于自雇者、初创企业和一人型微企业在劳动力大军中所占比例越来越大,劳动者在享受更大自由的同时,也面临着更大的风险。

    As self-employment , start-ups and one-person micro-businesses comprise a larger share of the workforce , workers are becoming more free and more at risk .

  28. 因为许多景观建筑师为小公司工作,或者是自雇人士,效益往往要小于在大型组织中的工人提供的慷慨。

    Because many landscape architects work for small firms or are self-employed , benefits tend to be less generous than those provided to workers in large organizations .

  29. 而对于这些弱势群体,一些政府部门却以其外部不经济性为由对其采取了以堵为主的政策,全面取缔某些低端自雇者的生存空间。

    But some government departments take block-mainly policy based on the external diseconomies of self-employment and put a blanket ban on living space of these low-end self-employed .

  30. 相比受薪人士90%的医保覆盖率,自雇企业所有人中只有75%拥有医保&这是这两类人群最显著的区别。

    Three-fourths of self-employed business owners reported having health insurance , compared with 9 in 10 among other workers & the most significant difference between the two groups .