
  • 网络Employment-Based;Employment Bautomotive service engineersd Immigrine
  1. 职业移民多为移民国家所采用。

    The later is more adapted by Nation of Immigrants .

  2. 世界各国普遍建立了较为完善的外国人就业管理法律制度对国内外国劳工就业进行规范,根据不同的移民管理制度,国内学者将外国人就业区分为职业移民与国际劳工。

    Countries worldwide have generally established fairly good management laws of the employment of foreigners to regulate domestic foreign labor . In the light of different Migration Management Systems , Chinese scholars divided Aliens Employment into professional immigrants and International Labor .

  3. 各职业过渡期移民心理健康水平均较安置地居民低。

    The mental health of transitional immigrants is worse than their counterparts at different occupation .

  4. 另外,如果你是在本国以外的其它国家求职的话,别忘了带上有关你在原住国的职业经历的移民文件。

    In addition , if one is seeking employment in a country other than one 's own , be sure to bring all immigration papers which relate to employment in your host country .

  5. 然而,以上学生签证的持有者可以按照新的SOL表内的职业来申请技术移民永居签证。

    However these student visa holders will be required to have an occupation on the new SOL to apply for a permanent GSM visa .