
  • 网络Professional Trainer;IPTs;CIPL
  1. 纽约的高管和职业培训师梅雷迪思•哈伯费尔德(MeredithHaberfeld)说,为博取老板欢心而不惜牺牲同事利益的人会招致不满。

    The boss 's pet who ingratiates himself at the expense of his co-workers incites negative judgments , says Meredith Haberfeld , a New York-based executive and career coach .

  2. 费城职业与私人培训师朱莉・科恩(JulieCohen)说,某些公司的文化鼓励新人激烈竞争和加班。

    Certain firms ' cultures breed intense competition and long hours among new hires , says Julie Cohen , a Philadelphia career and personal coach .