
  • 网络career anchor
  1. 本研究是关于工作情景中认知资源与职业锚关系的研究,目的是探讨职业锚对认知资源与工作绩效关系的影响作用。

    The present research is focused on the relationship between cognitive resources and career anchors in work settings . The objective of the research is to investigate the effect of career anchor on relationship between intelligent resources and job performance .

  2. 本研究在Schein职业锚理论的基础上,进一步研究编制成大学生职业锚问卷。

    This research was based on the career anchor theory proposed originally by E.H. Schein and a career anchor questionnaire was developed .

  3. 自美国心理学家Schein首次提出职业锚概念及相关理论以来,关于职业锚的延伸研究越来越多,已经形成了一定的体系。

    Since the American psychologist Schein put forward the concept of career anchor and the relevant theories first time , the further research become more and more , and has formed a certain system .

  4. 职业锚和职业发展道路的倾向性在性别、年龄、职务、个性类型上都有显著差异。

    Career anchor and career routes preference varied significantly between work groups .

  5. 职业锚理论应用于护士职业生涯规划的思考

    Application of the career anchor theory in nurses career planning

  6. 大学生职业锚的测量及其在职业生涯规划中的运用

    Meterage of career anchor and exertion for college student ′ s career planning

  7. 其中,对安全性职业锚这个维度的重视程度最高。

    And people pay the highest attention on security .

  8. IT企业在职人员职业锚问卷的初步编制及现状调查

    The Preliminary Development and Application of Career Anchor Questionnaire for IT Enterprise Employees

  9. 工作情景中认知资源与职业锚关系的研究

    An Analysis of the Relationship between Cognitive Resources and Career Anchor in Work Settings

  10. 职业锚理论在大学生职业生涯规划中的应用

    Students ' Career Plan with Career Anchor Theory

  11. 研究发现:(1)自编的大学生职业锚问卷具有良好的信效度。

    The Career Anchor Questionnaire developed in this research has favorable reliability and validity .

  12. 职业锚&定位你的职业发展

    Career Anchor-Ser Direction of Your Development

  13. 在沪外企白领职业锚、工作选择与工作满意度的关系

    Relationship between Career Anchor , Job Selection and Job Satisfaction for White Collar Employees in Shanghai MNCs

  14. 本文因此认为,应该以职业锚为基础,建立职业发展管理系统。

    Therefore , the author suggests it is reasonable to establish career development management system based on career anchor .

  15. “职业锚”可以指导、约束和稳定个人的职业生涯。

    " Career anchor " plays the important role of guiding , restricting and ensuring in one 's career .

  16. 借鉴人力资源开发与培训的相关理论,从职业锚角度考察农村教师流失现象,可以使我们找到解决此问题的新办法,即建立多重职业生涯发展阶梯。

    The article inspects this problem in career anchor perspective and proposes to build multi-career path to solve it .

  17. 一旦了解每一个职业锚,你就可以判断你的部门员工的职业锚。

    Once you understand what each anchor is , you can determine the career anchor for each employee in your department .

  18. 在此基础上确定经理人所属的职业锚类型,并进一步探讨职业锚对经理人职业生命周期的影响,为经理人职业生涯发展提供参考。

    Influences of career anchor on managers ' career lifecycle are discussed , which offers a reference to the career development of managers .

  19. 研究着重讨论了个性、职业锚对职业发展的影响作用。

    A questionnaires id developed on the base of previous research and our interview to measure career anchor , career route preference and personality .

  20. 从职业锚的概念及特征入手,根据人们需要、动机以及价值观的不同可将职业锚划分为不同的类型。

    Career anchor can be divided into different types in terms of people , 5 need , motion and values , Based on which , the career anchor type of managers can be defined .

  21. 因此企业人力资源管理工作应强化职业锚理论、压力管理、情感管理、企业文化和人力资源发展战略等方面工作。

    So enterprises should carry on the human resources management from the following aspects , such as career anchor theory , stress management , emotional management , corporate culture and human resources development strategy .

  22. 其中包括二元加权股权为核心的股权激励以及帮助员工开发职业锚、建立科学培训和知识共享体系、建立尊重人才的文化氛围等管理激励方法。

    Besides the " two dimensional weighting stock ownership incentive ", it also includes methods to help the workers to make the professional profession designs , to create a good training system and a system to discuss technological questions , and to form the atmosphere respecting the talented persons .

  23. 在对国内外职业选择、职业发展、职业锚理论进行研究的过程中,对相关理论的内容、类型、主要任务和对于职业发展的意义等进行了系统的分析、归纳和总结。

    The contents , types , main tasks and significance for career planning of relevant theories are systematically analyzed and summarized through the analysis of career choice , career development , and career anchor theory .

  24. 所以,本文从职业发展视角出发,综合运用职业锚理论、职业发展规划理论为该煤矿企业进行诊断把脉,并提出了相应的对策,为其实施人力资源开发战略献智献策。

    So the paper proceed from the perspective of career development , integrated use of career anchor theory , theory of career development plan for the coal companies " plus diagnosis ", and make the plan for implementation .

  25. 结果表明,苏州台资IT企业雇员流失影响因素主要包括五个方面:回报满意度、职业生活满意度、上司支持度、公司前景和职业锚定度。

    The results showed that main influence factors included five aspects : Reciprocate satisfaction , job life satisfaction , the superior suppport , the prospect of the enterprise and career anchor .

  26. 第二章介绍职业生涯管理的涵义和基本理论,包括人力资本理论、激励理论、心理契约理论、职业选择理论和职业锚理论;

    Chapter 2 introduces the contents of career management and the basic theories of career management , including the manpower capital theory , inspirit theory , psychology bargain theory , career choice theory and career anchor theory .