
  • 网络career awareness;professional awareness;vocation;Professionalism
  1. 高职学生职业意识调查与学校就业指导工作对策探讨

    Investigation of Career Awareness of Higher Vocational Students and Exploration of School Employment Guidance

  2. 珠三角地区中职学生职业意识培养研究

    A Study on Cultivating the Career Awareness in Secondary Vocational School Students in the Pearl River Delta Region

  3. 早期记者的职业意识和精神危机

    The professional consciousness and spiritual crisis of journalists in early times

  4. 对我国水球运动员职业意识指向的研究初探

    Types of the Professional Consciousness of Water Polo Players in China

  5. 强化职业意识,培养创新能力,扩大辐射效应。

    Consolidating profession consciousness , cultivating innovative ability and extending radiation effect .

  6. 试论21世纪教师应具备的职业意识

    Review on Professional Consciousness That Teachers Should Have in the 21st Century

  7. 论社会转型期图书编辑的职业意识

    Occupational Awareness of Book Editors during the Social Transition Period

  8. 高职学生职业意识教育的六式方法

    Six Ways of Improving Vocational Education Consciousness in Higher Vocational Education Students

  9. 大学生职业意识因素结构探究

    Research on Factors of Occupational Consciousness of the College Students

  10. 早期报人职业意识的演变

    The Evolvement of the Early Journalists ' Professional Consciousness

  11. 当代教师应具备的十种职业意识

    Ten Kinds of Professional Consciousness of Contemporary Teachers

  12. 体育学院女排运动员职业意识指向的研究

    The Research on the Direction of Professional Consciousness of Women Volleyball Players in University

  13. 本科设计教育与职业意识培养

    Undergraduate Design Education and Professional Consciousness Cultivation

  14. 大学毕业生择业的自主权越来越大,但由于大学生的择业观和高校的就业指导未能与时俱进,许多大学生的职业意识、竞争意识薄弱。

    But a lot of university students ' job consciousness and competition consciousness are weak .

  15. 第四章法官职业意识。

    Chapter IV. Professional Consciousness of Judge .

  16. 两相对比,发达国家职业意识教育对我国职业意识培养有着深刻的启示。

    Compared with the theory of the developed countries , we have been greatly inspired .

  17. 谈职业意识的强化教育

    Strengthening " Vocational Consciousness " Education

  18. 所谓微观职业意识是指公务员对于自身所从事的特定领域的职业的高度承诺。

    Micro career conscious means civil servants have high commitments of their position of certain fields .

  19. 高职文秘专业课堂教学中的职业意识培养

    On Development of Students ' Vocational Consciousness in Classroom Instruction of Secretarial Major in Vocational Colleges

  20. 编辑职业意识和审稿方法;

    Professional consciousness and examination method ;

  21. 中职饭店服务专业学生职业意识调查与思考

    On Investigation and Thoughts about Professional Consciousness of Students Majoring in Restaurant Service in Secondary Vocational Schools

  22. 而在英国,年轻女孩更有主见,她们有职业意识。

    In the UK , meanwhile : Young girls are much more determined , they are career-minded .

  23. 但其间的关系也颇错综复杂,职业意识并没有在短期内确立起它充分的游戏规则。

    However , as intricate it is , professional awareness only can not provide sufficient game rules .

  24. 初、高中毕业生对社会知之甚少,职业意识淡薄。

    Students graduated from secondary schools get little knowledge of the society , also have no consciousness of job .

  25. 二,文本中塑造的社会转型过程中产生的有鲜明职业意识和职业身份的近代都市人;

    The modern urban people with clear consciousness of profession in the process of social turning created in the novels ;

  26. 加强高师学生职业意识教育,培养他们的自我教育能力,是高师教育的主题。

    It is the theme of higher normal education to enhance the career awareness education and foster their self-education capacity .

  27. 致力于帮助生命个体开发职业意识、职业管理、职业规划和谋生教育计划;

    PIEG – dedicated to helping individuals develop career awareness , educational plan for survival , and career planning and management .

  28. 有职业意识的人早就发现,培养广阔的朋友圈,能在职场上获得丰厚回报。

    Career-minded people discovered long ago that cultivating a wide circle of friends can reap a handsome payback in the jobs market .

  29. 培养职业意识提高职业素质&职校生职业意识的养成及教育途径探析

    Foster Career Awareness Enhance Professional Competence & The Analysis of the Development of Career Awareness and Education Method for Students in Vocational School

  30. 本文对高职院校加强学生职业意识教育的意义、途径、方法等问题进行了初步探讨。

    This article makes a preliminary study into the meaning , ways and methods of strengthening vocational consciousness education in higher vocational colleges .