
  • 网络burnout;Job burnout;jobburnout
  1. 工作压力、社会支持与教师职业枯竭关系

    Relationship between job stress , social support and teachers ' burnout

  2. 中小学教师职业枯竭研究综述

    Summary on Burnout of High School-Primary School and Public School Teachers

  3. 高校教师职业枯竭心理疾患的原因及其对策

    Causes and Solutions to University Teachers ' Job Burnout Problem

  4. 特殊学校教师职业枯竭特点的研究

    Analysis on The Characteristics of Teachers ' Job Burnout in Special Schools

  5. 关注教师成长的盲区&职业枯竭

    Jobburnout : Blind Area of Teachers ' Development Needs Attention

  6. 广西城市中学体育教师职业枯竭现象分析

    Guangxi Urban Secondary Physical Education Teachers Analysis of Job Burnout

  7. 工作量大小对农村小学教师的职业枯竭程度有影响;

    Secondly , the workload of teachers had significant influence on job burnout .

  8. 最后对职业枯竭未来研究的趋势进行了展望和建议。

    Some expectation of the development of studies in the future is proposed .

  9. 高中阶段教师职业枯竭的多层研究

    Many-storied Study on Job Burnout of High School Teachers

  10. 特殊学校教师教学效能感特点及与职业枯竭的关系

    Characteristics of Teaching Efficacy among Special School Teachers and Its Relationship with Job Burnout

  11. 职业枯竭是一种职业性的心理疾病。

    Job burnout is a professional psychological disease .

  12. 中小学教师职业枯竭状况及其与社会支持的关系

    Job burnout among elementary and high school teachers : characteristics and relationship with social support

  13. 职业枯竭的测量方法

    The Measure ment of Job Burnout

  14. 中小学教师职业枯竭与社会支持呈显著负相关,即社会支持对教师的职业枯竭具有调节作用。

    The teachers ' burnout was negatively related to the social support , and was mediated by the social support .

  15. 北京市特殊学校教师职业枯竭感显著高于深圳市特殊学校教师;

    Teachers ' job burnout in special schools in Beijing is significantly higher than that in special schools in Shenzhen ;

  16. 职业枯竭不仅影响职工的工作积极性,人际关系和谐,也削弱职工创造力。

    Moreover , it has affected the enthusiasm and creativity of workers and the harmony of personal relationship in opposite directions .

  17. 因此,预防和抑制广西体育教师的职业枯竭现象,是一个关系广西体育事业是否能够健康发展的重要问题。

    Consequently , prevention and inhibition of P.E. teachers in vocational exhaustion is an important issue matters whether can Guangxi sports be the healthy development .

  18. 统计显示,感受到职业枯竭的雇员,数量大得惊人。职业枯竭这个术语首创于上世纪60年代,格雷厄姆格林的小说《一个枯竭的案子》。

    Statistics find a shockingly high proportion of employees suffering " job burnout ", a term coined in the 1960s from the Graham Greene novel A Burnt-Out Case .

  19. 应该充分发挥工会的职能,从多方入手,加强管理,缓解职业枯竭现象。

    In order to relieve the problem of job exhaustion , it is necessary to give full play a role of the trade union organization and improve management .

  20. 文章通过对职业枯竭的认知,探讨了高校图书馆员职业枯竭的表现、原因,提出了馆员职业枯竭的心理调适对策。

    Through cognition of job burnout , this paper discusses symptoms and causes of job burnout and then puts forward some countermeasures for librarians to readjust job burnout psychology .

  21. 过高和过低评价自己,都会给体育教师发展带来负面的影响,只有正确给自己定位,才会避免出现职业枯竭。

    Evaluating them own too high or too low will bring negative influence for P.E. teachers ' development . a correct orientation will help them to avoid vocational exhaustion .

  22. 统计显示,感受到“职业枯竭”的雇员,数量大得惊人。“职业枯竭”这个术语首创于上世纪60年代,格雷厄姆•格林的小说《一个枯竭的案子》。

    Statistics find a shockingly high proportion of employees suffering " job burnout , " a term coined in the 1960s from the Graham Greene novel A Burnt-Out Case .

  23. 公平竞争、优胜劣汰是教师在工作中所面临的主要挑战,体育教师不能适应这一竞争原则,很快就会走向职业枯竭。

    Fair competition and survival are the primary challenge the teachers ' are facing , if P.E. teacher cannot adapt to these competition principles , they will soon to vocational exhaustion .

  24. 通过对29所高中阶段学校763名教师的问卷调查,主要研究了教师应对效能和工作压力对教师职业枯竭的预测作用。

    In the current study , which investigated 763 teachers from 29 senior middle schools , mainly researched the predictive effect of teacher coping efficacy and work stress on the teacher job-burnout .

  25. 心理咨询师要达到个人成长就要不断进行自我探讨和理论研究、开展心理互助,接受专家心理分析和专业培训,还要预防个人职业枯竭。

    To achieve the goal of individual development , psychological consultants should always engage in self-probe , theoretical study , mental mutual help and receive psychological consult analysis of experts and career training and prevent career from drying up .

  26. 体育教师知识结构比较复杂,不仅需要书本上的知识,还需要肢体上的技能,缺一不可,一旦任何一门知识缺乏,都会使体育教师出现职业枯竭现象。

    PE teachers ' knowledge structure is complex , not only need the knowledge from book , but also physical skills , if a PE teacher is short of any kind of the knowledge , one may appear vocational exhaustion .

  27. 在社会体制变更中,由于地方经济发展的不平衡,经济制度、教育制度、人事制度发展的不均衡,体育教师面临的压力较大,更易出现职业枯竭现象。

    In social system changing process , due to the disequilibrium of local economic development , as well as the imbalance of economic system , education system , personnel system , the pressure of PE teachers is larger resulting in vocational exhaustion phenomenon .

  28. 人际关系是人生存和交往的重要手段,师生关系僵化,同事之间相处不融洽,严重影响体育教师自身发展,容易导致出现职业枯竭现象。

    Interpersonal relationship is one of the important means to survive and communication , a teacher with bad interpersonal relationship could worsen teacher-student relationship , and relations between colleagues , which may get serious influence and tent to be force P.E. teachers appear vocational exhaustion .

  29. 随着现代化进程的加速,市场经济的冲击,信息快速更新,人们在生活和工作当中承受的压力加剧,使出现职业枯竭的人群的范围扩大,程度加深。

    With the accelerating modernization , the impact of market economy , the rapid updated information , the aggravation of pressure in the life and work , the scope of people with vocational exhaustion is expanding , and the degree of the exhaustion is aggravating .

  30. 在心理咨询师专业生涯中,个人成长历时持久,范围广阔,将面临生命哲学、对重大生活问题的态度、未完成事件、自我概念和自我觉察能力、职业枯竭、专业伦理等成长主题和任务。

    For the psychological advisor , his protracted and extensive personal development will face a variety of tasks and problems , such as philosophy of life , attitudes towards important events in life , objectives to be fulfilled , self-conception , self-awareness , decline of career and professional ethics .