
  • 【经】professionalism
  1. 你想让自己的房间充满生机吗?还是想让房间更职业化?

    Do you want a room that 's full of life ? Professional ?

  2. 面对WTO的选择:中国大学校长职业化

    Choice to face WTO : professionalism of college principal in china

  3. NBA的发展对CBA职业化进程的启发

    The Inspiration of the Development of NBA on the Professionalism Progress of CBA

  4. CBA职业化进程中外援的作用及影响

    Foreign Aid Effect and Function in CBA Professional Course

  5. 外籍球员是我国男子篮球实行职业化改革后出现在CBA联赛的新生事物,在联赛的发展过程中扮演了重要的角色,本文以此为出发点对CBA联赛进行研究。

    After male basketball team take professional reform , foreign basketball players appear in CBA . They play more important role in the development of league matches , so the thesis focuses on this phenomenon in the following analysis .

  6. 赛制改革对职业化的发展起着相当重要的作用,通过对2004-2005赛季CBA联赛赛制改革的研究,探讨赛制改革对CBA职业化进程的影响。

    The revolutions in game system plays a very important role in the development of professionalization . Through the research on the revolutions in game system 2004-2005 CBA , the paper analyses influence of the revolutions in game system on the course of CBA professionalization .

  7. 我国竞技体育职业化研究综述

    A Review on the Research Work of Sports Professionalism in China

  8. 体现了警察职业化、技能化要求。

    It embodies the professional and technical requirements of the police .

  9. 论高职院校思想政治教育队伍的职业化建设

    Discussion on the Ideological and Political Education of the Professional Building

  10. 公务员职业化:起源、内涵及模式比较

    Professionalism of Civil Service : Origin , Connotation and Modes Comparison

  11. 中国特色篮球职业化发展模式

    Research of Constructing China 's Special Professional Basketball Match Development Model

  12. 培养经营者市场,推进企业家职业化。

    To cultivate the market of operator , to professionalize enterpriser .

  13. 随足球也走上了职业化改革的道路。

    Also football is on the path of the professionalization reform .

  14. 卫生管理干部的现状与职业化培养途径研究概述

    Current situation of and career training channels for health managerial personnel

  15. 我国竞技体育职业化四步曲&社会化、实体化、市场化与产业化的思辩

    0n the Four Steps of the Professionalization of Chinese Competition Sports

  16. 职业化足球有利于我国足球运动水平的提高

    Professional Football and the Improvement of the Football Game of China

  17. 奥林匹克运动完全职业化的隐患与对策

    The Hidden Troubles and Countermeasures of Thorough Professionalization of Olympic Movement

  18. 市场经济条件下社会治安防控的一条有效途径&治安辅助力量走职业化、市场化和社会化道路的思考

    A Valid Way to Prevent and Control the Social Public Security Order

  19. 我国职业化卫生管理队伍建设的演化进程

    The Developmental Process of Professionalizing Health Administrative Workforce of China

  20. 20世纪初,口译开始职业化。

    Interpreting has been professionalized since the beginning of the twentieth century .

  21. 19世纪被称为历史学的世纪,历史学走向了专业化和职业化的道路。

    History is on the road of specialization and professionalism .

  22. 加快企业经营者职业化进程的研究

    Research in Speeding up the Vocational Process of Enterprise Managers

  23. 中国家族企业的职业化管理问题研究

    Research into Problems of the Professional Management of China 's Family Firms

  24. 学术职业化是现代学术体制的重要特征。

    The academic professionalism was an important character of modern academic systems .

  25. 对我国跆拳道运动职业化改革与发展的探讨

    A Discussion on the Professional Reformation and Development of Taekwondo in China

  26. 浅析竞技体育职业化的发展与代价

    Discussion on development and price of sports and athletics vocational in China

  27. 我们的目标:培育国际化职业化的你!

    Our goal : to train international and professional individuals !

  28. 对中国公证员队伍职业化建设的思考

    Reflection on the Professional Construction of Public Notaries in China

  29. 大型人造板工业企业职业化管理探讨

    Research on Professional Management for large-scale Wood-based Panel Industry Businesses

  30. 我国排球运动职业化进程中的运动文化特征与分析

    The Analysis On Sport Cultural Characteristics In Vocational Process Of Volleyball Sport