
  • 网络Career Counseling;Career counselling
  1. 职业咨询是一种人际互动的历程,用来帮助个体解决职业生涯发展的问题。

    Career counseling as a human interaction process , to help individual resolve career development problem .

  2. 当前上海各高校初步建立了比较系统的职业咨询服务体系,个性化职业咨询初具规模。

    Now most universities have present a relatively systematic career counseling service system and more career counseling .

  3. 他们非常依赖职业咨询师提供的建议。

    They relied heavily on the advice of their professional advisers

  4. 你可以向导师、职业咨询师或亲友寻求建议。

    Seek the advice of mentors7 , career counsellors or friends and family .

  5. 哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)的官员们表示,要求约谈职业咨询专家的学生人数显著增加。

    Officials at Harvard Business school report a marked increase in the number of students requesting appointments with career coaches .

  6. 但某种程度上得益于职业咨询和商学院的关系网,就读小班课程的MBA们找到合适的工作似乎不太难。

    But thanks in part to career counselling and the contacts of the business schools , MBAs from smaller programmes seem to find appropriate jobs without great difficulty .

  7. 亚特兰大职业咨询公司CreateYourCareerPath的老板哈莉•克劳福德(HallieCrawford)说,你可以坚持“做你自己”,但对外传播你的热情和积极心态很重要。

    It is important to broadcast enthusiasm and positivity while still ' being yourself , ' says Hallie Crawford , owner of career-consulting firm Create Your Career Path in Atlanta .

  8. 职业咨询师、《如何故任何专业获得任何工作》(TenSpeedPress出书)一书的作者唐纳德•埃舍说,职业开展中最大一个机密就是占有任何一个专业都能获得一份工作。

    The biggest secret in career development is that you can get a job with any major , according to Donald Asher , career consultant and author of " How To Get Any Job With Any Major "( Ten Speed Press ) .

  9. 《快乐工作人》(Cheers)是一份个人理财与职业咨询杂志。在去年的年度EMBA调查中,杂志收到的来自120个项目的回应。

    In its annual EMBA survey last year , Cheers , a personal finance and career advice magazine , received responses from 120 programmes .

  10. 雇佣关系硕士(MER)项目可以帮助你在公司,单位和机构里有效处理各种职场关系,内容涵盖从职业咨询到合同谈判。

    With core courses in business , sociology , history and economics , the MER considers the employment relationship from a variety of viewpoints , including yours !

  11. 据职业咨询机构acet称,只有29%的英国大学生获得了工作安排,低于欧洲55%的平均水平。

    According to the careers advice body acet , only 29 per cent of UK students take up a work placement , compared with a European average of 55 per cent .

  12. 一个学生与职业咨询服务人员取得了联系。

    One of the students get in touch with a careers adviser .

  13. 令人欣慰的是,职业咨询自那时起已经取得了长足的进展。

    Career advice has , thankfully , come a long way since then .

  14. 此外还有职业咨询的成本。

    Then there is the cost of careers counselling .

  15. 说到这里,我们自然要问:职业咨询导师应该抱有怎样的宗旨。

    This leads us naturally to ask what careers advisers should aim at .

  16. 论学校心理咨询与职业咨询的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences of Psychological Counseling and Career Consultation in Schools

  17. 关于你应该怎样做职业咨询师是怎样建议的呢?

    What are some career consulters suggesting in terms of what you should do ?

  18. 建立职业咨询制度,解决下岗职工再就业问题;

    To establish professional consultation system , solve the problems of reemployment of laid-off workers ;

  19. 由著名的欧洲咨询公司国际职业咨询公司创办。

    This has been set up by the high-profile European consultancy firm , Careers International .

  20. 现在想象有一个人来找你做职业咨询。

    Now imagine a person coming to see you for vocational or ad vocational advice .

  21. 她先从劳动职业咨询服务所开始她的找工作之旅。

    She began her hunt at an office of the Labour Department 's Careers Advisory Service .

  22. 你知道,像你这么有才干,不是你需要什么职业咨询。

    You know , not that you need any career advice , someone as talented as yourself .

  23. 申请必须在11月3日前提交,并发送到曼彻斯特国际职业咨询公司总部。

    Applications must be in by November 3rd and should be sent to Careers International headquarters in Manchester .

  24. 你的其中一个下属,张女士,在一周后来见你寻求职业咨询。

    One of these subordinates , Zhang , comes to see you a week later , seeking career advice .

  25. 职业咨询人,宁波工程学院副教授,信平管理咨询所管理总监,多年从事管理咨询实务。

    Consultant , professor of Ningbo Construction University , director of business management division , rich experience in business management consultation .

  26. 同样作为一种助人活动,职业咨询与心理咨询既有区别又有联系,两者既不是包含关系,也不是平行关系,更不是同一关系,而是交叉关系。

    Both as a kind of way to help people , the career consultation and the psychological counseling have differences and similarities .

  27. 如果她失业有一段时间了,我们应该找到她,联系她,为她做一些职业咨询。

    If she 's been unemployed for a while , we should reach out to her and connect her with career counseling .

  28. 越来越多的企业准备为员工配偶和伴侣的职业咨询与求职埋单。

    An increasing number of organisations are prepared to foot the bill for career counselling and job searches for spouses and partners .

  29. 请进,请坐。我是职业咨询师。你是凯西,是吗?

    Officer Come in , please take a seat . I 'm the careers officer . You 're Cathy , aren 't you ?

  30. 我的一位做职业咨询的同事在墙壁上贴满了照片。照片记录的是她在高尔夫球场的欢乐时光。

    A career-counseling colleague of mine has covered her walls with pictures of the good times she 's had on the golf course .