
  • 网络Career Stagnation
  1. 知识员工职业停滞测量与治理研究

    The Research of Knowledge Workers ' Career Stagnation and Governance Countermeasure

  2. 教师职业停滞研究

    Research on Teacher Career Stagnation

  3. 主要结论如下:⑴验证了煤矿技术人员职业停滞量表。

    The following is the conclusion : ⑴ Test the stagnating table of mining technical staff .

  4. ⑵构建了技术人员职业停滞、工作投入与不安全行为的结构模型。

    ⑵ Set up the structure model for technical personnel professional stagnation 、 job commitment and insecure behaviors .

  5. 职业停滞阻碍个体职业发展,而且影响组织安全绩效的提高。

    Career stagnation prevents the individual professional development , which affects the enhancement of group safety performance as well .

  6. ⑶提出了组织、个体和人力资源部门视角的职业停滞治理措施。

    ⑶ Propose the professional stagnation management measure from the perspective of group 、 individual and human resource department .

  7. 结果表明,煤矿技术人员职业停滞量表的信效度均达到了心理测量学标准。

    The results indicate that the validity and reliability of the table both fulfill the standard of psychological measurement .

  8. 说明,可能导致白音华煤矿的技术人员职业停滞的最重要因素是能力不济,对于知识技术人员自我学习和企业组织的培训是突破职业停滞的最好的选择。

    The best choice for the breakthrough of professional stagnation is to organize self-learning to intellectual technical personnel and train the enterprise .

  9. 职业停滞是一个包括:动机匮乏、能力不济、机会缺失的多维体系。

    The professional stagnation includes a multi-system , including a deficiency of motivation , incapacity , an absence and shortage of chances .

  10. 煤矿技术人员的职业停滞已成为煤矿企业持续成长的一大影响因素。

    The Career stagnation for the coal mine technical staff has become one big influencing factor to the sustainable development of coal mining enterprise .

  11. 第2章主要对职业停滞三大研究领域、职业停滞的测量、职业停滞的治理等相关文献进行了系统的梳理与总结。

    In chapter 2 , it reviewed and summarized literatures relating to career stagnation in aspects of three major research fields , measurement and governance .

  12. 结果表明,技术人员职业停滞不仅直接正向影响不安全行为,而且通过工作投入的中介作用间接影响不安全行为。

    The results show that , the stagnation not only affect the insecure behavior directly , but also indirectly through the media impact by job commitment .

  13. 职业停滞的现有分类存在诸多问题,一定程度上导致了目前职业停滞预测效果、治理效果不理想的局面。

    Many problems was founded in the current classification of career stagnation , which made the forecast and governance effect on career stagnation dissatisfying to a certain extent .

  14. 对职业停滞影响最显著的因素是能力不济,第二位是动机匮乏,最后是机会缺乏。

    The most striking feature factor influencing professional stagnation of incapacity , a lack of motivation is among the second , an absence and shortage of chances is the last one .

  15. 但是随着组织结构的扁平化、知识迅速折旧以及外部环境的快速变化等,职业停滞正变得越来越普遍,它日益成为困扰知识员工实现持续成长的障碍。

    However , career stagnation seem to be popular more and more due to less hierarchies of organizations , quick depreciation of the knowledge and fast changes of external environments , preventing knowledge workers from growing persistently .

  16. 职业生涯停滞问题是职业发展的一个重要方面,由其所引发的一系列问题必须予以高度重视。

    The career plateau is an important aspect of career , so the problems caused by it must deserve much attention .

  17. 当他的职业生涯继续停滞不前时,威廉姆斯换掉了教练,转而在堪萨斯州立大学(KansasStateUniversity)接受克里夫•诺维托(CliffRovelto)的训练。

    When his career continued to sputter , Williams switched coaches to train with Cliff Rovelto at Kansas State University .

  18. 特丽莎•波特从事营销高管的职位已经30年,在她的职业出现暂时停滞时,她曾免费为俄亥俄州哥伦布市的Coalescence调料公司做过一些营销活动。

    Theresa Potter had been a marketing executive for 30 years when , during a career lull , she agreed to work on a few marketing initiatives for free at coalescence , a Columbus , Ohio-based custom spice blending firm .

  19. 如果你感到职业发展陷入停滞,你能够做些什么呢?

    What can you do when you feel that your career progression has stalled ?

  20. 现在必须有更多招聘经理愿意冒险雇佣那些因专业不实用而导致职业生涯陷入停滞的年轻人。

    More hiring managers must be willing to take a risk on people whose careers have stalled because they majored in an impractical discipline .

  21. 现在必须有更多招聘经理愿意冒险雇佣那些因专业“不实用”而导致职业生涯陷入停滞的年轻人。

    More hiring managers must be willing to take a risk on people whose careers have stalled because they majored in an " impractical " discipline .

  22. 然而,高管们有时担心,如果他们因某些地方——比如部分亚洲、非洲和中东国家——存在的反同性恋法而避开具有战略重要性的市场,他们的职业生涯将会停滞——即便他们的雇主担保不会发生这种事。

    However , executives sometimes worry that if they avoid strategically important markets because of anti-gay laws , for example in some Asian , African and Middle Eastern countries , their career will stall - even if their employer assures them it will not .

  23. 为什么很多上班妈妈当上中层管理人员后其职业生涯就陷入停滞?

    Why do so many working moms ' careers stall out when they hit middle management ?

  24. 为上班妈妈当上中层管理人员后其职业生涯就陷入停滞?对问题的不同回答往往引发激烈的争论。

    Why do so many working moms'careers stall out when they hit middle management ? Disagreement over the answer has often sparked hot debate .

  25. 第1章主要交代了研究的背景、研究意义、研究范围、研究方法、研究框架和主要创新点,同时对知识员工、职业成长、职业停滞等几个基本概念进行了界定和说明。

    In chapter 1 , it outlined research background , significance , scope , method , framework and innovation points . Meanwhile , it defined and elaborated several basic concepts such as knowledge worker , career growth and career stagnation .

  26. 职业高原是个人职业生涯发展的停滞期。

    Career plateau is the standstill period of personal vocational development .

  27. 第二部分对晋升缺失的相关研究进行了理论回顾和综述,包括晋升的激励作用,职业阻隔,应对职业高原的策略,职业停滞的治理等方面。

    Chapter 2 was literature review about the promotion stagnation , mainly included the motivation effect of promotion , the Career Barriers , the response strategy of Career Plateau and the governance of Career Stagnation .