
  • 网络Career Cycle;career circle
  1. 基于职业周期的IT产业知识型员工职业生涯管理策略

    Career Management Strategies for IT Industry Knowledge-based Employees Basing on Career Cycle

  2. 教师根据职业周期标准进行自我完善,提高自身能力。

    According to the professional periodical standard , to perfect themselves .

  3. 全文分五章进行问题阐述:第一章为激励理论简述,概括介绍了激励及激励理论,战略性激励理论构架和销售人员职业周期理论;

    The full text is divided into five chapters : Chapter One gives a retrospect of the motivated theory , which includes the theory framework of strategic encouragement and sales force 's job cycle theory .

  4. 而经理这个职位,正是利用“雇佣,激励,赏识,退休”这样的员工职业周期来降低这种高变动性的关键职位。

    You , as a manager , are in a key position to reduce that volatilityusing the condensed employee life cycle of HIAR ( pronounced hire ) - Hire , Inspire , Admire , Retire .

  5. 在借鉴已有科研成果的基础上,一方面,运用生命周期理论,对我国国有企业生命周期及企业员工职业周期不同阶段的特征进行分析和研究,并提出具有针对性的激励方法。

    On the basis of the present studying production , adopting the life-cycle theory , the paper studies the enterprises ' life-cycle and the characters of different phases in the employees ' career-cycle , and puts forward effective incentive method .

  6. 我看到了关于职业生涯周期12步的图表。

    Today I saw a chart of a12-step Employee Life Cycle .

  7. 从理论上探讨了职业生命周期的一般原理,并指出了这种分析结果的普遍性意义。

    The principle of lifecycle is studied theoretically and the results are universal .

  8. 论职业生命周期及发展轨迹

    About Career Lifecycle and develop track

  9. 教师职业生命周期论观照下的工作滞涨控制

    Controls " the teacher works stagnates and rises " by the theory of teacher professional life cycle

  10. 本研究的理论基础主要有人力资源管理理论、教师专业发展理论、职业生涯周期理论和教师教育理论等。

    This study is mainly based on human resource theory , the teachers ' professional development theory , the professional career cycle theory , and teachers ' education theory etc.

  11. 本文通过对组织生命周期理论和个人职业生涯周期理论的学习与研究,对职业生涯管理理论的内容、方法予以全面、系统的阐述和分析。

    Through studying the Organizational Life Cycle theory and Personal Career Cycle theory , this paper comprehensively and systematically observes and analyzes the contents and the methods of the Career Management .

  12. 然后在总结以往学者对职业生命周期研究的基础上,结合我国高技能人才的职业特征,对高技能人才的整个生命周期进行阶段性的划分。

    Based summing the past scholars research about the life cycle career , combined with our high skilled talents characteristics , division the whole life cycle stages of high skilled talents .

  13. 由于能力日益成为个体生存和发展的根本,本文主要从提升能力的角度来研究知识工作者职业生命周期的发展。

    Since competency is essential to the individual , this paper will make the research on the development of the career life cycle for the knowledge worker , from the point of view of competency enhancement .

  14. 与导游员进入高校接受成人继续教育相比较,职业培训具有周期更短、应用性性更强的特点,能在短时间内更为快捷有效的提高导游员的职业能力。

    Compared with guides into colleges and universities accept adult continuing education , occupation training has a shorter , more practical features , in a short period of time more efficient and effective guides to improve the occupation ability .

  15. 方法:回顾统计2008年9月到2008年11月门诊就诊妇科内分泌疾病的总就诊人数,病种,年龄,族别,职业,月经周期,及基础内分泌,超声特点的分布情况。

    Method : Recalling and counting the distribution of number , entity , age , nation , occupation , menstrual cycle , menstrual period composing , menstrual disorder , supersonic characteristic of people who visited gynecological ambulatory for endocrine diseases from September to November in 2008 .

  16. 从已有的研究成果来看,学者使用的专业发展研究框架大致可以归纳为五种类型:职业/生命周期研究框架、心理发展研究框架、教师社会化框架、关注研究框架和综合研究框架。

    From the current research results , it can be seen that professional development research framework employed by scholars can be roughly summarized as five types : career / life cycle framework , psychological development research framework , teachers socializing framework ," attention " research framework and integrated research framework .

  17. 该体系包括任职资格管理体系、核心技术人才职业生涯通道的设置、职业生涯周期管理体系。

    This system includes the qualification management system , the settings of career channel for the core technical personnel and employee Life Cycle Management System .

  18. 在此基础上确定经理人所属的职业锚类型,并进一步探讨职业锚对经理人职业生命周期的影响,为经理人职业生涯发展提供参考。

    Influences of career anchor on managers ' career lifecycle are discussed , which offers a reference to the career development of managers .