
  • 网络Career Quiz;vocational assessment
  1. 职业测评&退役运动员职业培训的缺失及其构建

    Vocational Evaluation-the Lack and Construction of Vocational Training about Retired Athletes

  2. 职业测评系统可以帮助高考生认识自我、选择适合自身专业,以便将来顺利就业。

    The evaluation can help college entrance examinees know themselves , choice suitable profession . It can help them get employed smoothly .

  3. 在教育领域内引入职业测评机制是教师职业准入制度发展的必然要求。

    In the educational field , the introduction of the occupational test and evaluation system is the necessity for the development of the system of teachers admittance .

  4. 学生可以通过专业的职业测评工具,更多的了解自己的职业兴趣、价值观和能力。更全面、客观地分析和规划自己的职业发展道路。

    You can utilize professional assessment tool to learn more about your unique career interests , values and abilities , explore and develop your own career paths more synthetically .

  5. 我国护士职业人格测评工具的研究

    Study on the Evaluation Tool of Personality Traits for Nurses

  6. 高职院校重点专业建设的模式由专业建设目标所决定,其中师资队伍、课程体系和教材建设、教学条件、实践教学体系、职业能力测评体系等均是专业建设的重要环节。

    The pattern of the construction of key specialty is determined by the target .

  7. 聘用制护士职业素质测评模式的初探

    Exploration of the mode for measurement and evaluation of nurses'occupational diathesis in employment systemed

  8. 警察职业能力测评的初步研究&警察认知能力结构的验证性因素分析

    Preliminary Study on Police Career Ability Tests & Analysis on the Certification Factors of Police Cognitive Ability Structure

  9. 第四章是将本研究的理论用于实践:对电气自动化专业的高职学生实施职业能力测评研究。

    The fourth part devotes to put the theories into practice-evaluating the higher vocational students ' vocational competence of Electrical Automation majors .

  10. 目的分析综合医院护士人格特征,开发我国护士及护士长专用的职业人格测评工具。

    Objective To identify some specific indexes of vocational personality of nurses and establish evaluation tool of personality traits for nurses in China .

  11. 因此,加强高职学生职业能力测评和培养对高职教育发展有着非常重大的现实意义。

    Therefore , strengthening the culturing and evaluation of vocational competence of college students has a great practical significance on the development of vocational education .

  12. 通过对这九个方面的维度进行概述,第二章进一步证实了大学生职业性向测评维度与就业岗位的关系。

    After summarizing the nine dimensions , chapter Two of the essay verify the relations between personnel dimensions of undergraduate occupational orientation and occupation location .

  13. 人力资源经纪业务:员工履历调查、优质供应商推荐、职业能力测评、被裁员工第三方安置;

    HR Broker Business : Employee Reference Check , Recommendation of Quality Vender , Assessment Center , out-placement of employees as a result of company restructure .

  14. 目前,中职学生职业能力测评存在测评内容不合理、测评指标和权重确定随意和测评标准模糊化三个方面的问题。

    At present , there are unreasonable content , randomness of evaluation and fuzzification of evaluation criteria in the professional competence evaluation of secondary vocational school students .

  15. 第二章论述高职学生职业能力测评的指标体系,包括高职学生职业能力测评的基本要素、指标结构以及测评的工具和方法。

    The second part discusses the index system of higher vocational competence evaluation , including the basic factors , index structure , tools and methods of higher vocational competence evaluation .

  16. 目的:本研究通过调查研究方式运用职业能力测评手段建立一套科学的测评体系,建立乡镇卫生院院长职业能力的常规模型,用以选拔合格且合适的卫生管理人才。

    Objective : The objective of this reach was to establish an evaluation system with which to generate a general model of competency of township hospital dean , using survey technique .

  17. 鉴于此,为促进高职教育办学质量的提高及高等教育的发展,进行高职学生职业能力测评研究显得至关重要。

    In view of this , in order to improve the quality of higher vocational education , to promote the development of higher education , it is obviously significant to research on higher vocational students ' vocational competence evaluation .

  18. 近年来职业素质测评不断地使用到求职者中,公司的部门在招聘人的时候通常要让求职者进行职业素质测评,测评的结果作为是否录用该求职者的一个重要参考依据。

    In recent years professional quality evaluation continuously used to job seekers , the company sector in hiring usually let job seekers to professional quality evaluation , the result of evaluation as whether to hire the applicant is an important reference .

  19. 结论:100余名新聘用护士预测评的结果显示,作者所采用的聘用制护士职业素质测评模式其可操作性较强,对医院招聘大批护士职业人员有一定的指导意义。

    Conclusion : Evaluating more than 100 nurses who are newly employed using this new mode , the result demonstrates that this evaluation mode can be easily operated , and is a guide in employing quantities of professional nurses for a hospital .

  20. 第三章是职业经理人素质测评的理论与方法;

    Chapter three theory and method of professional manager 's quality assessment ;

  21. 高师学生职业素质发展测评系统

    A system for evaluating teacher university students ′ quality

  22. 国际职业经理人素质测评研究

    Study on Appraisal of Quality of International Manager

  23. 第五章是素质测评的案例分析,对职业经理人素质测评实施做出论证。

    Chapter five the case analysis of quality assessment , prove professional manager 's quality assessment .

  24. 职业能力的测评体系可设计为以通用能力测评为主要项目进行开发,同时也建立对专业基础能力和职业岗位能力测评的项目;

    The project of the evaluative system can be designed for the aim of general competence evaluation , as well as the basic professional ability , occupational Status capacity .

  25. 第四章是职业经理人素质测评的实施,在这一章中建立职业经理人素质模型,设计了测评程序;

    Chapter four the implementation of professional manager 's quality assessment , set up professional manager 's quality model in this chapter , have designed the procedure of testing and assessing ;

  26. 职业经理人综合素质测评及薪酬模型研究

    The Research Of Comprehensive Quality Measurement and Salary Model on Professional Managers

  27. 电力行业职业培训的质量测评体系研究与实践

    Quality Evaluation System for Vocational Training in Power Industry

  28. 目的探讨在校大学生职业兴趣倾向,提出相应择业指导。职业心理倾向测评系统研究

    Objective To analyze the career interest tendency of college students in Xinxiang city . Study on the test & evaluation system of the professional psychology tendency in vocational guidance

  29. 第三章是本研究的理论核心部分:借鉴前人的研究成果&职业能力模型,构建三种通用的高职学生职业能力测评模型。

    The third part is the core theories of this research-assimilating the formers ' achievement of vocational competence model and constructing three common models for higher vocational competence evaluation .

  30. 在进行职业心理倾向测验项目分析,以及职业对从业者心理倾向要求分析的基础上,可建立职业心理倾向测评系统。

    In the process of measuring vocational mental inclination , based on the analysis of the mental inclination of workers , we can establish the measurement system of vocational mental inclination .