
  • 网络Job Expectancy;career expectancy;career aspiration
  1. 为了实现职业期望,越来越多的在校大学生选择在专业学习之外投入一定的资金,以提高自己的知识存量、能力和素质。

    In order to realize their career aspiration , many university students make non-tuition inputs out of the special field of study , which will enhance their stock of knowledge , capability and quality .

  2. 大学生的职业期望及其个人影响因素

    Effects of Economic Considerations & Individual Modernity on the Career Aspiration of College Students under Economic Transition in China Personal Storage Expecting Skill

  3. 去年年末,ElenaEscalona曾在投递了数十份简历找工作之后向我们诉说了她的职业期望。现在,她突然意识到自己想要什么。

    Elena Escalona , who spoke to us late last year about her career hopes after sending out dozens of resumes and searching for a job , she suddenly realized what she wanted to do in life .

  4. 的差异.③不同性别大学生职业期望没有差异。

    There were no differences in occupational choice between different genders ;

  5. 重视职业期望,做好高校辅导员职业规划

    Discussion on Attention to Occupational Expectation and Planning of College Counselors

  6. 职业期望值越低,就越容易满足。

    The lower your career expectations , the more satisfied you will be .

  7. 作为独生子女,她们承担着太高的学术和职业期望。

    As an only child , they face high academic and career expectations .

  8. 我校心理学专业学生职业期望现状调查研究

    Research into Career Expectation Status of Students Majoring in Psychology in my College

  9. 但是,职业期望也有群体特征。

    But carrer expection still has population characteristics .

  10. 而较低的职业期望也会带来较差的实际就业。

    At the same time , lower occupational expectation will bring worse actual employment .

  11. 大学生职业期望、专业承诺与择业效能感的关系研究

    The Relation Study on Career Expectation , Specialty Commitment and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy of College Students

  12. 职业期望是指个体对某种职业的渴求和向往,是个体对待职业的一种态度和信念。

    Career expection is the individual aspire for some career which can be defined as an attitude and belief .

  13. 结论:①大学毕业班学生职业期望与择业标准总体来看符合时代发展趋势。

    CONCLUSION : ① The undergraduates'occupational expectations accord to the trend of social development , which are reasonable and realistic ;

  14. 大学生作为即将走进社会的一个特殊群体,其职业期望具有与其它社会群体不同的特征。

    Undergraduates as the population who are about to go to the society have the career expection different from other populations .

  15. 如果想实现你的职业期望,你就要对自己的人生方向做些调整。

    You will have to make some changes regarding your direction if you wish to keep on top of your career expectations .

  16. 理工科重点大学毕业生职业期望水平总体比较合理,略高于实际就业水平,不存在过高职业期望值的问题。

    The overall level of the expectation of the graduates of science and engineering is much reasonable and is slightly higher than actual employment .

  17. 社会态度主要是指下岗职工对下岗原因、对未来职业期望和对获得新工作的看法。

    The social attitude mainly refers to the reason of laid-off , the future career aspirations and view about how to get a work .

  18. 交流内容以学习为主,其次是职业期望、衣食住行和感情。

    The main content of communication is the events about learning ; the second is career expectations , basic necessities of life and the feelings .

  19. 中学教师面临的主要压力来源是工作负荷、职业期望和考试压力;

    The main sources of pressure confronting the middle school teachers include the load of work , the expectation of occupation and the pressure of examination ;

  20. 由于教师的职业期望过高,现实使他们心理产生不平衡,为了消解心理压力他们就选择了流动。

    The Second , the vocational teachers expect too much of reality they have a psychological imbalance , in order to eliminate the psychological pressure they chose flows .

  21. 社会差距在扩大,教育成为初始人力资本的主要源泉,成为人们现实职业期望、获得社会地位升迁的主要渠道。

    Since social gap is widening , as the main source of original human capital , education became the main means of realizing professional expectation , and promoting social status .

  22. 大学生的预期经济收益、个人现代性和家庭城乡来源背景均对其职业期望产生影响。

    The college students ' future career aspirations were varied and diverse . ( 3 ) Expected economic benefit and the students ' individual modernity had different effects on their career aspirations .

  23. 毕业生的职业期望对实际就业具有正效应影响,因此合理的职业期望会对实际就业有促进作用,导致较好的实际就业状况;

    The graduates ' occupational expectation has positive effect on actual employment , as a result , the reasonable occupational expectation will improve the actual employment and lead to better actual employment situation ;

  24. 第四章旅游专业大学生就业供给分析。通过对北京第二外国语学院旅游专业毕业生的问卷调查,深入剖析毕业生的自我认知、旅游专业认知、择业标准、职业期望和就业影响因素。

    Taking Beijing International Studies University as an example , Part 4 does an investigation of self-recognition , tourism major recognition , career anchor , employment expectation and influencing factors of tourism graduates .

  25. 大学生、政府、高校和社会等都是这种基于职业期望的非学费投入行为的相关方,它们之间相互影响、相互作用。

    College student , government , university and society are relevant subjects of the behavior of this kind of non-tuition input , they are interrelated , and each of them has an influence on other subjects .

  26. 结果发现:(1)大学新生的生活困扰涉及人际关系、专业与职业期望、独立生活、资源信息利用和学习等五大方面。

    The result showed that the freshmen 's harassment encountered in their college life consisted of five factors , social relationship , specialty and career development expectation , independence , utilization of information and resource , and academic adjustment .

  27. 本研究的主题是南京大学本科生的教育目标与期望,具体则涉及到南京大学本科生的教育期望、职业期望、毕业后的计划以及大学生活中的具体目标等方面。

    The subject of this study is the educational goals and aspirations of undergraduate students in Nanjing University . And the specific research subjects include the educational aspirations , occupational aspirations , plans after graduation and goals of university life .

  28. 以毕业生个人综合素质、社会环境、家庭背景为自变量,职业期望为因变量进行回归分析,结果表明:个人综合素质、社会环境、家庭背景对职业期望有直接影响;

    The results of the analysis that regards graduate 's personal overall qualities social environment , and family background as the independent variable shows that : personal overall qualities , social environment , family background have direct influence on the occupational expectation ;

  29. 本文研究结论说明,自我评价水平和社会支持程度都是影响职业期望的因素,回归方程显示自我评价对职业期望有显著的正向预测作用。

    We can found from study that the self evaluation level and the degree of social support are likely to be the factors that affect the university graduates ' occupation expectation , regression equations revealed that the self evaluation of occupation expectation has positive operation .

  30. 研究大学生的职业期望,对于帮助大学生完善大学学习、生活,合理设计自己的职业规划,促进大学生的成才和全面发展,具有重要意义。

    The study of university students ' occupation expectations has very vital significance to help students improve their studying , change their university life , design their own occupation planning reasonably , and promote the growth of college students and even can contribute their all-round development .