
  1. 职业教育质量保障中的关键问题探讨

    Analysis on Key Issues of Quality-guarantee System in Higher Vocational Education

  2. 江西高等职业教育质量保障制约因素实证研究

    On Restricted Factors of the Quality Guarantee of Jiangxi Higher Vocational Education

  3. 我国高等职业教育质量保障问题探析

    Discussion on Quality Assurance of Higher Vocational Education of China

  4. 推行校企合作提高高等职业教育质量

    The Implementation of School-enterprise Cooperation to Improve the Quality of Higher Vocational Education

  5. 澳大利亚职业教育质量保障体系探究

    A Probe into Australian Vocational Education Quality Assurance System

  6. 高等职业教育质量观的特征及构建

    Basic Traits and Suggestion of Higher Vocational Education Quality

  7. 零缺点:高等职业教育质量管理的理想和追求

    Zero Defect : the Ideality and Goal of Quality Management in Higher Vocational Education

  8. 以顾客为关注焦点高等职业教育质量保障

    " Focus on Clients ' Attention " as Quality Safeguard in Higher Vocational Education

  9. 澳大利亚的职业教育质量保障体系&国家质量培训框架

    On Vocational Education Quality-Assurance System in Australia & the Outline of Its National Quality Training

  10. 在决定职业教育质量的诸多因素中,管理工作是影响教育质量的重要因素。

    Among many elements , management is the key factor that influences the quality of vocational education .

  11. 从企业全面质量管理理论探讨高等职业教育质量管理的途径

    Exploration on Quality Management Approaches of Higher Vocational Education from the Perspective of Comprehensive Quality Management Theory of Enterprise

  12. 这一状况严重影响了职业教育质量的提高,职业教育课程改革势在必行。

    This situation results in the low-grade education in vocational school , so the reform of vocational curriculum is necessitous .

  13. 在此基础之上,探析了我国高等职业教育质量监督的现状、特点、主要问题及成因。

    On the basis , it analyzes Status , characteristics , major problems and causes of Education Quality Supervision Mechanism .

  14. 高等职业教育质量问题随着其招生规模的扩大而成为社会关注的焦点。

    The quality of higher vocational education is becoming a concerning issue along with the inflation of college enrollment scale .

  15. 高等职业教育质量观:产品质量理论的视角

    A View on the Education Quality of the High Vocational Education : A Perspective from the Theory of Products ' Quality

  16. 决定高等职业教育质量和办学水平的决定因素是教师队伍的水平。

    The level of teachers is the deciding factor of the quality and the level of school-running of higher vocational education .

  17. 职业教育质量管理应借鉴企业管理的理念与方式,实行全面质量管理;

    It points out that the concepts and ways of business management should be borrowed in this system to implement all-round quality control .

  18. 在生源日益紧张、竞争日益激烈的新形势下,职业教育质量标准有了更高要求。

    Under the new situation of the increasingly students decrease and fierce competition , the education quality standard of Higher vocational has higher requirements .

  19. 提出要坚持科学发展,按照教育的规律和规则,确保卫生职业教育质量。

    To put forward how to keep the scientific development and guarantee the quality of health vocational education according to its law and rules .

  20. 职业教育质量保障体系有别于基础教育和普通高等教育的质量保障体系;

    This thesis introduces that the quality-guarantee system in higher vocational education is different from other quality-guarantee system in primary education or general higher education .

  21. 第二章介绍了高等职业教育质量保障体系的内涵。

    In the chapter 2 , it introduces the basic concepts of vocational education and the connotation of the quality assurance system for the higher vocational education .

  22. 最后在分析借鉴发达国家高等职业教育质量监督经验基础上,构建起我国高等职业教育质量监督的运行机制。

    At last , on the basis of Higher Vocational Education in Developed Countries , we try to construct Quality Supervision , running mechanisms of Higher Vocational Education .

  23. 第三章是高等职业教育质量标准制定的理论基础。本章认为,高等职业教育质量标准制定的理论依据主要是技术知识论。

    Chapter Three focuses on the theoretical base on which to develop the quality standards for higher vocational education , that is , the standpoint about technology and science .

  24. 职业教育质量的提高最终要落实到课堂教学中,因此,课堂教学方法的改革便成为重中之重。

    The improvement in the quality of vocational education should be implemented in the final classroom teaching , therefore , the reform of teaching methods will become a priority .

  25. 其主要目标是要提高职业教育质量,培养人才以及鼓励企业和院校之间组织相互间的学习活动。此次改革标志着对职业教育与培训技术课程的又一次革新。

    Other important aims of the law are to enhance the quality of vocational education , to cultivate talents and to encourage companies and colleges to organize interactive learning activities .

  26. 兼职教师是高职院校师资队伍的重要组成部分,大量聘任兼职教师是世界各国提高职业教育质量的主要举措之一。

    Part-time faculty is an important part of teaching staff in higher vocational colleges and hiring part-time faculty is one of the main measures to improve the quality of vocational education .

  27. 为此,应从加大投资力度、改革专业设置、加强师资队伍建设、强化实践教学环节、建立高等职业教育质量监督评估制度等方面来提高我省高等职业教育质量。

    Ways to improve the quality of vocational education include more investment , reformation of courses and programs , construction of teaching team , reinforcing teaching and establishing supervision and evaluation system , etc. Enhance supervision system ;

  28. 笔者就职业教育质量观的概念及内涵提出浅拙的见解,剖析了现行质量评价中存在的误区,指出了保障职业教育质量的决定因素及措施。

    I put forward some of my viewpoints on the concept and connotation of vocational education quality , analyse the factors to ensure the products of vocational education and raise some concrete tactics to guarantee educational quality .

  29. 为了提高中等职业教育质量,适应社会经济发展的需要,同时也为学生提供更广阔的发展空间,中等职业学校必须加强中职生自主学习能力的培养。

    Cultivation of autonomous learning among students should be strengthened so as to improve the quality of secondary vocational education , to meet the requirements of the development of social economy and to provide vast space for students to develop .

  30. 现代教育技术是提高学生综合素质的手段,现代教育技术的应用,是提高学生综合素质的前提、基础,是全面提高职业教育质量的需要。

    Modern educational technology is a means of improving students ' comprehensive qualities . Its application is the foundation of improving students ' comprehensive qualities , and is a need for the overall improvement of quality of the vocational education .