
zhí yè péi xùn
  • vocational training;job training
  1. 公司将为你提供职业培训。

    The company will provide you with vocational training .

  2. providewith给…提供;以…装备我们将为你提供职业培训。

    We 'll provide you with vocational training .

  3. 新员工要参加一些职业培训。

    New employees have to undergo some career training .

  4. 一月份,巴拉克・奥巴马(BarackObama)总统在谈论将职业培训计划更好地与雇主需求结合这一话题时,他对艺术史学位价值的质疑不经意引起了一片哗然。

    In January , President Barack Obama inadvertently caused a bit of an uproar when he questioned the value of a degree in art history while he was talking about better aligning job-training programs with employer needs .

  5. 通过对西方主要市场经济国家以职业培训促进就业,化解结构性失业矛盾的对策分析,提出了我国在加入WTO以后,如何加强职业培训促进就业的对策建议。

    Through the analysis of the western developed countries exerting the occupation training against the structural unemployment and to obtain employment , discussion is made on the countermeasure and suggestions of strengthening the occupation training in our country after the entrance to WTO .

  6. 教育与职业培训服务机构卡普兰考试培训学校(KaplanTestPrep)11月对法学院招生办人员进行的一项调查显示,迄今为止,已有51%的法学院缩减了入学新生的班级规模。

    So far , 51 % of law schools have cut the size of their entering classes , according to a November survey of law school admissions officers by Kaplan Test Prep , the education and career services provider .

  7. 2004年,她决定接受职业培训,在Nobu餐馆找到了一份工作。

    In 2004 , she decided to get some professional training and landed a job at Nobu .

  8. 纽约的高管和职业培训师梅雷迪思•哈伯费尔德(MeredithHaberfeld)说,为博取老板欢心而不惜牺牲同事利益的人会招致不满。

    The boss 's pet who ingratiates himself at the expense of his co-workers incites negative judgments , says Meredith Haberfeld , a New York-based executive and career coach .

  9. 通过Blog、E-Mail,信息技术环境下的职业培训比传统职业培训更容易为培训结业后的学员进行跟踪服务与信息反馈。

    In this way , training resource can be shared to the maximum extent . 5 . With the help of Blog and E-mail , vocational training under information technology environment is easier to provide follow-up service to and collect feedback information from trainees after the completion of training .

  10. 社会可以通过企业内教育与培训、高职教育、校企联合培训及高新技能职业培训等几种方式来获得它所需要的高新技能人才。V.C高;

    A society can obtain its senior and new technical talents through the following ways : education and training in enterprise , higher vocational education , school - enterprise training and senior and new technical training .

  11. 上海职业培训的特征与趋势研究

    Study on the Characteristics and Trend of Vocational Training in Shanghai

  12. 为什么我们要有47个各种各样的独立职业培训计划?

    Why should we have 47 different separate job training programs ?

  13. 农民工社区职业培训的问题及对策研究

    Problems and Countermeasures of the Community-based Vocational Training of Migrant Workers

  14. 职业培训和创造就业都是非常重要的。

    Job training is important , and so is job creation .

  15. 完善职业培训体系及保障条件的思考

    On perfecting the vocational training system and its guarantee conditions

  16. 引进英国燃气职业培训认证体系的研究

    Study on Introduced British Gas National Vocational Qualification Training and Certification System

  17. 首先,加强法官职业培训,统一裁判尺度。

    First , strengthen the professional training , unified the referee scale .

  18. 信息技术环境下鹰潭职业培训模式的研究

    Study on Mode Yingtan Vocational Training under Information Technology Environment

  19. 以职业培训促进人才开发

    Promote the development of talented personnel with the occupation training

  20. 参加职业培训在中国已经逐渐成为普遍的现象。

    The use of vocational schools is a growing phenomenon in China .

  21. 加强职业培训,鼓励个人创业等。

    Enhance the job-training and encourage the individual struggle .

  22. 职业培训体系中的工科远程教育模型

    Engineering Science Distance Education Model in Vocational Training System

  23. 基于个性化学习的现代远程职业培训系统

    Modern Distance Professional Training System Based on Personalized Learning

  24. 我国农民转业职业培训研究

    Study on Vocational Traning for Transferring Farmers in China

  25. 关于当前警察职业培训教育的思考

    A reflection on the police vocational training at present

  26. 但是随着美国经济的发展,职业培训也发展了起来。

    But as the American economy grew , so too has vocational training .

  27. 论教师专业发展与教师职业培训

    On Professional Development and Occupational Training of College Teachers

  28. 加强职业培训和就业服务体系建设。

    We will improve vocational training and employment services .

  29. 挑战与行动:面向21世纪的职业培训

    Challenge and Action : Vocational Training Towards 21st Century

  30. 私人股本基金会的宗旨是帮助既未在校、也未接受职业培训的年轻人。

    The aim is to help young people not in education and training .