
  • 网络Duty Consumption;perquisite consumption
  1. 试析国有企业经营管理者职务消费

    On the Duty Consumption of the Managers of State-owned Enterprises

  2. 中国古代职务消费述评

    The Chinese Ancient On - duty Consumption

  3. 从职务消费的监督视角诠释审计关系

    On Auditing Relationship from Supervision Angle of View of Functionary Consumption

  4. 透析职务消费货币化改革步履蹒跚的根源

    The Reason for Duty Expense Monetization Reform 's Slow Step

  5. 职务消费货币化改革宜慎行

    On Cautious Implementation of Reform of the Post Consuming Monetization

  6. 职务消费是维持政府机构正常运转所必须支付的成本。

    Post-related consumption is the cost for the government 's normal operation .

  7. 公共管理中官员职务消费的逻辑批判

    The Logistical Criticism on Official On-duty Consumption in Public Management

  8. 相对货币收入与干部职务消费

    Government Officials ' Relative Monetary Income and their Position-related Consumption

  9. 职务消费是干部公务活动中不可避免的消费。

    Duty-expenditure is inevitable expenditure in the activity of leaders .

  10. 试论当前职务消费腐败

    Reality Thinking on the Post Consumption Corruption at Present

  11. 论企业中职务消费纳入薪酬体系的合理性

    On the Rationality of Incorporating Post Expense into Compensation System of the Enterprise

  12. 大连市中山区公务员职务消费问题及对策研究

    Zhongshan , Dalian , the Official Duty Expense Question and the Countermeasure Research

  13. 当前我国公务员职务消费改革研究

    Research on the Reform of the Present Duty

  14. 具体的说有预算制度不健全;职务消费数额巨大。

    Specifically , budget system is not sound ; post consumption is too large .

  15. 额外收入和职务消费控制等关键问题。

    Control of extra income and position expenditure .

  16. 浅析职务消费薪酬化的可行性

    Brief analysis duty expense salary feasibility

  17. 控制军队干部职务消费之我见

    Control of duties consumption of officers

  18. 但职务消费中存在的违规问题,已成为一个敏感的热点话题。

    There exit problems in the experiment of duty-expenditure , becoming a subtle issue in our life .

  19. 职务消费过高、过滥就是特殊化,特殊化是腐败的表现。

    The extra vocational consumption is a kind of privilege , which is a form of corruption .

  20. 一般关心的是职务消费、个人价值实现、工作稳定、充分的支配权力;

    Normal concerns were job consumption , realization of personal value , job stability and sufficient empowerment .

  21. 相对货币收入即高管人员的工资外收入,也可以称之为职务消费。

    The relative monetary income , i.e. the extra income out of salaries is also called vocational consumption .

  22. 我国公务员职务消费目前处于一种极度膨胀状态,并受到社会的广泛关注。

    Now the position-related consumption of China 's civil servant is over-inflated , and draws wide public concern .

  23. 在公务员职务消费行为过程中,存在着诸多问题,造成了大量国家以及集体资源被挥霍浪费。

    During the process of position-related consumption behavior , there are many problems , resulting in a large number of national and collective resources squandered .

  24. 与此同时,也出现了一些急待解决的问题,诸如职务消费行为不规范、存在短信消费陷阱、农村消费发育不完善等。

    Meanwhile , some problems which need urgent solutions such as abnormal professional consumption behavior , message consumption trap and ill-developed rural consumption have appeared .

  25. 文章分析了不正当职务消费的含义、形成原因、危害及本质,提出了具体的防范对策。

    The article analyzed the meaning which the improper duty expended , to form the reason , the harm and the essence , proposed the concrete guard countermeasure .

  26. 权威部门统计数据表明,每一年我国公务员职务消费所产生的支出竟占了全部财政支出的三分之一以上,甚至逐年呈现出不断膨胀的态势。

    According to the statistics of authority department , annual expenditures of position-related consumption actually accounted for over a third of total expenditure , which is presenting the ever-expanding trend .

  27. 通过建立监督机制和职务消费货币化、退休养老医疗保障等制度,为经营者规范经营行为、建立公平的竞争环境提供了保障。

    As to constraint mechanisms regal merit system , selection system and business consume currency system are built up to regulate the operator 's running behaviors and ensure a fair competing environments .

  28. 周一,一位政治顾问敦促政府采取有力措施控制官员职务消费,他说:国家出台法律,禁止官员职务消费中的奢侈浪费,也许有助于抑制公共资源浪费。

    A political advisor on Monday urged the government to take strong measures to control administrative costs , saying promulgation of a law againest evtravagance and waste maybe help check the waste of public resources .

  29. 职务消费是一种对社会可以产生很大影响、比较特殊的行为,所以必须深入研究职务消费的涵义、特征、问题、发展趋势、产生原因、解决途径等一系列问题。

    Duty consumption is an special activity which can have a great impact to society , so we need to do deeply research to a serial problems such as meanings , features , developing trends , sources , solutions .

  30. 职务消费分为三个层次:第一层是必要消费行为;第二个层次是超出标准的、奢侈浪费的消费行为;第三个层次是以公务为幌子产生的消费行为。

    Duty consumption can be divided into three levels : first level , necessary consumption behavior ; the second level , the standard exceedingly , extravagant consumption behavior , the third level , consumption by the excuse of working business .