
zhènɡ fǔ xiāo fèi
  • Government consumption;public consumption
  1. 政府消费、城乡居民消费与通货膨胀

    Public Consumption 、 Urban and Rural Residents ' Consumption and Inflation

  2. 最终消费由居民消费和政府消费构成。

    Final consumption is consisted by household consumption and government consumption .

  3. 我国政府消费支出与经济增长关系的实证分析

    An Empirical Study on Relationship between Government Consumption Expenditure and Economic Growth

  4. 我国政府消费与居民消费的关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between Government and Household Consumption

  5. 用大量的政府消费很容易刺激经济。

    It is easy to boost an economy with lots of government spending .

  6. 政府消费和居民消费的关系分析

    On the Relationship between Household Consumption and Government Consumption

  7. 政府消费支出具有很强的生产性,与投资支出相比更能促进经济增长的实证性结论。

    Compared with government investment , the government consumption can contribute more to the economy growth .

  8. 她工作的一大部分是寻求减少政府消费的途径。

    A big part of her job will be to look for ways to cut government waste .

  9. 对政府消费中的两个支出形式&公共教育支出和公共卫生支出进行了实证分析和国际比较。

    This paper discusses public education and health expenditures by means of authentic analysis and international comparison .

  10. 政府消费与私人消费的期内替代和跨期替代&来自亚洲国家的面板协整分析

    Temporal and Intertemporal Substitution of Governmental Consumption and Private Consumption : the Panel Co-Integrate Analysis of Asian Countries

  11. 应当通过加大社会保障支出等措施降低居民支出预期,有效拉动居民消费,或者通过政府消费水平的调整,把总消费率保持在一个适度的水平上。

    Otherwise , government consumption level should be adjusted to keep the total consumption rate at a proper level .

  12. 在一个随机内生增长模型中分析了具有相对拥挤性的政府消费性支出,并讨论了最优的财政政策。

    Government consumption expenditure with congestion was analyzed and optimal fiscal policy in a stochastic endogenous growth model discussed .

  13. 研究政府消费规模对居民消费需求的影响,要考察特定的国家和地区,以及特定的时期,本文主要是研究我国从1978到2003年25年间的政府消费规模的变化对居民消费需求的影响。

    To study this impact one should investigate the situation in particular countries and regions , and in particular period .

  14. 而且政府消费需要能够持续:我们不是谈论一个短期一阵子的援助问题;

    And this government spending needs to be sustained : we 're not talking about a brief burst of aid ;

  15. 政府消费支出结构变动趋于合理,但军费开支较大。

    The governmental spending was being changed according to economic and social development , and military expenditure was being enlarged .

  16. 对此,政府消费应当发挥对居民消费的拉动作用或者对总消费率的平滑作用。

    Government consumption , consequently , should play a role as pulling up household consumption or smoothing the total consumption rate .

  17. 他们发现在政府消费保持平稳的基础上,援助每少1美元,政府的投资便会减少12美分。

    They found that for every aid dollar unexpectedly withheld , government investment fell by12 cents , while government consumption remained stable .

  18. 最终需求主要由居民消费、政府消费、固定资本形成与净出口四个部分构成,其中固定资本形成的生产诱发系数最大,说明通过增加这一部分的需求刺激可以更有效地促进总产出的增长。

    Final demands are formed four parts with the consumption of resident , government consumption , fixed capital and the net export .

  19. 进一步推进国有企业分红改革可以有助于将企业收益高效率地引导到政府消费或成长性行业投资上。

    Further SOE dividend reform can help channeling corporate earnings more efficiently , to either government consumption or investment in a growth industry .

  20. 关于政府消费和居民消费的关系,经济学界颇有争议,实证分析得出的结论也不一致。

    There are many disputes about the relationship between household consumption and government consumption . The conclusion from physical analysis is not consistent yet .

  21. 其中消费可以划分为居民消费和政府消费,居民消费又可以进而分解为城镇居民消费和农村居民消费。

    Consumption can be divided into personal consumption and government consumption , the personal consumption can also further divided into urban consumption and rural consumption .

  22. 我们的计量分析结果表明,多边贷款并没有促进公共投资的增长,反而降低了税收,提高了政府消费水平。

    Our econometric analysis indicates that multilateral loan does not increase public investment . On contrary , it deducts the tax and increases government consumption .

  23. 只减税,不相应削减政府消费,也不利用高利率防止通胀,这种政策组合是无法持久的。

    Tax cuts unmatched by cuts in government consumption , together with high interest rates to prevent inflation , may not be a sustainable policy combination .

  24. 对穷国而言,政府消费主要用于工资的支付,要削减工资用短短的通知恐怕太势,但扣上政治的帽子作为理由又太过。

    In poor countries , government consumption is mostly composed of salaries , which are difficult to cut at short notice , not least for political reasons .

  25. 关于政府消费规模对居民消费需求的影响,从理论上讲,可以是替代关系,也可以是互补关系。

    As the core . The impact on households ' consumption demand of government 's consumption scale , theoretically , can be either substituted relation or complementary relation .

  26. 政府消费会引起经济负增长,同时也会对城乡居民消费有一定的挤出效应,尤其是对农村居民消费的挤出效应更大。

    In addition , government consumption causes negative growth of economy and has crowding-out effect on urban and rural resident 's consumption , especially on the rural residents .

  27. 消费包括政府消费和居民消费,其中居民消费在我国占有约80%左右的比重,其对经济增长有着强劲的拉动作用。

    Including government consumption and consumption of major consumer , in which the consumer in our possession about 80 % of the proportion of its economic growth has a strong role .

  28. 在考虑我国预算外资金后,我国总体财政模式从生产性转入了政府消费性,这标志着我国财政支出结构恶化的趋势。

    After taking extra-budgetary public expenditure into consideration , the total finance model of China has transformed to government-consuming model , this signified the deterioration of the national public expenditure structure .

  29. 而对于中、西部地区来说,需求因素,比如政府消费和私人消费偏好,才是影响实际汇率变动最重要的原因。

    But for middle and western area , demand factors , such as government expense and personal expense favor , are the most important factor for affecting real exchange rate 's trend .

  30. 同时,本文认为现有对政府消费冲击的研究并不完善,尚存在一些问题,并给出可行的解决思路。

    At the same time , the dissertation argues that the existing study of the impact of government spending is not perfect and stills some issues , then gives some viable solutions .