
  • 网络party supervision
  1. 行政伦理监督包括政党监督、行政监督、法制监督、社会监督等四个途径。

    Supervision of administrative ethics includes four channels ── political party supervision , administrative supervision , law supervision and social supervision .

  2. 政党政治理论及其内涵的政党监督思想在晚清时期已经形成。

    Party politics theory and its most important concept of party supervision already took shape in late Qing Dynasty .

  3. 政党监督是现代政治权力监督体系必不可少的组成部分,是我国政党制度中的固有之义。

    Intendance of the party is an integral part in the intendance system of modern politics power , and the inherent meaning .

  4. 同时,对于社会监督中的社会中介组织监督以及政党监督,限于篇幅本文也未作深入探讨。

    At the same time , supervisions regarding social intermediary organizations and political parties are not thoroughly discussed for the limitation of the length of this thesis .

  5. 分析了现阶段加强和完善我国政党监督运行机制的主、客观条件;

    Presents the situation of China 's political party supervision at the moment ; Further study was carried out on the subjective and objective conditions of improving China 's political party supervision operating mechanics .

  6. 政党自我监督是政党自身建设的基本内容和政党发展的重要保障。

    The self-monitoring of political parties is the basic content of their own construction and an important guarantee for development of political parties .

  7. 政党自我监督的科学化水平,体现着政党自身建设的质量,反映着政党实现价值的能力,事关政党发展的前途和命运。

    The scientific level of party self-monitoring reflects the quality of the political party of their own construction , reflects the ability of political parties to realize the value , and relates to the future and destiny of the development of political parties .

  8. 贝利还证实欧盟官员正在就匈牙利新的媒体法进行质询,该法包含由匈牙利总理维克托-欧尔班的政党控制的特别监督机构的条款。

    Bailly also confirms EU officials are questioning Hungary about new media laws which include a special oversight authority run by members of Prime Minister Viktor Orban 's party .

  9. 所谓党内监督,是指来自政党内部的一种对政党自身的监督。任何政党都有党内监督。

    This so - called inner - party supervision refers to a kind of self - controlling within the political party .