
zhènɡ fǔ zhènɡ quàn
  • government securities
  1. 格林先生一提到政府证券,他们的精神就为之一振

    When Mr. Green mentioned government securities , they came alive .

  2. 例如,去年花旗集团(citigroup)在东京组织了一次会议,会上5家欧洲债务管理机构对购买了它们政府证券的100位日本投资组合经理表示了感谢。

    Last year , for example , Citigroup arranged a conference in Tokyo , where five European debt managers addressed 100 Japanese portfolio managers on the merits of buying their government securities .

  3. 在一个典型的CDO里,高级证券可以获得比相关债务高得多的评级&有时是AAA级,与美国政府证券评级相同。

    In a typical CDO , senior securities can achieve credit ratings much higher than those of the underlying debt - sometimes triple-A , the same rating as US government securities .

  4. 大约三分之二的交易额来自政府证券。

    About two-thirds of trading volumes were comprised of government securities .

  5. 在实践中,这意味着政府证券。

    In practice , that means government securities .

  6. 包括强化数据信息采集,提高政府证券监管决策的时效性。

    Include strengthening data information collection , raise the efficiency of government regulation decision .

  7. 政府证券监管权将自律监管权排除在外,属于狭义的证券监管权。

    Government regulatory power is carried out in a narrow sense , which excludes self-discipline .

  8. 政府证券监管决策的依据是各类数据信息,数据信息的质量直接决定了监管决策的及时性和准确性。

    The accuracy and efficiency of government regulation are directly decided on the quality of data information .

  9. 欧元区的政府证券并没有变得安全——如此同时,欧元的进程本身也仍处于危险之中。

    Euro-zone government bonds have not been made safe - and the euro project remains in peril .

  10. 他们现在肯定很后悔当时把储蓄投资在美国次贷和希腊政府证券上。

    They must now regret having invested their savings abroad in American subprime mortgages and Greek government debt .

  11. 发行政府证券以增加货币流通量货币回笼的增加,为平抑全区物价发挥了作用。

    The increase in withdrawing currency from circulation has played its role in stabilizing commodity prices in the entire region .

  12. 除了出售政府证券等组合资产,各国还可通过跨境并购为经常账户赤字融资。

    Beyond selling portfolio assets such as government securities , countries can finance current-account deficits via cross-border mergers and acquisitions .

  13. 狭义银行将投资政府证券、经营支付系统并为公众提供安全的存款场所。

    Narrow banks would invest in government securities , run the payment system and offer safe deposits to the public .

  14. 美元唯一的其他担保是美联储以政府证券形式所做的抵押品。

    The only other guarantee on the bill is a federal reserve pledge as a confirmation in the form of government securities .

  15. 投资者保护是各国政府证券监管的核心目标,而信息披露质量则是投资者保护的重要内容。

    Investor protection is the governments core objectives of securities regulation , and the quality of information disclosure is important to investor protection .

  16. 与此同时,信贷市场(此次金融危机的震中)压力加剧,投资者纷纷将资产转换成安全的政府证券。

    Meanwhile , stress in the credit markets , the epicentre of the financial crisis , intensified as investors fled to save government securities .

  17. 印度央行还要求,银行所持政府证券占存款总额的比例须从24%提高至25%。

    The RBI also pushed up the requirement for banks to hold at least 25 per cent of their deposits in government securities from 24 per cent .

  18. 从经济伦理学视角来看,政府证券监管在价值取向上分为中性监管、准中性监管和自利监管三种伦理模式。

    From the perspective of economic ethics , the paper attempts to in divide the governmental supervision into three ethics models , i.e.neutral , quasi-neutral and self-beneficial models .

  19. 他不愿意自主购买政府证券,而且那些通过救助国家证券来增加欧洲金融稳定基金的建议根本不能影响他。

    It is reluctant to keep buying government bonds itself , and is unimpressed by suggestions that it should boost the EFSF 's firepower by lending to it .

  20. 第三个工具也许是最重要的工具,叫做公开市场活动,也就是买卖政府证券。

    The third tool , which is probably the most important , is known as open market operations . It is the buying and selling of government securities .

  21. 各国政府证券监管机关及国际证监组织正在不断研究和完善对跨境发行与交易的法律监管。存在跨文化刑法吗?&一种哲学尝试

    There are more and more studies in improving the regulations on cross-border securities offerings and transactions . Does a Transcultural Criminal Law Really Exist ? & A Philosophical Attempt

  22. 我国政府证券监管权配置不合理和运行不规范是目前存在的核心问题,导致了权力行使的低效。

    The core issue in this aspect lies that the power allocation is not reasonable and its function is not normative , which lead to the low efficiency in execution .

  23. 间接干预包括改变本币投资的利率水平,如政府证券利率,从而吸引或阻碍外汇的流动。

    The indirect intervention involves changing the level of interest rates on investments in its own currency , e.g.government securities and so attracting or deterring the flow of foreign currencies .

  24. 鉴于欧元区国家已放弃本国货币,我们可以从德国和欧元区外围成员国政府证券之间不断扩大的利差感受到这种压力。

    As the countries in the eurozone have abandoned their own national currencies , the pressures have been felt in widening interest differentials between German government securities and those of peripheral member countries .

  25. 分析师表示,增强型货币市场基金面临着投资者的赎回压力,正拼命寻找安全资产。这些基金通常会在其资产组合中持有部分非政府证券,以提高回报率。

    They said enhanced money market funds – which normally hold some non-government securities in their portfolios to increase their returns – were facing redemption pressure from investors and were desperately seeking safe assets .

  26. 随着证券市场的全球化的迅猛发展,对证券跨境发行与交易的法律监管已成为各国政府证券监管机关以及国际证监组织的重要课题。

    With the development of the globalization of the securities markets , it is becoming a more and more important issue of the regulations on cross-border securities offerings and transactions to the regulatory organizations of each country and the International Organization of Securities Commissions .

  27. 政府防范证券市场风险的行为研究

    A Study on the Government Function in Preventing Stock Market Risk

  28. 证券交易委员会是,政府对证券的主要监管机构。

    The Securities and Exchange Commission is the principal government regulator for securities .

  29. 他再次投资于政府的证券。

    He reinvested the money in government stock .

  30. 各级政府、证券公司股东、机构债权人损失惨重。

    Levels of government 、 shareholders and creditors of securities companies lost a lot .