- 名government securities

When Mr. Green mentioned government securities , they came alive .
Last year , for example , Citigroup arranged a conference in Tokyo , where five European debt managers addressed 100 Japanese portfolio managers on the merits of buying their government securities .
In a typical CDO , senior securities can achieve credit ratings much higher than those of the underlying debt - sometimes triple-A , the same rating as US government securities .
About two-thirds of trading volumes were comprised of government securities .
In practice , that means government securities .
Include strengthening data information collection , raise the efficiency of government regulation decision .
Government regulatory power is carried out in a narrow sense , which excludes self-discipline .
The accuracy and efficiency of government regulation are directly decided on the quality of data information .
Euro-zone government bonds have not been made safe - and the euro project remains in peril .
They must now regret having invested their savings abroad in American subprime mortgages and Greek government debt .
The increase in withdrawing currency from circulation has played its role in stabilizing commodity prices in the entire region .
Beyond selling portfolio assets such as government securities , countries can finance current-account deficits via cross-border mergers and acquisitions .
Narrow banks would invest in government securities , run the payment system and offer safe deposits to the public .
The only other guarantee on the bill is a federal reserve pledge as a confirmation in the form of government securities .
Investor protection is the governments core objectives of securities regulation , and the quality of information disclosure is important to investor protection .
Meanwhile , stress in the credit markets , the epicentre of the financial crisis , intensified as investors fled to save government securities .
The RBI also pushed up the requirement for banks to hold at least 25 per cent of their deposits in government securities from 24 per cent .
From the perspective of economic ethics , the paper attempts to in divide the governmental supervision into three ethics models , i.e.neutral , quasi-neutral and self-beneficial models .
It is reluctant to keep buying government bonds itself , and is unimpressed by suggestions that it should boost the EFSF 's firepower by lending to it .
The third tool , which is probably the most important , is known as open market operations . It is the buying and selling of government securities .
There are more and more studies in improving the regulations on cross-border securities offerings and transactions . Does a Transcultural Criminal Law Really Exist ? & A Philosophical Attempt
The core issue in this aspect lies that the power allocation is not reasonable and its function is not normative , which lead to the low efficiency in execution .
The indirect intervention involves changing the level of interest rates on investments in its own currency , e.g.government securities and so attracting or deterring the flow of foreign currencies .
As the countries in the eurozone have abandoned their own national currencies , the pressures have been felt in widening interest differentials between German government securities and those of peripheral member countries .
They said enhanced money market funds – which normally hold some non-government securities in their portfolios to increase their returns – were facing redemption pressure from investors and were desperately seeking safe assets .
With the development of the globalization of the securities markets , it is becoming a more and more important issue of the regulations on cross-border securities offerings and transactions to the regulatory organizations of each country and the International Organization of Securities Commissions .
A Study on the Government Function in Preventing Stock Market Risk
The Securities and Exchange Commission is the principal government regulator for securities .
He reinvested the money in government stock .
Levels of government 、 shareholders and creditors of securities companies lost a lot .