
  • 网络direct security
  1. 这条新闻让公司(可能也包括你的东家在内)担心,金钱回报会促使人们直接向证券交易委员会或者其它政府机构,如职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)告发犯罪行径,而不是首先提醒老板。

    This has raised concerns among employers ( maybe even yours ) that the prospect of a monetary reward will prompt people to report wrongdoing directly to the SEC , or another government agency like OSHA , without first alerting their bosses .

  2. 用遗传算法直接搜索证券组合投资的有效边界

    Study on efficient frontier in portfolio investment by using genetic algorithms

  3. 2007年8月,我国放开了境内个人直接对外证券投资业务。

    Personal direct investment to foreign country also got liberalized in August 2007 .

  4. 中国将有更多企业在美国资本市场直接发行证券。

    An increasing number of Chinese enterprises will directly issue securities in the American capital market .

  5. 证券的持有方式从传统的直接持有证券体制向现代的中介持有证券体制转变。

    The security holding system has been changed from the traditional direct holding system to the modern intermediated holding system .

  6. 证券市场要求企业提供信息披露,而信息披露的透明度直接与证券市场运行有效性相关联。

    Stock Market requires enterprises to provide information disclosure , and the transparency of information disclosure is associated with the validity of stock market directly .

  7. 另外,转账可以直接在证券公司或网上通过实际操作转,不能直接通过电话通知银行转账吧!

    Additional , turn Zhang can pass real operation to turn on stockjobber or net directly , cannot inform through the phone the bank turns directly zhang !

  8. 证券投资者作为证券市场的基石,其对证券市场的信心将直接影响证券市场的繁荣与稳定。

    As the cornerstone of the securities market , Securities investors ' confidence in the securities market can directly influence the boom and stability of the securities market .

  9. 自从证券产生到20世纪中叶,证券的持有和转让一直实行的是直接持有证券体制。

    Since the creation of security and until the later half of the 20th century , direct security holding system had governed the holding and transfer of security .

  10. 但对绝大多数股民来说,直接参与证券市场的确是件需要付出大量精力,承担巨大风险的事情;

    But for the most shareholder , directly participate in the really needs of security market to pay out plenty of energies , undertake the matter of huge risk ;

  11. 我国《证券法》禁止投资者直接进入证券交易市场,投资者要在证券交易市场买卖证券,需委托证券商进行。

    The security law rules that the investors can not enter the security market directly . So , trading securities in the security market , the investors have to commission securities dealers .

  12. 利润操纵现象的大量存在,使投资者与公司间信任被动摇,作为资本市场基石的信用受到考验,直接影响证券市场的健康发展。

    Lots of profit manipulation waved the reliance between the investors and companies , damaged the credit which is the base of the security markets and are directly effecting the health development of the security markets .

  13. 证券管制立法目标的选择,直接影响证券管制的方式、过程及结果,从而对证券市场运行效率的提高、脆弱性的克服以及稳健良性的发展起着决定性作用。

    It 's the choice of the legislative objectives of the securities regulation that directly influences the securities regulation 's goal , course and result , thus play a decisive role in improving the operational efficiency of stock market , the overcoming of fragility , steadiness and benign development .

  14. 当国际资本不能直接进入证券市场时,国际资本可以通过对汇率、利率、外汇储备、资本形成等宏观经济环境的影响,来间接影响证券市场。

    When the international capital adopts the synopsis the way to enter the stock market , The international capital may influence stock market indirectly , through the macroeconomic variable such as the exchange rate , the interest rate , the foreign exchange reserve , the capital formation and so on .

  15. 跨境上市的直接结果是证券发行人及其主要营业地与投资者分处不同的国家或法域。

    Cross-border listing makes securities issuers and investors and business in different countries or jurisdictions .

  16. 部分结果直接与次级证券或结构性信贷工具有关。

    Part of the fallout relates directly to subprime exposure or to structured credit instruments .

  17. 香港居民将获准直接从中资证券公司的分支机构购买a股。

    This will allow individuals to buy a shares directly from subsidiaries of mainland security companies .

  18. 审计合谋现象的存在直接影响到证券市场的有效运行,同时也使整个注册会计师行业遭到质疑。

    Auditing collusion affects the operation of stock market directly and leads to question on the whole CPA profession .

  19. 它的发展状况直接决定着证券市场的发展前景,从而影响市场经济的健康发展。

    The development situation of securities dealers is greatly related to the prospective of securities market and sound development of market-oriented economy .

  20. 审计师直接受雇于证券监管部门、再由监管部门与客户商定费用,或许是一种更好的机制。

    A better system might be for auditors to be employed directly by the securities regulator who would then negotiate fees with the client .

  21. 为确保开展境内个人直接投资境外证券市场试点顺利实施,特制定本方案。

    These plans are formulated to ensure the smooth implementation of the experimentpilot business of direct investment in foreign securities markets by domestic individuals .

  22. 上市公司信息披露质量高低,直接关系到证券市场有效程度、投资者保护等重要问题。

    The quality of information disclosure of listed companies directly related to the effectiveness of securities markets , investor protection and other important issues .

  23. 再融资活动是证券市场的重要组成部分,其运作的效率直接关系到证券市场的成功与否。

    Refinancing activity is an important part of the securities market , the efficiency of its operation is directly related to the stock market success .

  24. 上市公司是证券市场上最重要的经济主体,它的行为直接影响到证券市场的效率和投资者的信心。

    Listing enterprises are the key economic entity in securities market and their behaviors contribute to the efficiency of market and the investors'confidence in it .

  25. 上市公司是证券市场的基石,上市公司质量的优劣直接关系到证券市场的发展。

    The listed company is the cornerstone of the stock market . The quality of the listed company impact the development of the stock market .

  26. 根据有效资本市场假设理论,信息披露是一切问题的根源,信息披露的规范与否直接影响着证券市场的有效性。

    According to effective capital market hypothesis theory , information disclosure is the source of every problem . Information disclosure directly affects the efficiency of securities market .

  27. 上市公司是证券市场发展的基础,其行为的规范和业绩的好坏直接决定了证券市场的兴衰。

    Listed companies are the foundation for the development of the securities market , their behavior and performance directly determines the rise and fall of the stock market .

  28. 证券登记结算环节是紧紧围绕交易环节的运行体系,是证券市场风险传输的重要通道,证券登记结算体系的模式的安全性直接制约着证券交易系统的安全性。

    It is an important channel which transfers the risk in the stock market . The security in exchange system is restricted by the security model of clearing settlements system .

  29. 投资者是证券市场的主体,其合法利益能否得到有效保护,直接影响到证券市场的运行与发展。

    Investors are the main body of securities business , and whether their legality benefit is protected effectively or not , which directly effect the running and development of securities business .

  30. 寻租行为直接导致了证券监管的失灵,本文运用博弈论中监督博弈命题,来探讨监管者自身行为的成本和效益。

    Rent-seeking directly caused the malfunction of securities supervision . This paper applies the supervision on game from game theory to make research and discussion on the costs and benefits of supervisor himself .