
  • 网络Direct Distributor;direct marketer;Distributor
  1. 作为大中华区的主要代理商和直销商,我们的产品品种繁多、质量优良。我们主要通过高性价比和长期合作与客户建立起双赢的伙伴关系。

    As the leading agent and direct distributor for an extensive range of quality products in Greater China , we deliver win-win partnerships through better value and long lasting relationships .

  2. 首先而且最重要的,就是成为贺宝芙直销商。

    First and foremost , the answer is being an Herbalife distributor .

  3. 研究表明传统零售商和Internet直销商竞争的有力武器是服务,而Internet渠道的最大吸引力在于便捷(也即顾客Internet购物的不适成本较低)。

    The study indicates that retailers will choose to upgrade services to reinforce their competences , while Internet channel is attractive to customers only when they have low discomfort costs of web buying . 5 .

  4. IAC零售公司是一家年营收额高达30亿美元、面向消费者的直销商。

    IAC ( IACI ) retail was a $ 3 billion direct-to-consumer business that included HSN , HSN .

  5. 如今,我们确信葆婴公司正是中国直销商们分享USANA成功的途径。

    Today , we are confident that BabyCare is the way for Distributors in China to share in the success of USANA .

  6. 只要能够提供香港居民的身份证明,现有的香港直销商可继续购买产品和参与USANA奖励计划,但无法提供香港居民身份证明者则被严格限制。

    Existing Hong Kong Distributors can continue to purchase products and participate in the USANA compensation plan , but restrictions will apply to those who fail to prove their Hong Kong residency .

  7. 齐来分享曾参加过世界组学校的直销商的见证!

    Let 's hear from those who have attended World Team School !

  8. 直销商同意只向机汇订购机汇产品。

    The Distributor agrees to order OV products for sale exclusively through OV .

  9. 所有香港直销商在提货时均需出示带有相片的身份证明。

    All Hong Kong Distributors must produce photo identification when picking up their orders .

  10. 注:上述直销商之职业均为加入安利时的工作。

    Occupations at the time of joining Amway .

  11. 本协议书对机汇和直销商的合法继承人及认可受让人有同等约束力。

    This Agreement is legally binding on all successors and assignees of OV and Distributor .

  12. 在我们的国际消费网络中成长最快的是我们的华裔直销商。

    The fastest growing segment of our global customer network is among our ethnic-Chinese Associates .

  13. 今天,纽崔莱品牌由安利和捷星的全球直销商专售。

    Today , the Nutrilite brand is sold exclusively by Amway and Quixtar independent business owners worldwide .

  14. 直销商必须在收到退回之产品后三十天内将产品送达本公司。

    This product must be return to OV within thirty ( 30 ) days of the purchase .

  15. 这家全球最大的化妆品直销商最近却高兴不起来。

    The world 's biggest direct seller of cosmetics has had little to cheer about of late .

  16. 他没有必要来说服我去推荐有经验的直销商。

    He didn 't have to convince me that recruiting experienced MLM distributors was the way to go .

  17. 请记住,阁下推荐的直销商不是员工,而是跟您一样的“自愿参加者”。

    Remember , the distributors you 've sponsored are not employees but " volunteers ," just like you .

  18. 香港安利希望各直销商及优惠顾客也能献出一分力,参与联合国儿童基金会的筹款活动。

    We would like to encourage our distributors and privileged customers to participate in unicef 's fundraising programmes .

  19. 机汇有权更改产品价格,并会透过机汇印制之刊物向直销商发出通知而视作正式生效。

    OV is entitled to alter wholesale prices of products and the new price will become effective upon publication .

  20. 史都华先生是帮助我们建立强大持久直销商队伍的不二人选。

    No one is better positioned to help us build strong and lasting relationships with our distributors than Stewart .

  21. 公司同时也计划保持现在对直销商进行产品零售能力的强化培训方面的投资。

    The company also plans to maintain its investments in strengthening the ability of its distributors to retail its products .

  22. 在我们的指导下,数十位直销商甚至达成$1000000以上的收入。

    Several dozen have actually gone on to earn over $ 1 million from their business thanks to our guidance .

  23. 这个奖金制度使得新直销商更快产生支票,我们相信这是一个很大的竞争优势。

    This program allows our new associates to generate a check faster , which we believe is a distinct competitive advantage .

  24. 机汇并不鼓励直销商大量囤积产品。惟直销商须合理地评估零售趋势,自订合理的产品存货量。

    OV does not encourage Distributor to stock up large quantity of products but recommends a reasonable amount according to Distributor 's needs .

  25. 请于结帐前出示安利直销商/优惠顾客咭,并在帐单上签名以享用折扣优惠。

    Please present your ADA / VIP Card and sign on the bill upon settlement in order to enjoy the respective special discounts .

  26. 直销商可致函机汇要求终止本协议书,及收到机汇香港公司回覆后,方告生效。

    Distributor may terminate this Agreement by giving OV written notice and the termination will become effective upon receipt of OV confirmation reply .

  27. 我热爱作为一个直销商的经历,热爱与这些伟大的企业家共同合作,他们使立新世纪成为直销商的大家庭。

    I have loved my experience as a distributor and my association with the great entrepreneurs that make up the Unicity family of distributors ;

  28. 直销商对机汇产品的陈述和说明,仅可依据本公司正式发行或公告的刊物或文件内容。

    The statements and explanations of OV products made by Distributor shall be confined to those contained in publications issued or circulated by Organic Vision .

  29. 本人同意亦明白在申请成为机汇直销商时需要不时向机汇提供有关个人的最新资料。

    I agree and understand that I have to provide OV with my latest personal data from time to time upon becoming an OV Distributor .

  30. 购货权利:直销商订立独立直销商加盟协议书后,便有权在香港特别行政区的市场上以批发价购买机汇产品及以零售价销售机汇产品。

    Right to Purchase : Through this Agreement , Distributors are authorized to purchase for sale all OV products and services available in the HKSAR market .