
  • 网络Direct Selling Enterprise
  1. 因此,我国直销企业监管道路仍然任重而道远,研究直销企业监管具有较强的现实意义和理论价值。

    So , Chinese Direct Selling enterprise supervision has theoretical and practice value .

  2. 以此为导向,文章对世界各主要国家和地区的直销企业监管立法、具体制度和行业自律规范进行了比较研究。

    Take this as the guidance , the article to world each major country and the local Direct Selling enterprise supervision legislation , the concrete system and the profession autonomy standard carries on has studied .

  3. 如新在提交至SEC的声明中说,我们的薪酬机制和在中国经营的其它直销企业类似。

    Nu Skin said in its SEC statement , ' Our compensation is similar to other direct selling companies operating in China .

  4. 分销辅助系统对直销企业有着重要的意义。

    Manifesting the significance of DPR system for direct commerce enterprise .

  5. 论直销企业薪酬分配制度&以安利公司销售人员薪酬的公平分配为例

    On Salary Distribution System in Direct Sale Enterprise

  6. 直销企业的薪酬管理是一项敏感且政策性较强的工作。

    Salary management in direct sale enterprise is the most difficult and sensitive work .

  7. 提出了构建多重营销网络对于直销企业的意义和直销企业建立多重营销网络的优势。

    The significance and the advantage for direct commerce enterprises to set up a multi-level marketing network were put forward .

  8. 直销企业客户想在同行竞争中脱颖而出,最有效的方法就是实施企业信息化管理。

    If direct distributors want to stand out above all competitors , the most effective way is to carry out CRM .

  9. 直销企业设计的与销售人员的销售业绩和推荐顾客加入销售队伍的努力程度相关的薪酬制度有效地激励了销售人员。

    Besides , the salary institution which correlate with sales achievement and the hard work degree of recommending customers to be salesman really inspirit salesman effectively .

  10. 第九条直销企业不再从事直销活动的,凭商务部和工商总局出具的书面凭证,可以向指定银行取回保证金。

    In case the direct selling applications are not approved , earnest money can be taken back with certification in written form of Ministry of Commerce .

  11. 玫琳凯公司作为全球知名的直销企业,其有效的企业文化价值观植入、目标绩效管理、柔性激励措施等都值得国内直销企业借鉴。

    Its experience in implantation of corporate cultural values , objectives performance management , flexible incentives , etc. , is referential for domestic direct selling enterprise .

  12. 本文以著名直销企业安利公司为例,介绍了安利公司的发展历史、规模以及营销策略。

    This text has introduced the developing history , scale and marketing tactics of Amway Company by selling Amway Company of enterprises directly to households famously as the example .

  13. 安利公司是一家传统的直销企业,1992年进入中国内地市场。

    Amway is a conventional Direct-Selling enterprise , which entered into Chinese marketing in 1992 . Due to the change of macro-environment in China , Direct-Selling trades came through many twists and turns .

  14. 探讨了直销企业引入知识管理的重要意义,提出直销企业的知识转移的特点是交互式知识转移。

    Discussing the significance for direct commerce enterprise to introduce in the knowledge management , putting forward a viewpoint that the characteristics of knowledge management in direct commerce enterprise is alternative knowledge transmission .

  15. 在很多企业因为金融危机的冲击处于发展低迷期时,以安利(中国)为代表的直销企业的销售额却是逐年递增,从而显示出了直销模式存在的价值和优势。

    By the impact of the financial crisis , the development of most emprises is in a downturn . But direct selling enterprises , such as Amway , can create outstanding performances every year , which reveals the advantages and charm of direct selling models .

  16. 阐述了该模式产品适应性分析及对物流管理的客观要求;最后给出了直销型企业在物流管理方面的建议。

    The paper analyzes the features of direct-marketing mode and gives out some suggestions for direct-marketing enterprises on how to implement logistics management .

  17. 新模式通过对比国际业内领跑者如TNT和国内直销行业的成功企业如贝塔斯曼,通过他们的业务开展和运行模式分析,将中国邮政在直复营销行业的开展模式进行优化。

    As a result of the comparison between the internal leader like TNT and domestic forerunner like Bertelsmann in service development and operation mode , the new mode optimizes the development mode of postal DM in China .

  18. 本文将企业限定在中国合法拿到直销牌照的直销企业,并以安利的直销团队为调查对象,通过调查问卷的方式获取所需数据。

    This paper will only research the enterprises that has got the direct selling license of the direct selling in China , and make am way direct marketing team as the research object , through the questionnaire way to acquire the data .

  19. 但是你真正的意思是如果你在那里有一部分人就是只负责创造需求,实际上比起那些让一些人致力于为渠道创造需求或为直销创造需求的企业,你将获利更大。

    But what you 're really saying is if you have someone out there just creating demand , you actually get a bigger benefit out of that than having somebody just dedicated to creating demand for channel or creating demand for direct sales .

  20. 随着近几年电子商务的迅猛发展,各类型的企业纷纷触网,开展基于电子商务的销售、采购或服务,网上直销渠道已经成为企业的重要发展平台与生存方式。

    With the rapid development of electronic commerce in recent years , various types of enterprises have " net " to carry on e-commerce sales , purchases or services , online direct marketing has become an important platform for the development and way of life .

  21. 利用直销的渠道和网络,直销企业和销售人员能够较快地沟通和反馈供求信息,既促进销售,又引导生产。

    Making use of the channel and network of direct selling , the enterprises and salesman can communicate effectively and feed back supply and demand information fleetly .

  22. 首先介绍了国际直销概况,以及国外主要国家直销企业的营销环境和营销战略。

    First , it introduces the general situations of international direct selling , as well as marketing circumstance and strategy of direct sales corporations in main countries overseas .

  23. 中国直销市场潜力巨大,各大直销企业为了扩大在中国直销市场上的地位,纷纷制定了针对性的发展战略,以求迅速扩大在中国直销市场的份额。

    Chinese direct marketing potential is tremendous . Major direct selling companies in order to expand its position in the Chinese direct marketing , have developed a targeted development strategy , in order to rapidly expand the market share of direct sales in China .

  24. 据此,我国政府在1998年对直销业全面封杀,禁止当时所有直销企业经营并停业整顿。

    Thus , in 1998 our government blocked the direct selling industry , banning the management of all the direct selling enterprises and suspending business for rectification .

  25. 电视直销广告,是指从事电视直销的企业为推介商品,而在专业电视购物频道和其他频道制作并播放的广告宣传片。

    Direct Response TV advertisements are advertisements programs which are made and broadcasted for products promotion on professional Direct Response TV channels or other channels by concerned enterprises .

  26. 《直销员证》、《直销培训员证》由直销企业按商务部制定的规范式样印制。

    Ministry of Commerce will stipulate samples for Direct Seller Certificate and Certificate of Direct Selling Trainer .

  27. 因此,对营销渠道及直销这一独特的渠道模式进行深入、系统的研究,特别是对具有代表性的直销企业的直销渠道的研究必将起着现实指导意义。

    Therefore , having in-depth and systematic research on the marketing channel and the unique channel model of direct selling , especially on the direct selling of the representative enterprises , will play a guiding significance to the reality .