
  • 网络chain sales;Chain selling
  1. 连锁销售物流模式下基于QR策略的配送决策模型

    Distribution Decision Model Based on QR Policy in Chain Sales

  2. 新源礼品连锁销售管理信息系统规划研究

    Management Information Systems Planning Study of Xin Yuan Gift Chain Sales

  3. 因此,基于嵌入式Linux操作系统和GPRS技术的无线嵌入式销售系统(无线POS系统)应运而生,它凭借着体积小、低费用、界面友好等诸多优点成为目前连锁销售市场的新秀。

    So the wireless embedded sale system which is based on the Linux operating system and GPRS technology should be shipped born , it is by virtue of small size , low cost , friendly interface and many other advantages become the darling of the sales market .

  4. 基于业务活动的图书连锁销售管理系统设计

    Design of Book Chain Sales Management System Based on Business Activities

  5. 连锁销售企业成功要素分析

    An Analysis of factors of Chain Sale Enterprises ' Success

  6. 中国石化大型连锁销售网络的构建

    Construction of the Large-scale Chain Commercial Network of the Sinopec

  7. 音像制品连锁销售管理平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Chain Sales Management Platform for Audio-visual Products

  8. 烟草连锁销售网络应用方案探讨

    Discuss of application projectin tobacco linkage selling network

  9. 一种基于DW+OLAP+DM的连锁销售决策支持系统模型

    Model of Chain Stores Decision Supporting System Based on DW + OLAP + DM

  10. 连锁销售数据仓库系统的构建技术的研究

    Research of relation sales data warehouse system construction

  11. 接下来对家电连锁销售物流管理中的信息传递问题进行了深入分析;

    Secondly , it deeply analyses the question of the information transfer in home-appliance distribution logistics .

  12. 但近十年来,我国的连锁销售发展很快,真正成功的连锁销售企业不多。

    In recent decade , chain sale enterprises have been developing rapidly in our country , however , most of them are not successful .

  13. 目前,中国各种小型连锁销售企业的兴起,使得如何由总公司向各门店配货,成为一个迫切的问题。

    At present , the rise of small chain enterprise makes how to distribute goods by the head office to the store a pressing issue .

  14. 对中小连锁销售数据的特点及人工预测方法进行了深入分析,指出了人工决策存在的局限性。

    Deeply analyze the characteristics for small and medium-sized chain sales data and the artificial prediction method , point out the limits of artificial decision . 2 .

  15. 连锁销售是一种商业组织形式和经营制度,是由在同一经营商标的总部统一领导下的若干个店铺或分支企业构成的联合体所进行的商业经营活动。

    Chain sale is a kind of commercial organization and marketing , consists of some shops or branch enterprises under the leadership of headquarters with the same mark .

  16. 在数据仓库、联机分析处理、数据挖掘技术的支持下,提出了连锁销售决策支持系统解决方案,即数据仓库+联机分析处理+数据挖掘→决策支持系统。

    Based on the technologies mentioned before , the solutions of Chain-Sale Decision Support System is put forward , that is DW + OLAP + DM → DSS .

  17. 其中创新之处:一是在对家电连锁销售物流的精益分析过程中,提出了销售物流信息的系统性失真问题;

    The creativity in this article is as follows : first , in the process of lean analysis on home-appliance distribution logistics , it has put forward the problem of logistic information systematicdistortion ;

  18. 该文分析了成功企业的原因,得出了连锁销售企业成功的8大要素:优秀的团队、与客户互动、目标与评估、物流、服务、管理现代化、变化与变革、培训与激励。

    This paper analyzes eight successful factors , which are excellent group , client connection , goal and evaluation , logistics , service , management modernization , change and reform , training and motivation .

  19. 当前,我国乘用车的销售主要是通过四个较为典型的模式,即品牌专业、汽车交易市场、汽车连锁销售和在汽车销售中逐渐被积极采用的电子商务。

    At present , sales of automobiles are mainly through four typical modes , that is , brand specialty , automobile-trading market , automobile chain sales and e-business that are increasingly adopted in automobile sales .

  20. 文章首先提出了数据仓库系统的体系结构,然后创建了连锁销售数据仓库,实现了系统功能模块的设计与开发,最后对该系统的应用前景进行了展望。

    After the proposition of warehouse system architecture , the paper creates relation sales data warehouse and implements the design and development of the system . Finally prospects the near future of the system application .

  21. 该系统已成功应用于分布式电网调度自动化系统、商业连锁销售系统以及污水监测和控制等领域。

    This system has already been successfully applied to automatic dispatching system of distributed electric power network , the marketing system of the commercial chain store , and to such fields as the sewage monitoring and controlling .

  22. 宜家集团控制了从供应链的源头到客户终端,进行优化成本的产品设计,在全球发展采购供应网络,以全球供应商的竞争来达到低价供应全球的连锁销售。

    IKEA group controls the whole supply chain from products design to customers . IKEA designs products with optimized cost ; purchases in global suppliers network and to achieves the lowest cost with global competition to support global sales .

  23. 构建中国石化大型连锁销售网络,有利于产生规模经济效应,形成短渠道、宽口径的流通体系,促进管理现代化,提高企业核心竞争能力,扩张市场份额;

    Structure the sinopec large-scale chain commercial network , help to produce the large-scale production effect , form the circulation system of short channel , wide requirements , promote the modernization of management , improve enterprise 's key competitive power , expand market share ;

  24. 将多维数据分析技术应用到零售连锁销售管理中,使执行人员、管理人员、高层决策者能够从多种角度对企业业务信息进行一致、快速地访问,从而获得对企业经营的深入了解。

    To apply Multidimensional Data Analysis Techniques to the management of the retail chain are enabled the top executives , managers and all level decision makers and executors to get immediate and consistent access to the operation information and have in-depth understanding to the business .

  25. 其中,品牌专营是中国轿车市场的主流营销渠道,而汽车交易市场作为消费者购买汽车相关产品的一个重要场所,汽车连锁销售和电子商务在逐渐被中国轿车销售体系积极采用。

    Among these , brand specialty is the main marketing channel of cars in China , while automobile-trading market is considered as an important place for consumers to buy relevant products of automobiles and automobile chain sales and e-business are actively adopted by Chinese automobile sales system .

  26. 基于Internet的连锁企业销售平台

    Platform for chain enterprise market management based on internet

  27. 公司主要从事LED节能灯具,节能环保低碳电动自行车设计、制造和连锁经营销售。

    The company mainly engaged in LED energy saving lamps , energy saving low-carbon electric bicycle design , manufacture and marketing chain .

  28. 企业集行业咨询、产品研发、生产及品牌连锁加盟销售为一体。

    Enterprise integrating industry consultation , product research and development , production and brand chain-like alliance .

  29. 我们建议今后将此货物改为小的礼品盒,以便在连锁超市销售。

    We suggest packing the goods in small gift boxes to facilitate sales in supermarket chains .

  30. 布鲁佐说,目前这些果汁产品在5000家星巴克店和3000家连锁超市销售。

    Mr. Bruzzo says the juices are now carried in 5000 Starbucks locations and 3000 grocery outlets .