
  • 网络Sainsbury;Woolworths;supermarket;chain store
  1. 大型连锁超市的规模经济性质决定了大型连锁超市必须建立配送中心。

    Large supermarket chains determined the nature of the economies of scale of large supermarket chains to be set up distribution centers .

  2. 这对夫妻在美国也经常受到公众关注。卡齐马蒂迪斯是连锁超市Gristedes所有人约翰·卡齐马蒂迪斯(JohnCatsimatidis)的女儿。

    The couple have frequently come under public scrutiny in the U.S. Ms. Catsimatidis is the daughter of Gristedes supermarket chain owner John Catsimatidis .

  3. 基于WebServices技术的连锁超市物流管理信息系统的研究

    The Research of the Logistics Management Information System of the Chain Store Based on Web Services

  4. 这么说吧,如果苹果公司是Target连锁超市,那么微软公司就是沃尔玛[2]。

    To put it another way , if Apple was Target , Microsoft would be Wal-Mart .

  5. GIS支持下的连锁超市选址研究

    Study of the Site Selection of Chain Supermarket That GIS Supports

  6. 基于中小连锁超市的GIS物流配送系统

    GIS Logistics Distribution System Based on the Small and Medium-sized Supermarket Chains

  7. 连锁超市空间布局分析的GIS方法研究

    GIS Method Study in Location Analysis of Chain Supermarket

  8. 加入WTO后我国连锁超市发展中的品牌战略

    Brand Strategy in the Development of Chain Supermarkets After China 's Entry Into WTO

  9. 基于ERP理念的连锁超市管理信息系统开发初探

    Development of management information system of chain stores based on ERP

  10. 加入WTO后中国连锁超市业面临的挑战与对策

    Challenges faced by the chain stores in China on entering WTO and the Corresponding strategies

  11. 我国加入WTO必将加剧商业企业的竞争,尤其是连锁超市会面临国外名牌连锁集团的挑战。

    After China 's entry into the WTO , the competition among enterprises will be aggravated greatly .

  12. 一种中小型连锁超市MIS系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of An MIS System for Modest-size Chain Supermarket

  13. 基于随机Petri网的连锁超市配送流程建模与分析

    Modeling and Analyzing the Chain-store Logistics Business Process Based on Stochastic Petri net

  14. 基于VPN技术的连锁超市企业网的设计与实现

    Design and implement of chain supermarket intranet based on VPN Technology

  15. 基于UML连锁超市OA系统公文流转的设计

    Design of OA System Official Document Flow in Supermarket Chain Based in UML

  16. 基于AHP的连锁超市顾客满意度评价指标体系的构建

    Building Evaluating Index System for Customer Satisfaction Index of Chain Supermarket in View of AHP

  17. 基于RFID的连锁超市应用系统框架设计

    Framework Design of RFID-Based Supermarket-Chain Information System

  18. MVC模式在中小型连锁超市信息管理系统的应用

    Applying MVC model to information management system for small / medium supermarket

  19. 随着Internet的快速发展和广泛应用,鲁商集团所经营的连锁超市企业越来越认识到企业信息化的重要性。

    With the rapid development and wide application of the Internet , Commerce Group of Shandong companies operating chain supermarket increasingly recognize the importance of enterprise information .

  20. 颇受欢迎的进口商品连锁超市VillaMarket表示,新鲜水果和蔬菜业已告罄。

    Villa Market , a popular supermarket chain that specializes in imported goods , said it was running out of fresh fruits and vegetables .

  21. 中国连锁超市行业的SCP模式分析

    Research on Chinese Supermarket Chain Industry Based on the SCP Model

  22. 电子订货系统(EOS)的出现,顺应了连锁超市企业发展的要求。

    The appearance of EOS meets the need of the supermarket enterprises development .

  23. 对等网在中小型连锁超市POS管理系统中的应用

    Application of Peer-to-peer Network in Middle-small-scale Linkage Supermarket

  24. 中国连锁超市基于ECR的品类管理研究

    Category Management Research Based on ECR for Chinese Chain Supermarkets

  25. 而商品配送,是TK连锁超市的整个供应链管理中最核心的一个环节。

    Logistics is a most important link in supply chain management of TK chain supermarket .

  26. 营销咨询公司数达企业管理咨询(DataDrivenMarketingAsia,简称DDMA)发布的报告显示,一种新产品在“成熟连锁超市”上架的成本或“高达2.7万美元”。

    According to the report by Data Driven Marketing Asia , the marketing consultancy , the cost of listing one new product " with an established supermarket chain can be as high as $ 27000 . "

  27. 爱尔兰食品安全局的检测结果显示,供给英国最大连锁超市——乐购超市的汉堡中含有29.1%的马肉DNA,此事随即在消费者与食品标准专家中引发轰动。

    Customers and food standards experts were left reeling after tests by the Foods Safety Authority of Ireland revealed burgers supplied to Tesco - Britain 's biggest supermarket chain - contained 29.1 percent horse DNA .

  28. 我国加入WTO后,零售行业逐步开放,许多大型国际连锁超市纷纷涌入哈尔滨,使得零售行业竞争更加激烈。

    After our country joined joins WTO , the retail trade opens progressively , a lot of large-scale international chain supermarkets pour into Harbin one after another , make retail trade fiercer in competition .

  29. 基于Relly法则与加权Voronoi图的连锁超市商圈分析

    A Chain Store Trade Area Analysis Based on Voronoi Diagram and Relly Law

  30. 上海市某连锁超市食品从业人员食品卫生安全KAP调查

    Survey of Knowledge , Attitude and Practice on Food Safety Among Food Employees Engaged in Supermarket in Shanghai