
  1. 在南京路,每天上午11点半,都会有人排队购买上海小南国(ShanghaiMin)售价15元的白领套餐。小南国是该市历史最为悠久的一家连锁餐饮店。

    Further down Nanjing Road , a queue forms by 11.30am every day for the Rmb15 worker set lunch at Shanghai Min , one of the city 's oldest dining chains .

  2. 曾光表示,他对全聚德的IPO感到乐观,但其他中国连锁餐饮企业的成功取决于它们在门店的标准化方面做得如何,一如外国竞争对手那样。

    Mr. Zeng says he is optimistic about Quanjude 's IPO but that the success of Chinese chains depends on how well they can standardize their restaurants , as foreign competitors have .

  3. 最近麦当劳(McDonald’s)改组了领导层。正在努力跟上消费者口味变化的这家快餐业巨头,任命英国商业街连锁餐饮业老将史蒂夫•伊斯特布鲁克(SteveEasterbrook)为首席执行官,换下唐•汤普森(DonThompson)。

    McDonald 's shook up its leadership this week as it struggled to keep up with changing consumer tastes , appointing Steve Easterbrook , a veteran of UK high street restaurant chains , to replace Don Thompson as chief executive .

  4. 现在,连锁餐饮业希望这项法律被废除。

    Now , the chain restaurant industry wants the law repealed .

  5. 成都连锁餐饮企业特许加盟方式探析

    On the Modes of Franchise in Chengdu Chain Catering Industry

  6. 连锁餐饮企业特许加盟扩张速度上也有三种不同的把握方式。

    Besides , there are three ways to control the chain expansion speed .

  7. 餐饮业中的连锁餐饮业由于自身的优势,也越来越受到人们的关注。

    Chain catering industry as a major sub-industry , has drawn more and more attention due to its advantages .

  8. 连锁餐饮企业是一种现代化的经营方式,它本身就符合一个企业战略性发展的需要。

    Catering chain , as a kind of modern management mode , comes with the need of enterprise strategic development .

  9. 顾客对于本土连锁餐饮业的服务质量存在着许多这样那样的负面印象,因此,如何提高服务质量来确保顾客的满意度和忠诚度成为了许多餐饮连锁企业的当务之急。

    As many customers have negative impresses of their service quality , how to improve the service quality to assure customer satisfaction and loyalty makes an urgent sense .

  10. 在本文中我们运用理论综述与实证分析相结合的方法,对沈阳市连锁餐饮业基层员工的心理契约与工作绩效进行了分析与研究。

    In this paper , I combine theoretical summarization with positive analysis in analyzing and researching on psychological contract and job performance of grass-roots staff in restaurant chains in Shenyang .

  11. 这家拥有350家分店的连锁餐饮企业提供以面食为主的各式菜肴,公司股票发行价为18美元,但在上市首日就暴涨了104%。

    In June , the 350-store restaurant chain that offers customers noodle dishes from a variety of cuisines saw its IPO starting price of $ 18 jump 104 % in its first day of trading .

  12. 尽管麦当劳最终找到了迎合印度人口味的“菜谱”——借助多种鸡肉和素食产品,但该公司与前合作伙伴闹翻,双方纠结于激烈的法律纠纷,阻碍了这家连锁餐饮公司扩张的步伐。

    Although it has finally found a recipe to appeal to Indian palates - through ample chicken and vegetarian offerings - McDonald 's is locked in a bitter legal dispute with an estranged former partner , which has stymied the chain 's expansion .

  13. 就成都连锁餐饮业而言,在发展特许加盟的方式上,存在不同的类型,主要体现在总部在财务、人事、经营管理活动介入加盟店的方式与程度不同。

    As far as the Chengdu chain catering industry is concerned , there are different modes of franchise in terms of the modes and extent the headquarters ' intervention in the financial affairs , human resources and business operation in the franchise chain restaurants .

  14. 和国际其他国家相比,中国连锁餐饮业起步晚,模仿性强,而且中餐烹饪的独特性,加上中国特有文化和市场的原因,面临的困难,出现的问题也很多。

    Compared to other countries and internationally , the Chinese chain restaurant industry started late , me-too strong , but the unique nature of cooking Chinese food , coupled with China ; s unique culture and market reasons , the difficulties , there are also many problems .

  15. 本月早些时候,旗下拥有肯德基(kfc)快餐连锁店的百胜餐饮预测,受在华业务食品安全担忧冲击波的影响,2013年利润将出现下降。

    Earlier this month , Yum Brands , owner of the KFC fast-food chain , forecast a drop in 2013 earnings due to the fallout from food safety concerns surrounding its Chinese business .

  16. 未来南昌餐饮有两大发展趋势,即连锁化趋势和餐饮、文化多方位结合趋势。

    Nanchang catering economy will appear two main trends in the future .

  17. 快餐连锁店一直是餐饮业的核心业种,是当今世界上连锁业发展最快、最兴旺的业种。

    Fast-food chain-stores have been always the main line of diet and also the quickest developed and briskest one .

  18. 特别是连锁经营方式在餐饮业中的盛行,为我国的餐饮业带来近20%的年均增长率,餐饮业现成为支撑我国经济发展的重要力量。

    Especially the chain restaurants had nearly 20 % growth rate average annual . Catering industry is becoming an important supporting force in Chinese economic development .