
  • 网络Interlocking directorate;interlocking directors
  1. 连锁董事对企业集团决策的影响

    Interlocking Directorates ' Influence on the Decision-making Mechanism of Corporate Groups

  2. 公司治理的社会嵌入性:来自连锁董事的启示

    The Social Embeddedness of Corporate Governance : the Implication from Interlocking Directorates

  3. 连锁董事关系网络对企业绩效影响研究

    The Effect of Interlocking Directorate Network on Firm Performance

  4. 中国企业间连锁董事关系网络特征研究

    China enterprise chain director relation network characteristic research

  5. 基于此,我们提出了对中国连锁董事网形成的制度论的新解释。

    Based on this argument , we propose an institutional theory to explain the networks formation .

  6. 连锁董事网研究:来自中国上市公司的实证检验

    The Research of Interlocking Directorates : An Empirical Testing Based on the Listed Companies of China

  7. 同任何事物的两面性一样,连锁董事网络也是一把双刃剑,存在嵌入性悖论。

    As with anything , interlocking director network is a double-edged sword , and embeddedness paradox exists .

  8. 关于连锁董事对公司绩效产生正面影响还是负面影响的争论一直存在。

    There is a continued debate on whether interlocking di - rectorates positively or negatively influence firm performance .

  9. 动态性环境中企业连锁董事与绩效关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Moderating Role of Environment Dynamism on Relationship of Interlocking Directorates and the Firm 's Output

  10. 我们认为,中国的连锁董事网主要是国家干预经济的一种社会结构化表达。

    We argue that Chinese interlocking networks , which represent the social structure , are configured by the state intervention .

  11. 再加上连锁董事网络已经成为我国经济社会发展中的一个日益普遍存在的现象,无论从重要性还是从普遍性而言都具有研究的必要性。

    And interlocking director network has been a common phenomenon , so no matter from importance or generality , relevant researches are valuable .

  12. 正如本文实证研究所显示那样,截止2003年12月31日,我国存在连锁董事关系的企业占总样本数62.9%。

    As the empirical research imply , the relationship of interlocking directorates in our country account for 62.9 % in the sample set .

  13. 连锁董事会影响董事会的战略选择,有利于企业做出多元化经营的决策,并优化决策,提高效率。

    The interlocking directors affect the strategic choice of the board . They are conducive to diversification decisions , optimize the decision-making and improve efficiency .

  14. 其次,本文总结了国外有关连锁董事研究的两个层面理论,即连锁董事的组织层面理论和阶层内部(个人层面)理论。

    Secondly , the author summarized dual layer interlocking directorates ' theory out of foreign literatures , namely , inter-organization or interclass theory of interlocking directorates .

  15. 并且以连锁董事网络为载体,深入剖析连锁董事网络嵌入性机理,也是对目前嵌入性研究泛化的理性回应,以及打开嵌入性黑箱的一种有效途径。

    Analysing embeddedness mechanism deeply with interlocking director network as carrier is rational response to embeddedness generalization and effective way to open black box of embeddedness .

  16. 企业的连锁董事网络作用的发挥主要通过三个机制:社会监督、网络寻租和注重集体忽视个体。

    The corporate interlock network exerts its influence mainly by three functioning mechanisms : social supervision , network rent seeking and collective interests overriding individual interests .

  17. 本文描述了上海与广东企业,因连锁董事的企业间联系而构成的区域企业网络的形态。

    This paper describes the respective form of the regional enterprise network in Shanghai and Guangdong Province shaped by the linkage between enterprises and linker directors .

  18. 本文以连锁董事网的形成机制为例,考察了国家是如何通过操纵产权活动而塑造商业结构的。

    Taking the formation mechanism of interlocking directorates networks as an example , this dissertation investigates how the state constructs market structure by manipulating the property activity .

  19. 连锁董事网是一种重要的组织间关系网络,它指的是公司的董事同时在两家或两家以上的公司兼职而形成的企业间网络。

    The interlocking directorate networks are very important kind of inter-organizational networks , which are formed by one person that has directorship at two or more firms simultaneously .

  20. 连锁董事具有丰富的知识背景和实践经验,给企业带来了大量的异质信息,能够促进企业间协调和信息传递。

    Interlocking directors have rich knowledge backgrounds and practical experiences , bringing a large number of heterogeneous information , and they promote the inter-firm coordination and information transfer .

  21. 关于企业缘何构建连锁董事,该研究领域的学者们的观点无外乎两种,即个人目的和组织目的。

    As for the question that why build on corporate interlocking directorates , scholars ' views are nothing less than two , that is , personal goals and organizational purposes .

  22. 由于连锁董事的存在所以在两家公司之间构建了一条联结,以往的研究发现,构成连锁董事联结的公司可以从连锁中获益。

    Since the existence of interlocking directorates , the two companies build a link with each other . Related researchers have found that by constituting interlocking directorates companies can benefit a lot from the tie .

  23. 在公布股权激励方案的上市公司中,有不少公司之间存在连锁董事关系,还有部分公司隶属于相同控制人,上市公司在地域和行业的分布上也都存在明显的差异。

    Many companies of them have the relationship of interlocking directorates , also some companies belonging to the same controller . Besides , there are also significant differences in industries and geographical distribution of them .

  24. 研究认为,在公司的股权集中度越高,连锁董事网络的规模越小的状态下,单边治理模式越适合,反之,则更适合共同治理和网络治理模式。

    In the state of a high degree of concentration in equity and a low scale of interlocking directors network , the equity first governance pattern is more appropriate ; otherwise , co-governance pattern and network governance are more suitable .

  25. 主要研究成果是:1、通过对我国主营业务收入排名前150名的上市公司董事成员资料进行分析,发现连锁董事关联关系在我国已经非常普遍,并且呈逐年增长的趋势。

    The main research results are : 1 . Through the analysis of the director member of Chinese top 150 listed companies in main business profit , we found that phenomenon of interlocking directorate was very popular and was on the rise year by year . 2 .

  26. 本文对散见于国内外的连锁董事文献进行了梳理,将之归纳为四种理论体系,即互惠理论、资源依赖理论、金融控制理论和管理控制理论,并依据每一种理论提出了相关假定。

    Firstly , the authors summarize the four typical theories of interlocking directorates , which have been covered up and scattered in historical literatures , and then propose four hypotheses respectively on the reciprocity theory , resources dependency theory , finance control theory and the management control theory .

  27. 顾客实际上在共同编造伦敦牛排餐厅连锁Hawksmoor董事威尔贝克特(WillBeckett)所说的“善意的谎言”,即餐厅可以逃避服务费这一部分的增值税以及作为雇主应为这一部分交的国民保险供款。

    The customer is actually colluding in what Will Beckett , director of the London-based Hawksmoor chain of steak restaurants , terms a " benign lie " whereby the restaurant avoids VAT and employer 's national insurance contribution on the amount that is levied through the service charge .

  28. 施滕贝格目前是HighlandConsumerFund的合伙人,也是即将被私人股本公司收购的宠物产品零售商Petsmart(拥有1400家门店)、以及拥有140家二手汽车大型超市的连锁企业CarMax的董事。

    Mr Stemberg , now a partner with the Highland Consumer Fund , is a director of pet product retailer Petsmart ( 1400 stores ) , which is about to be taken over by private equity , and CarMax , the chain of 140 used-car superstores .