
  • 网络supervisory board chairman
  1. 德国扩大了针对大众汽车(Volkswagen)柴油尾气排放丑闻的刑事调查,该公司监事会主席汉斯.迪亚特.波什(HansDieterPötsch)成为调查对象,这表明大众汽车多么地误入歧途。

    The broadening of the criminal inquiry in Germany into the Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal to include Hans Dieter P ö tsch , chairman of its supervisory board , shows how badly VW lost its way .

  2. 大众汽车监事会主席波什之前的行为实际上并非难题。

    Mr P ö tsch 's earlier behaviour is not really the difficulty .

  3. 应当由监事会主席履行的其他职责。

    Other duties which shall be fulfilled by the chairman of the board of supervisors .

  4. 一来他昭然坚持要威立雅在他辞去首席执行官一职后为他留一个位置,比如监事会主席;

    He has apparently insisted on keeping a role at Veolia after he steps down as chief executive , such as chairman of the supervisory board .

  5. 监事会设主席一人,由全体监事过半数选举产生。

    The board of supervisors shall have one chairman , who shall be elected by half or more of all the supervisors .

  6. 在大众汽车,费迪南德•皮耶希(FerdinandPiëch)试图动摇首席执行官马丁•温特科恩(MartinWinterkorn)的地位,结果自己反被包括工会代表和政治人士在内的监事会其他成员赶下监事会主席宝座。

    At VW , Ferdinand Pi ë ch was ejected as chairman of the supervisory board by other members , including union representatives and politicians , after he tried to destabilise Martin Winterkorn , the chief executive .

  7. 监事会以过半数票通过决定,得免职监事会主席并从新选举;

    By over half majority , the board of supervisors can recall the chairman and reelect a new one .