
jiān lǐ ɡōnɡ chénɡ shī
  • Supervision Engineer;construction control engineer
  1. 监理工程师控制X型建筑材料使用问题分析

    Study on the Using of Engineer Controlling X Building Materials

  2. FIDIC合同条件下监理工程师的权利和义务

    Engineers ' Rights and Obligations under the Condition of FIDIC Contract

  3. 论国内监理工程师与国际FIDIC合同下的咨询工程师的接轨

    How the domestic supervision engineer to agree with consulting engineer under the international FIDIC contract

  4. 在FIDIC合同条件下,监理工程师是施工管理的核心;

    Consulting engineer is the nucleus of construction management in the condition of FIDIC contract .

  5. 指出监理工程师参照FIDIC条款中对索赔的管理,处理索赔事件的重要性;提出状监理工程师审核索赔事件的理论依据;

    This paper indicates the importance of the claim management for engineered engineers by consulting FIDIC and presents the principle , content and method ban .

  6. 随着中国加入WTO和建筑市场的越加规范,项目总监理工程师已成为项目管理的核心,为保证项目目标的实现,总监理工程师对项目目标控制的预见能力尤为重要。

    Along with china entered the WTO and the building market grown up , the major engineer has became the very important person . In order to ensure the project object completing , the control capacity of the major engineer for the project object is very important ?

  7. 从PCCP的生产过程要求、市场要求、企业要求、行业和社会的要求等方面阐述了项目监理工程师在PCCP生产中的重要作用。

    This paper expounds the important functions of project monitoring engineers in the production of PCCP from aspects of process requirement , market requirement , enterprise requirement , industrial and social requirement , etc.

  8. 经过不断的调整水泥用量、外加剂掺量,试拌出初始坍落度在200mm时能满足技术合同规范和监理工程师要求的混凝土配合比。

    By constantly adjusting the cement and admixture usage , the mix proportioning of concrete with initial slump of 200 mm was made , which can both satisfy the contract Technical Specification and requirements of the Supervision Engineer .

  9. 监理工程师在施工合同管理中应注意的问题

    On Problems Needing Attention by Supervision Engineer in Construction Contract Management

  10. 监理工程师如何管理工程变更

    How the Monitoring Engineers to Manage the Changes in the Work

  11. 浅谈监理工程师的环境工程监理工作

    Preliminary Discussion on Supervisor ′ s Duty in Environmental Project Implementation

  12. 监理工程师如何搞好工业项目进度控制

    Discussion on Controling the Progress of Industrial Projects by Supervising Engineers

  13. 国际招标工程施工中监理工程师的进度控制

    Schedule Control by Supervision Engineer in Construction of International Bidding Project

  14. 低摩擦界面应经由监理工程师认可。

    The low-friction interface material shall be approved by the engineer .

  15. 指示灯的颜色应经由监理工程师同意。

    The colour of the indicator shall be agreed with engineer .

  16. 复合图纸的比例尺须获得监理工程师的批准。

    Composite drawings shall be to scales approved by the engineer .

  17. 监理工程师实施现场监理保证工程项目质量问题探讨

    Research on Effective Site Supervision for Ensuring Quality of Project Item

  18. 监理工程师在沥青路面施工中质量控制要点

    Controlling focal points of supervising engineer in construction of asphalt road

  19. 施工阶段监理工程师质量控制的几点体会

    Some understandings of quality control of supervision engineer in construction stage

  20. 监理工程师通知难以落实;

    Notification from supervising engineer is difficult to carry out ;

  21. 强化监理工程师的认证完善监理制度

    Strengthening the Authentication of Supervision Engineer , Perfecting Supervision System

  22. 浅谈监理工程师参与工程招标的必要性

    Necessity of supervising engineer 's participation in project bid invitation

  23. 监理工程师在施工阶段的工程变更管理

    Roles of supervision engineer in change management of project in construction stage

  24. 监理工程师可通过工地会议方式发出有关指示。

    Supervisory engineers can make relevant instructions through site meeting .

  25. 通信工程建设监理工程师考试的培训详细教材。

    Communication Engineering Construction Supervision Engineer detailed examination of the training materials .

  26. 监理工程师应如何加强工程施工阶段的质量控制

    How to Intensify Quality Control during Construction by Supervision Engineer

  27. 监理工程师如何预防和处理工程索赔

    How the supervisor engineer to prevent and treat engineering claim

  28. 施工阶段监理工程师对工程变更的控制

    Control of Supervision Engineer to Construction Changing in Construction Phase

  29. 雏议造价监理工程师在工程建设中的作用

    A Tentative Discussion on Functions of Cost Inspection Engineers in Project Construction

  30. 谈监理工程师对工程延期事件的控制

    Analysis on control of delayed project made by supervision engineer