
  1. 因此,至少在过渡阶段,在这些货币中可以将货币监管延伸到境外存款。

    Thus , there is , at least in a transition period , scope for the extension of monetary control to offshore deposits in these currencies .

  2. 在此基础上,通过对国内外区域性商业银行发生风险的案例分析,提出了在我国金融深化过程中,对我国宏观审慎监管进行拓展和延伸的必要性。

    According to the analysis of the risk of regional commercial banks at home and abroad , the authors suggest that it is necessary to expand and extend the macro-prudential supervision in process of financial deepening in China .

  3. 担心全球交易所合并潮流可能促使美国延伸其监管触角的人,今天可以松口气。美国期货监管机构表示,将不会把监管之手延伸至伦敦的ICE期货交易所(ICEFutures)。

    Fears that global exchange consolidation may prompt the US to extend its regulatory reach will be allayed today when the US futures watchdog will rule out extending its supervision to London-based ICE Futures .