
  • 网络Supervision mechanism;SSM;Oversight Mechanisms;mechanism
  1. TRIPS协定中一整套保证执法的规则,结合WTO体系中有效的国际监督机制,使TRIPS协定的实施机制为国际条约的有效遵守提供了一个范例。

    A series of enforcement principles and international supervision mechanism in the WTO system can assure the implementation mechanism of TRIPS Agreement .

  2. 这将为研究公司治理问题带来新的课题,基于此,本文研究了公司治理的监督机制、激励机制及组合对EVA的影响。

    This will bring new research about corporate governance issues . Based on this , this paper studies corporate governance supervision mechanism , incentive mechanism and substitution impact on EVA .

  3. 本文试图在对WTO监督机制既有研究成果的基础上,对WTO的整个监督机制进行系统、全面的研究和探讨。

    The thesis tries to research the surveillance mechanism of WTO systematically on the basis of the existing research .

  4. 应用Kohonen网络进行文本分类存在训练速度慢的缺点,因此在网络训练阶段引入了有监督机制,提高了网络的分类速度和精度;

    The Kohonen network is applied to realize text classifying , which has a defect of training too slowly , and so supervising method is applied to training network . Therefore , the speed and precision of classifying are improved .

  5. 国有企业经营者的选任、激励和监督机制

    Mechanism of appointment , incentive and supervision of state owned enterprises'managers

  6. 我国现有消防监督机制改革探讨

    The Research on the Reform of Fire Supervising System in China

  7. 国有企业监督机制的缺陷与改革

    The Defects and Reform on Supervision Mechanism of the State-Owned Enterprise

  8. 关于构建我国新闻媒体监督机制的思考

    Thinking on constructing the Press ' Surveillance System in Our Country

  9. 浅述我国建设工程质量监督机制的产生与发展

    The Emergence and Development of Quality Supervision System in Construction Programs

  10. 政治体制滞后与监督机制缺损的并存;

    Coexistence of backward political system and deficiency of supervision mechanism ;

  11. 并给出了有效的战略控制和监督机制。

    It gives an effective strategy to control and supervision mechanisms .

  12. 我国企业破产清算监督机制的完善

    The Improvement of Supervision System of Bankruptcy Liquidation in Chinese Enterprises

  13. 基于第三方监理组织的虚拟企业动态监督机制

    Virtual enterprise dynamic supervision mechanism based on the third supervisory organization

  14. 行业管理滞后,缺乏有效的监督机制。

    Profession management lag , lacks the effective surveillance mechanism .

  15. 加强和健全党内监督机制。

    Strengthening and perfecting the Party 's internal supervising system .

  16. 环境行政权的监督机制研究

    The Research on the Supervision Mechanism of Environmental Administrative Power

  17. 试论权力制约和监督机制存在的问题及其创新

    On the Problems of Power Restraint and Supervision Mechanism and the Innovation

  18. 完善我国涉外仲裁监督机制的类比研究

    Analogical Research on Perfecting Arbitral Supervision Mechanism Concerning Foreign Affairs in China

  19. 完善选举监督机制,完善选举法。

    Perfect the election supervisory mechanism , and perfect the election law .

  20. 民事诉讼的外部监督机制探讨

    A Research into the Exterior Supervision Mechanism for Civil Lawsuit

  21. 企业激励监督机制与代理成本分析

    The Analysis of Incentive and Supervision Mechanism of Firms and Their-Agency Costs

  22. 试论监督机制与我国企业家的成长

    On Supervision Mechanism and Growth of Entrepreneurs in Our Country

  23. 关于完善我国行政监督机制的思考

    Reflections on How to Consummate Administrative Supervision System in China

  24. 关于完善权力制约监督机制的思考

    Some thought about perfecting the supervision system to restrict power

  25. 二是改革检察机关内部相关考核和监督机制。

    Two is the reform of procuratorial organs internal check and supervision mechanism .

  26. 遏制腐败:加强和完善监督机制

    Curbing Corruption : Strengthening and Perfecting the Supervision Mechanism

  27. 健全政府采购的监督机制的策略分析

    Analysis on Improving the Supervisory System of Government Procurement

  28. 强化考核监督机制;树立创新意识,确保机制良性运行等做以简要介绍。

    Then concisely introduces the supervising mechanism , innovating conscious and excellent operating .

  29. 建立合理的激励机制与必要的监督机制;

    Build reasonable inspiriting mechanism and necessary supervision mechanism ;

  30. 在监督机制上进一步健全;

    The supervised mechanism is to be further sturdy ;