
  1. 文章在金融危机的大背景下,研究我国高管薪酬粘性问题就有较强的理论支撑和现实意义。(2)研究视角。

    The article after the financial crisis in the background , research of our country executive compensation viscous problem has strong theoretical support and practical significance . ( 2 ) Research perspective .

  2. 那么,是什么引起了高管薪酬粘性的存在呢?它会给企业带来什么样的影响?怎样才可以合理的控制高管薪酬粘性,同时还能够确保企业的长足健康的发展呢?

    So , what the cause of the executive compensation viscous exist ? How the reasonable control of executive pay viscosity , but also to ensure the promotion of the development of long-term health ?

  3. 在发达的资本主义市场中,大部分企业都设有薪酬委员会职能部门,通过薪酬委员会来合理的规范和控制高管薪酬,有效的制约了高管薪酬粘性问题的产生。

    In the developed capitalist market , most enterprises have a Remuneration Committee remuneration committee functions , through reasonable regulation and control of executive compensation , effectively restricts the executive compensation viscous problems .

  4. 高管薪酬问题一直是国内外学者研究的重点,高管薪酬粘性问题近年来尤其被重视,在我国的学术研究中偶有学者进行探索,却未受到广泛的关注。

    Executive compensation has been the focus of the study , especially executive compensation problem of viscosity , the academic research in our country in the occasional scholars to explore , but for attention .

  5. 这种高管薪酬剧增并不受企业业绩影响的现象不单单只是薪酬的变化,更深刻的反应了高管薪酬粘性的存在。

    This executive pay increase was not affected by the enterprise achievement effect the phenomenon not only pay more profound changes , the reaction of the executive compensation viscous existence .