
  • 【数】Gauss integration
  1. B样条有限元法解矩形域边值问题的高斯积分矩阵传递算法

    A New Algorithm of B-Spline FEM for Solving 2-D Electromagnetic Field Boundary Problem in Rectangular Regions ─ Transferable Gauss Integral Matrix Algorithm

  2. 本文设计了一种计算裁剪NURBS曲面面积的扫描分片高斯积分法。

    An Algorithm is developed to calculate the area of trimmed NURBS Surface by means of " decomposed Gauss integration " .

  3. 本文构造了一种能快速实施B样条有限元方法的高斯积分矩阵传递算法(TGIMA)。

    In this paper , a transferable Gauss integral matrix algorithm ( TGIMA ) which can perform fleetly the B spline FEM was proposed .

  4. 但EFG方法需要背景积分网格进行高斯积分,离真正的“无网格”方法还有一定距离。

    However , EFG method was not a " truly " meshless method , since mesh was still used to conduct numerical integration .

  5. 基于对EFG法多个积分方案积分效果(包括精度和效率)的评价,选定了背景网格高斯积分法作为EFG积分实施方案。

    Firstly , accuracy and effectiveness of three EFG integration schemes are evaluated . Based on the results , Gaussian integration method with background cells is chose .

  6. 给出了高频(100K~50MHz)谐变回线电流产生的总磁场的数值计算方法-高斯积分和帕第逼近。

    The total magnetic fields caused by high frequency current loop are computed by Gauss Integrand and Pade Approximation method .

  7. 模型采用高斯积分法有效地计算冠层每日的总光合量,并考虑了冠层消光系数随生理发育时间(PDT)的动态变化。

    In the model , Gauss integration is used to effectively calculate daily canopy photosynthesis and dynamic change in the canopy extinction coefficient over development progress is incorporated to characterize the physiological development time ( PDT ) .

  8. 文中首先利用边界元方法对Helmholtz积分方程进行离散化,其中采用了线性插值的平面三角形单元和四边形单元,每个单元上的表面积分采用二维高斯积分。

    In this paper , the Helmholtz integral surface is replaced by a number of interconnected flat triangular elements and flat quadrilateral elements with linear plotted function . The element surface integration is performed by means of two-dimensional Gaussion quadrature .

  9. 为了避免剪切自锁,刚度的计算采用一点高斯积分法,几何刚度的推导采用Stricklin法。

    To avoid shear lock , the one point GAUSS integral method is used to compute the stiffness . The geometry stiffness is deduced by Stricklin method .

  10. 处理准奇异积分的自适应高斯积分法

    A self-adaptive Gauss integral method for evaluation of nearly singular integrals

  11. 高斯积分离散法及其在电磁问题中的应用

    The Gauss-Integral-Discretization method and the application of this to the electromagnetic fields

  12. 罗盘仪表绘制中高斯积分法反走样算法的研究

    Research of antialiasing algorithm by gaussian integration in compass instrument

  13. 关于数值分析的程序,做高斯积分!

    Numerical Analysis about the procedures to do Gaussian integral !

  14. 高斯积分在地球重力场数值计算中的应用

    Application of Gauss Integration in Numerical Computation of the Earth 's Gravity Field

  15. 用高斯积分法计算机械零件的可靠度

    An Application of Gaussian Integral to the Calculation of Reliabilities of the Machine Elements

  16. 适应高斯积分离散法的时谐电磁场积分方程

    The vector integral equations of the resonant electromagnetic fields matched with the Gauss-Integral-Discretization method

  17. 解二维静电场的高斯积分离散法

    The gass - integral - discrete method for computing two - dimensional electrostatic fields

  18. 钢筋混凝土偏压构件截面非线性分析高斯积分

    Gauss Numerical Integration in Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Members under Eccentric Compression Loading

  19. 钢筋混凝土梁柱单元的高斯积分

    Gauss integration of reinforced concrete beam-column elemental model

  20. 小波尺度函数计算的广义高斯积分法及其应用

    Generalized Gaussian Integral Method for Calculations of Scaling Function Transform of Wavelets and Its Applications

  21. 用高斯积分法计算混油浓度

    Calculating Contaminated Concentration with Gauss Integral Method

  22. 如果直接使用高斯积分,则准确性很低。

    If it is calculated by Gaussian integration directly , the accuracy will be very poor .

  23. 而远处单元的积分仍保持常规高斯积分。

    The conventional Gauss quadrature is kept in the integral element far away from the inner point .

  24. 高斯积分法不但计算准确,而且数值稳定,可用于实际的成品油混油切割。

    This method , with more accurate calculation , can be applied in actual contaminated product incision .

  25. 采用高斯积分,利用最小残余位移法进行迭代计算。

    Gauss quadrature and minimum residual displacement method ( with iteration ) are used in the analysis .

  26. 基于高斯积分的平面波谱法分析天线罩电性能

    Analysis of the Electromagnetic Properties of the Radome by Plane Wave Spectrum Method Based on the Gauss Integration

  27. 对不同节点分布方案和不同高斯积分对计算结果的影响等作了有益的讨论。

    Influences of nodal distribution schemes and the number of Gaussian integrated dots on computational results are discussed .

  28. 本文分析了网格数、高斯积分节点数等对计算结果的影响。

    Finally , effects on the calculation results have been analyzed , including the grid number , Gaussian nodes .

  29. 为处理材料非线性横截面采用了有限分割法,沿跨长方向采用高斯积分法。

    Finite segment element method is adopted and Gauss integration technique along the span is used for dealing material nonlinearity .

  30. 无网格伽辽金法中用到的数值积分,此程序,提供多点高斯积分。

    Element-free Galerkin method used in the numerical integration of this process , provide more Gaussian integral , can be arbitrary choice .