
  • 网络Extreme Value Theorem;extreme value theory;Extreme Vingue Theory
  1. 二元函数极值定理的一种新证法

    A new proof of the extreme value theorem on functions of two variables

  2. 并推广了一个极值定理。

    And an extreme value theorem is generalized .

  3. 本文在有限维Hilbert空间上改进了全局极值定理并给出了改进后定理的某些应用。

    In this paper , a new theorem of global maximum and global minimum on finite dimensional Hilbert space was proposed and some applications were presented .

  4. 在强子喷注现象的理论中Quark-parton是能量极值定理的实体形像,能量极值定理可以代替Quark-parton假设:QCD与能量极值定理一致。

    In the theory of hadron jet-phenomena , quark-parton is the materialization of the minimam energy theorem . and the latter can be replaced by the former .

  5. 全局极值定理的一个拓广

    A Generalization On the Theorem of Global Maximum and Global Minimum

  6. 紧空间中极值定理的一种证明

    A Method Proving Extremum Theorem in the Compact Space

  7. 正则条件全竞赛空间与混合策略竞赛空间上的两个极值定理

    Two Extreme Value Theorem on the Regular Total Competition Space and Random Competition Space

  8. 一个极值定理的简单证明

    A simple proof of an extreme theorem

  9. 极值定理的新体系

    New system about theorems of extreme value

  10. 本文从信息论的基本理论出发,通过熵的极值定理和引入误差熵的概念,首次提出了误差熵不确定带模型。

    A new Uncertainty Band of Error Entropy ( H-band ) is brought up using Shannon information theory .

  11. 极限荷载的极值定理与计算结果证明:只要选取的滑动面(族)接近于真实的滑动面,所得的极限荷载近似值就接近于真解。

    The extremum theorem of an ultimate load and the results of calculation proved that if the chosen slip surface ( family ) came near to the genuine slip surface , the obtained approximate value of an ultimate load was more close to the genuine solution .

  12. 关于R~n上函数f(x)的极值存在定理

    Theorems about existence of function f ( x ) maximal value on the definition r ~ n

  13. 在极值型定理的阐述中,引出了Frechet、Gumbel和Weibull分布,给出了三个分布的形式和定义域,最终将这三个分布统一于广义的极值分布。

    In the explanation of the extreme value theorem , it extracts the distribution of Frechet , Gumbel and Weibull , offers the forms and field of definitions and finally unifies the three distributions in generalized extreme value .

  14. 通过频率方程求解,发现了极值频率定理。

    By solving the frequency equation , the extreme frequency theorem is found .

  15. 极值类型定理的注记

    Notes on the Extremal Type Theorem

  16. 偏好意义下的Pareto极值存在性定理及其应用

    Existence theorems for Pareto extremum with respect to preference ordering and Applications

  17. Banach空间中向量极值问题的Lagrange定理及Kuhn-Tucker条件

    Lagrange multiplier theorem and Kuhn-Tucker conditions for vector maximization problems in Banach space

  18. 关于模糊ISODATA算法极值点的判定定理

    On a judgement theorem of extreme point about fuzzy ISODATA algorithm

  19. 利用这个定理,我们给出了Banach空间中非线性Fredholm和Volterra积分方程组解的存在性定理,也获得了非线性Volterra积分方程组极值解的存在定理和比较定理。

    This theorem gives the existence theorems of solutions for the systems of nonlinear Fredholm and volterra integral equations in Banach spaces . An existence theorem of extremal solutions and a comparison theorem for the system of nonlinear Volterra integral equations are obtained as well .

  20. 线性拓扑空间中一类极值的对偶性定理

    Duality Theorems of a Kind of Extremum in Topological Vector Spaces