
jí guāng
  • aurora;polar light;aurora polaris
极光 [jí guāng]
  • [aurora polaris;polar light] 高纬度地区高空中出现的一种光的现象,常呈弧状或带状,白色或黄绿色,有时带红、灰、紫、蓝等色

极光[jí guāng]
  1. 主营:LED灯具,极光路灯,太阳能灯具,工业滤布,滤袋,筛网。

    Main products : LED lights , The aurora lights , Solar lighting , Industrial filter cloth , Filter bag , Sieve net .

  2. 这些模型可以很好的将极光激酶抑制剂的选择性划分为三个类别,即:对极光激酶A有选择性抑制,对极光激酶B有选择性抑制和没有明显选择性抑制。

    The classification models can discriminate the Aurora Kinase inhibitors to three classes : selective inhibitors of Aurora-A kinase , selective inhibitors of Aurora-B kinase and no selectivity .

  3. 基于曲面极光谱的3D人脸识别算法研究

    The Study of 3D Face Recognition Based on Facial Surface Polar Spectrum

  4. K一致极凸空间与K一致极光滑空间

    K - uniformly extremely convex space and k - uniformly extremely smooth space

  5. X射线极光强度与亚暴指数AE的相关关系

    A relation between the auroral X-ray total intensity and the substorm index-AE

  6. 极光区电离层Hall电导率的观测及其在E层电子加热情况下的特征

    The observations on the ionospheric Hall conductivity in auroral zone and its behaviour under E region electron heating

  7. 亚暴期间高纬黄昏&子夜扇区极光弧增亮与衰减及其与IMF的关系

    Nightside auroral arcs in high latitudes during substorms and their relationship with IMF

  8. Banach空间的很极凸性与很极光滑性

    Very Extreme Convexity and very Extreme Smoothness for Banach Spaces

  9. Banach空间的极光滑性与支撑映照的连续性

    The extreme smoothness of Banach spaces and the continuity of supporting mappings

  10. 上述几种围绕多维数据集设计和实现的组件、对象集和功能被应用于商务智能企业解决方案&极光商智(AuroraEnterprisesBusinessIntelligence,简称A-EBI)软件系统中。

    All these design above are using in A-EBI ( Aurora Enterprises Business Intelligence ) system .

  11. 基于X切LiNbO3无电极光波导传感器的新型设计

    Design on the Optic Wave-guide Sensor without Electrode in X-cut LiNbO_3

  12. Ga(1-x)AlxAs/GaAs光阴极光谱响应向短波延伸的机理分析和实验研究

    Mechanism analysis and experiment research of Ga_ ( 1-x ) Al_xAs / GaAs photocathode spectral response extending to short wave

  13. NASA国际空间站拍到的一张罕见红色极光照片。

    NASA image captured from the International Space Station shows rare aurora appearing in red .

  14. 极光的出现并不是来自于X星的持续的磁场轰炸引起的,因为极光是由地球重力场的波动引起的。

    The aurora display was not caused by the continuing magnetic blasts from Planet X , as auroras are caused by fluctuations in Earth gravity field .

  15. 所以本文认为极光X射线总强度可以作为新的磁层亚暴卫星实时监测指数。

    We suggest that the auroral X-ray intensity ( AI ) be a candidate of a new real-time index obtained from satellite observations for monitoring magnetosphere sub-storms .

  16. 激光等离子体相互作用的局域振荡电子加热机制极光区电离层Hall电导率的观测及其在E层电子加热情况下的特征


  17. 如果是CME造成了这次极光爆发,CME在哪捏?

    If a CME caused this aurora burst , then where is the CME ?

  18. 极光激酶家族是-类重要的丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶,包括极光激酶A、B、C三个家族成员,其具有控制细胞有丝分裂的作用。

    Aurora kinase family is an important class of serine / threonine kinases , including Aurora kinase A , B , C three family members , which have a controlling role in cell mitosis .

  19. S-25与地NewS-25光阴极光谱响应特性的研究

    A study of spectral response characterization on S-25 and New S 25 photocathodes

  20. 极光区电离层中TID谱的非线性演变

    Nonlinear evolution of tid 's spectra in the auroral ionosphere

  21. 我们主要研究了这两次磁暴期间场向电流变化特征以及它与极光电集流指数AE之间的关系。

    We study the current density of FACs and relationship between the FACs density and AE index in the storm time .

  22. 给出了Banach空间的很极光滑性、一致极光滑性和平均一致凸Banach空间之间的关系。

    The relations among the extreme smoothness and the uniform extreme smoothness of Banach spaces and average uniform convex Banach spaces were given .

  23. 暴时极光区热层大气焦耳加热与F区电离耗空的EISCAT雷达观测

    Storm-time Joule heating of auroral thermosphere and ionization depletion in the F-region ── eiscat radar observation

  24. 还记得针对谷歌(Google)、瞻博网络(JuniperNetworks)、摩根士丹利(MS)(MorganStanley)以及Adobe(ADBE)的极光攻击行动(theAuroraattack)吗?

    Remember the aurora attack on Google ( GOOG ) , Juniper Networks , Morgan Stanley ( MS ) , and adobe ( ADBE ) ?

  25. 提出一个剪切Alfven波加速极光粒子的新模式。

    A new model for auroral particle acceleration produced by shear Alfven waves is put forward .

  26. 当然,日益发展的投资行业也是CEO成为较出名的公众人物的原因之一。尖端结构是形成著名的极光的原因,而极光的出现让高纬度的地区更加明亮。

    The rising popularity of investing , of course , has made CEOs more prominent as public figures . The cusp is responsible for the famous auroras that grace high latitudes .

  27. 向日极光弧则主要出现在子夜前后,子夜前比子夜后多,极向和天顶比赤道侧多。除向日极光弧外,其它形态的极光在中山站的出现情况与Kp指数相关。

    And except for the transpolar arcs , the appearance frequences of other three kinds of aurora are related with Kp index .

  28. 极光激酶(aurorakinases)是负责调控细胞有丝分裂的一类重要的丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶。

    Aurora kinases , which are involved in the regulation of cell mitosis , belong to an important serine / threonine kinases family .

  29. 相比之下,捷豹路虎的营业利润率接近10%,这建立在未被收购前构想的多款车型——如路虎揽胜极光(RangeRoverEvoque)——大获成功的基础上。

    JLR , by contrast , makes operating margins close to 10 per cent , having built on the success of products conceived during the Ford era , such as the Range Rover Evoque .

  30. 戈达德试图将戏剧性的红色极光与太阳的日冕物质抛射联系起来,而后者在SOHO图像上根本不存在。

    Goddard tried to relate the dramatic red auroras to a CME on the Sun , which was nonexistent in the SOHO images .