
  1. 遏制国有企业腐败现象的思考

    Considerations on containing the corrupt phenomena in state owned enterprises

  2. 对国有企业经营者腐败及其遏制的经济学思考

    Economic Analysis of the Corruption and Containment of State-owned Enterprise Executive

  3. 减少国有企业代理人腐败的激励契约分析

    The Analysis of Contract to Reduce State-owned Enterprise Agent Corruption

  4. 控制权安排与国有企业经理腐败

    Controlling Right Arrangement and State-Owned Enterprise Managers ' Corruption

  5. 而第三项重要改革是在余下的大型国有企业铲除腐败。

    A third important one is cleaning up the remaining large state enterprises from corruption .

  6. 按照“三个代表”要求加强国有企业反腐败斗争

    Tighten the struggle against corruption within state-owned enterprises according to the call of the " three-stand-for "

  7. 大部分私营企业家都已学会埋头做事、保持沉默,学会通融国有企业及腐败的地方官员,以确保企业平稳运行。

    Most entrepreneurs have learned to stay quiet and to reach accommodations with state companies and corrupt provincial officials to ensure the smooth running of their businesses .

  8. 介绍了纪检监察这些基本内容之后,本部分围绕论题主旨,重点针对纪检监察对于国有企业防治腐败的重要性进行了分析和探讨。

    Introducing the basic content of discipline inspection after this part of the thesis , on purpose , focusing on the disciplinary inspection and supervision for state-owned enterprises the importance of corruption prevention and control are analyzed and discussed .

  9. 本文在委托一代理理论分析的框架下主要讨论国有企业经营代理人腐败行为产生的根源,分析影响经营代理人腐败行为的有关因素。

    The article uses the theory of appointment and agency to discuss the sources making the management agent corruptive , analyzing the elements leading to it .

  10. 第三部分是对国有企业改制中腐败问题成因的研究,包括制度规范问题,委托&代理问题,以及改制本身的合法性、合理性、约束性与到位性问题。

    In the third chapter of the paper is the study on the causes of the corruption problem in the reform of state-owned enterprises , including the standardization of criteria , the authorization , and the legitimacy , rationality , binding character and appropriateness .

  11. 构建国有企业惩治和预防腐败体系的几点思考

    Consideration of the Construction of the System of Punishment and Preventing Corruption in the State-Owned Enterprises

  12. 监督是纪检监察工作的中心职责,是国有企业惩治和预防腐败体系中的关键环节。

    Supervision is the primary duty of discipline inspection and supervision as well as the key link of SOE corruption punishment and prevention system .

  13. 我国国有企业纪检监察防治腐败的现状,既有好的经验,但也存在着不少问题。

    Chinese state-owned enterprise disciplinary inspection and supervision of the present situation of prevention and control of corruption , has both good experience , but also has many problems .

  14. 自由市场之拥趸对国有企业抱着怀疑态度,理由是国有企业会滋生腐败。

    Staunch defenders of the free market are suspicious of SOEs on the grounds that they entrench corruption .

  15. 正是因为国有企业的特殊性和重要作用,使得国有企业的腐败后果也十分严重,不容小觑,国有企业防治腐败的问题,更是不容忽视。

    It is because of the particularity of state-owned enterprises and the important role of the state-owned enterprise make corruption also very serious consequences , acceptance , state-owned enterprises of the prevention and control of corruption , but also is not allowed to ignore .

  16. 纪检监察作为国有企业党组织和行政组织的专门监督机构,对于国有企业防治腐败工作发挥着重要的作用。

    As the party organization of state-owned enterprise of discipline inspection and supervision of the administrative organization specialized institutions . For the state-owned enterprise prevention and control work corruption played an important role .

  17. 由于我国国有企业独特的委托&代理关系和其所处的独特政策环境,国有企业的腐败时有发生。解决腐败问题可以从制度安排上着手,也可以从委托代理契约设计着手。

    China state-owned enterprises are face up with serious corruption problems with special principle-agent chain and policy environment .