
  1. 无论是股东监事,还是职工监事,都难以保持独立性和充分发挥监督职能,需要引入独立监事以改造监事会。

    Neither stockholders nor staff supervisors can maintain independence and fully give play to their ( supervisory ) function so it 's necessary to introduce the independent supervisor to bring about reform to the ( supervisory ) committee .

  2. 上市公司大股东与监事会治理

    Big Shareholders of Public Companies and the Governance of Supervisory Board

  3. 在这种情况下,立法者不妨考虑一下限制大股东对监事会和独立董事的提名权。

    On this condition , legislators may well consider to limit the right of shareholders to nominate , which can well avoid the exploitation from major share holders .

  4. 应将董事、控股股东、监事纳入禁止篡夺公司机会义务主体范围之内。

    The directors , controlling shareholders , the board of supervisors in the prohibition of usurping corporate opportunity should be within the scope of obligations of the subject .

  5. 健全以普通股(村)民和非股东为主的监事机制;

    To improve the supervisory mechanism based on common villagers and non-shareholders ;

  6. 公司内部监督机制的主体是股东大会、监事会及独立董事。

    The subject of Internal Supervision Mechanism is the stockholders committee , supervision board and independent directors .

  7. 它包括内部监督和外部监督两种治理模式,内部监督机制是指发挥股东会、监事会的制约作用,外部监督机制是强调公司收购的作用。

    The internal supervision mechanism is to use the control function of stockholder committee and supervisor committee ; the external supervision emphasizes the company acquisition .

  8. 董事是股东大会或监事会选举产生的,执行公司业务或者对外代表公司的董事会的必要成员或必要常设机关。

    Directors , who are selected by shareholder 's meeting and board of supervisors , and in charge of executing corporate affairs or sharing representation , are necessary members of board of directors or necessary standing organ .

  9. 其实质是商业银行内部股东会、监事会、董事会、高级管理层之间以及外部相关利益主体相互之间通过一系列的制度来实现权力制衡。

    Its essence is through a series of institutional mechanism in order to achieve a power balance among the commercial bank internal shareholder , board of directors , the board of supervisors , senior management and external stakeholders .

  10. 完善董事会权力制约机制包括很多方面:1、在公司体系中,董事会作为一个权力整体,需由股东大会和监事会对其进行制约。

    The perfection of the restrict mechanism about the power of board of directors has many different aspects . The first , in the system of the company , as a whole with power , the board of directors should be restricted by the shareholders ' convention and supervisory board .

  11. 公司治理方面,笔者从股东、董事以及监事制度完善方面进行了探讨。

    As for corporate governance , the system of shareholders , directors and supervisor should be improved .

  12. 国有独资公司监事会的构建涉及很多方面的内容,本文就其中的一个方面&股东代表派出的监事,即外派监事进行论述。

    The establishment of supervisory board in a wholly State-owned company includes many aspects , but the dissertation only discusses the external supervisor .

  13. 选举和更换由股东代表出任的监事,决定有关监事的报酬事项

    " To elect and replace the supervisor who are representatives of the shareholders , and decide on matters relating to the remuneration of supervisors "

  14. 实践中存在的竞业禁止义务的具体主体有:董事、高级管理人员、股东、合伙人、监事、经纪人和代理商、一般雇员。

    The specific subjects of the obligation of prohibition of business strife in Practice include : directors , senior managers , shareholders , partners , supervisors , brokers and agents , and employees in general .

  15. 因此,我国的立法有必要从简化股东大会、审查监事资格、设置会计监察人及加强职工参与等方面对一人公司治理结构加以完善。

    So it is necessary to improve the structure of one-person company from these aspects , including simplifying shareholders ' meeting , investigating the supervisor qualifications , establishing accountancy 's controller and enhancing workers ' participation .

  16. 因而应扩大起诉主体的范围,除了公司股东以外,公司监事会、个别监事、董事、董事会等均可提起决议瑕疵之诉。

    Therefore , it is necessary to expand the scope of subjects . In addition to the shareholders , the company board of supervisors , supervisors , director , and board can also file corporate resolution flaws claims .

  17. 对于处于竞争性行业的企业,应加强公司内部治理机制建设,使股东、董事、监事和经营者各司其职、各尽其责,进一步提高企业效率。

    For enterprises in competition industry , the mechanism of the corporate governance should be optimized to make shareholders , directors , supervisors and managers do their own work well , which can increase the enterprise efficiency further .

  18. 如加强对关联交易和内幕交易等的监管;强化信息披露制度;规制控股股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员的行为;减少行政干预等。

    For example , strengthening the supervision of related party transactions ; perfecting civil compensation system of securities fraud ; strengthening the disclosure of information ; regulating the behavior of major shareholders , board of directors , supervisors and senior management ; reduce administrative intervention , etc.

  19. 公司治理是为了使股东、董事、监事和管理层之间的权责利能够合理分配,并且各个利益群体之间能够相互制衡的一种制度安排,两者关系密切。

    Corporate governance is to enable the shareholders , directors , supervisors and management responsibilities between the distribution of profits to a reasonable , and between the various interest groups in a system of checks and balances can be arranged , the two are closely related .

  20. 证券评级机构的实际控制人、股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员应当遵纪守法,不得从事损害证券评级机构及其评级对象合法权益的活动。

    The actual controllers , shareholders , directors , supervisors and senior managerial personnel of the securities rating agency shall comply with the laws , and shall not engage in any activity which may damaging the lawful rights and interests of the securities rating agency and its rating objects .

  21. 为了保护中小股东的利益,在股东大会决议时需要排除与吸收合并事项有关联的股东或董事、监事。

    In order to protect the interests of small shareholders , in the resolution of the general assembly of shareholders should be excluded the shareholders or directors , supervisors who are related with the matters of Stock-for-stock Merger .

  22. 根据召集股东会临时会议的法律制度目前存在的问题,应规定发动的事实依据,保障股东、监事提议权的实现,区别对待非依法召集的股东会临时会议的效力。

    According to the problems existed in the current laws and system of temporary conference convening , the following countermeasures should be stipulated : the basis of initiating , ensuring the proposing right of shareholders and supervisors , and identifying the validity of the illegally convened temporary conference .