
  • 网络stock index futures
  1. 2010年4月16日,酝酿已久的沪深300股指期货合约正式上市交易。

    The long-awaited CSI 300 stock index futures contracts traded on April 16,2010 .

  2. 如中金所确定沪深300股指期货合约交易的最低保证金为合约全额价值的12%,因此投资者所获得的收益和亏损成倍的放大。

    China Financial Futures Exchange determined the minimum margin for the full value contract 12 percent of Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Stock Index Futures contract . So the profits and losses of the investors will be enlarged .

  3. 上海和深圳证交所指称,新华富时在为中国a50股指期货合约编制指数时,使用数据的方式未经授权。

    The Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges alleged that FTSE Xinhua used data in an unauthorised manner to compile the index for the China A50 futures contracts .

  4. 中国大陆股指期货合约设计探讨

    Study on the Design of China 's Stock Index Future Contract

  5. 选择合适的标的指数是股指期货合约成功与否的关键。

    Choice Selecting correct stock index is key to successful stock index futures .

  6. 自1982年第一支股指期货合约在美国诞生至今已有将近30年的历史了。

    The first index futures contract was born in American for about 30 years since 1982 .

  7. 目前,国内对于股指期货合约方案设计存在较多的争议。

    At present , there are some disputes to the design of the stock index contract domestically .

  8. 我国股指期货合约标的物指数的编制研究

    A research on how to draw up the index of subject matter of China 's stock index futures

  9. 2010年4月16日沪深300股指期货合约正式中国金融期货交易所上市,成为中国金融市场走向专业化的里程碑。

    The China Financial Futures Exchange launched China Shanghai Shenzhen 300 Stock Index Futures on April 16 2010 .

  10. 美国芝加哥商品交易所随后推出标准普尔500指数期货合约,成为目前世界交易量最大的股指期货合约。

    The American CME invented S & P500 which becomes the largest number contracts in the world markets now .

  11. 股指期货合约细则,能够实现投资策略,并能够事先规避和控制风险。

    Futures contract items can make investment strategy realized and at the same time avoid and control risks in advance .

  12. 第四章主要针对我国证券指数、股指期货合约数据,采用支持向量回归算法和条件异方差模型相结合的算法来对其未来的走势进行预测。

    In the forth chapter , we use SVM and GARCH model to predict the future trend of financial data .

  13. 在借鉴他国成功经验的基础上,结合我国实际,进行股指期货合约的设计。

    Learning lessons from successful experiences of other countries , we should design index futures contracts according to China 's condition .

  14. 股票指数期货交易是指买卖双方在金融期货交易所内买卖股指期货合约的一种经济行为。

    Stock index futures trading is the parties in the financial futures exchange trading stock index futures contract within an economic behavior .

  15. 本文尝试着从中小投资者能够参与的角度,建议推出小型股指期货合约。

    This paper recommended the release of small-sized stock index futures contracts to enable the individual investors to participate in the stock index futures trading .

  16. 这场官司发生之际,正值中国计划在今年建立一家衍生品交易所,进行本地股指期货合约的交易。

    The lawsuit comes as China plans to set up a derivatives exchange this year on which local stock index futures contracts will be traded .

  17. 在任何交易日日终,合格投资者持有的股指期货合约价值不得超过其投资额度。

    At the end of any trading day , the value of stock index futures contracts held by a QFII shall not exceed its investment quota ;

  18. 其次,由于沪深300股指期货合约是以沪深300指数作为标的资产,并且合约交割价格以现货收盘价为基准,因此沪深300股指期货和沪深300指数的价格会具有联动性和高度拟合性。

    Secondly , Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 stock index futures puts Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Stock Index as underlying assets and the delivery price is the price of spot closing price .

  19. 第二章是本论文的重点,主要参照国外的股指期货合约来设计我国的股指期货合约,其中包括重新构造新的全国统一指数作为合约标的。

    The second chapter , the center of this dissertation , works out a Stock Index Futures Contract for China by referring to the practices of other countries .

  20. 首只沪深300股指期货合约即将推出,券商在此情况下,如何同期货公司合作拓展自身的业务,既是业内人士,也是金融专家们共同关注的问题。

    The index futures contracts of CSI 300 will soon launched . In these circumstances , how to expand the business with the futures company is an important question .

  21. 为了防止期货到期日效应与现货月效应及假日效应等重叠,增大现货市场的波动性,本文建议将股指期货合约最后交易日设在月中。

    To avoid the expiration-day effects of derivatives overlapping with monthly effect of cash market , the optimal last trading day of index futures is best set in mid-month .

  22. 2010年4月16日,我国推出首个股指期货合约&沪深300股指期货,这在中国证券市场上具有里程碑的意义。

    April 16,2010 , China launched its first stock futures contracts & the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 stock index futures , which is a milestone in the Chinese stock market .

  23. 预计中国银行类股还将在中国的股指期货合约中发挥重要作用。中国新成立的衍生品交易所计划于2007年初推出股指期货合约。

    Chinese lenders are also expected to play a large role in the stock index futures contract , which China 's new derivatives exchange plans to launch in early 2007 .

  24. 然而股指期货合约的交割对沪深300现货指数市场是否产生影响,沪深300指数是否也存在日历效应?这些问题影响着股票市场的稳定和投资者的收益。

    However , it is uncertain that weather the calendar effects exist in the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index or weather the delivery of stock index futures impacts the spot market .

  25. 其次,随着未来股指期货合约品种的增多,投资者究竟应当如何选择期货合约种类和头寸来进行套期保值是非常值得研究的。

    Second , with the increase in varieties of stock index futures contracts , it is very worthy of study on how should investors choose the types and positions of futures contracts to hedge .

  26. 论文运用了马克思主义理论与实践相结合的方法,既结合了国际通行的做法,又充分考虑我国客观实际,设计出股指期货合约这一新型的金融衍生工具。

    By combining theories with practices , this paper proposes a new type of financial derivative , Stock Index Futures Contract , on the basis of the international practices as well as the concrete conditions in China .

  27. 自从1982年2月美国堪萨斯城交易所率先推出价值线综合指数期货以后,股指期货合约迅速风靡全球,受到各国投资者的瞩目和青睐。

    From February 1982 , the American KCBT initiated the first stock index futures contract is called VLF . Since then , the stock index futures developed rapidly in the world , which are accepted and favored by investors .

  28. 另外从几个主要指标选取的角度阐述了我国股指期货合约的一些特性,分析说明了我国股指期货由于才刚刚推出,所以多是采用较为稳妥的设置。

    In addition , it elaborates some features of stock index futures of our country from the perspective of several main indicators , explaining that some comparatively seasoned settings are often adopted because of our newly launched stock index futures .

  29. 风险规避策略包括建立严密的法规与监管体系、科学合理地设计股指期货合约、完善市场运行机制、加强期货市场与股票市场的合作和壮大与完善股指期货的投资主体等七个方面。

    Risk-avoiding actions include establishing strict law and monitor system , scientific stock index futures agreement , consummating the market mechanism , strengthening the cooperation of stock market and futures market , enlarging the stock index futures investment body and etc.

  30. 自从1982年美国堪萨斯期货交易所推出首张股指期货合约以来,经过20多年的发展,股指期货已经成为世界上最为重要的金融衍生工具之一。

    Kansas City Board of Trade ( KCBT ) launched its first stock index futures contract in 1982 , after 20 years of development , stock index futures has become one of the most important financial derivative tool in the world .