
  • 网络stock option;Stock option plan
  1. 本文将EVA奖金计划与虚拟股票期权计划结合在一起进行设计,充分利用两种计划的优势,以达到最大限度激励经营者的目的。

    This article will EVA bonus plan with a virtual stock option plan design combined with full use of the advantages of the two programs to encourage operators to maximize the purpose .

  2. 国有企业建立股票期权计划思考

    Thinking on establishing stock option plan in state - owned enterprises

  3. 本文制定的基于EVA的股票期权计划对H公司有具有重要的指导和实践意义。

    This paper designs the stock option program based on EVA has an important instruction and practical value to H Corporation .

  4. 经理股票期权计划(ESO)的激励功能受到肯定,但问题也不少,如经理人得自ESO的收益与公司业绩脱节;

    The incentive function of ESO is being affirmed , but the problems remain .

  5. GDM在经理人股票期权计划中的应用

    The application of GDM in executive stock option program

  6. 在研究虚拟股票期权计划的理论基础之上,分析了虚拟股票期权计划的现实功能,探讨了虚拟股票期权计划的技术设计并评价了适合确定虚拟股票价格的EVA指标。

    Based on the study of the theory of phantom Stock Options Plan , the authors analyze the actual function of PSOP , and design a set of detailed programs for PSOP , in which EVA is used to determine the price of phantom Stock .

  7. 股票期权计划行权价的博弈分析

    Analyzing Exercise Price of Stock Option Plan based on Game Theory

  8. 关于我国实施股票期权计划的几个问题的探讨

    Discussing on Several Questions about Stock Option Plan in Our Country

  9. 虚拟股票期权计划的理论基础及其操作技术

    The Theoretical Base and Operation Technique of Phantom Stock Options Plan

  10. 股票期权计划博弈分析

    Analyzing of the Stock Options Plan by the Game Theory

  11. 我国股票期权计划的行权价设计

    Design on Exercise Price of China 's Stock Option Plan

  12. 有的学者主张取消经理股票期权计划;

    Some scholars claim that ESO plan should be cancelled .

  13. 对国企建立股票期权计划的思考

    Thinking about the Stock Option Plan for State Enterprises

  14. 我国实施股票期权计划的现状、问题及治理对策

    On Carrying out Stock Option Plan in China

  15. 论股票期权计划与企业激励机制

    On the Plan of the Stock Interest in Expectancy and the Business Inspiring Mechanism

  16. 公司可以(通常也是)对员工通过股票期权计划购买公司股票的权利的行使时间加以规定。

    Usually the company can prescribe the vesting period of the staff through stock-options .

  17. 经理股票期权计划存在的问题及成因探析

    An Analysis of the Problems and Causes of the System of Executive Stock Option

  18. 实施股票期权计划可以对企业的核心员工产生有效的长期激励。

    Stock Option Plan can produce effective long-term stimulation to enterprises ' core employees .

  19. 中国联通股票期权计划

    The Stock Option Plans of China Unicom

  20. 代理制存在一些问题,而解决其较好的办法之一是实施股票期权计划。

    The agent system has some problems .

  21. 在第三章中,作者对经营者股票期权计划与经营者股票期权授予协议进行了研究。

    In Chapter Three , this article discusses ESO plans and agreement of conferring ESO .

  22. 股票期权计划是现有的激励制度的重要组成部分。

    The stock options plan is an important component in the incentive system existed now .

  23. 不完全合同与股票期权计划

    Incomplete Contracts and Stock Option Plan

  24. 非上市股份有限公司股票期权计划探析

    Discuss on Executive Stock Option of the Stock Company Which Has not Come into the Market

  25. 虚拟股票期权计划的技术设计

    Technical Design for Phantom Stock Plan

  26. 但在2007年一些公司由于实行股票期权计划出现了亏损,也使人们开始质疑股票期权计划是否仅仅为了给高管人员带上金手表。

    But in 2007 , some companies showed a deficit because of the stock option plan .

  27. 积极稳妥地开展职工持股计划和员工股票期权计划。

    We also need to implement employee stock ownership plans and stock options plans actively and stability .

  28. 国有企业实施经营者股票期权计划的障碍分析

    Analysis on the Obstacles to the System of Stock Options for China 's State Enterprises ' Administrators

  29. 股票期权计划在国外已成为对公司高级管理人员的一种成功的激励机制。

    Stock option plan has been a successful encouraging system to super managerial personnels in foreign countries .

  30. 上市公司股票期权计划对公司绩效的影响研究

    Research on the Effect upon the Stock Option Plan of the Listed Companies to the Company Performance