
  • 网络joint-stock bank;joint-equity banks
  1. 信用卡行为评分数据量庞大,全国性股份制银行的信用卡发卡量在千万级别。

    Credit Card behavioral score huge amount of data , the national joint-stock bank credit card issuing volume of 10 million level .

  2. 因此,本文对个贷中心案例的研究,应该对国有股份制银行正在进行的变革有一定的启示意义。

    Consequently , in this thesis , the research of personal loan center case will enlighten the national joint-stock bank reform in progress .

  3. 自2001年加入WTO以来,中国银行业的市场化和国际化水平日益提高,外资银行的涌入和国内股份制银行的快速发展使中国银行业竞争日趋激烈和复杂。

    Since joining WTO in 2001 , marketization and internationalization of banking of China have been improved gradually , which presents that entrance of foreign banks and development of domestic commercial banks bring forth drastic and complicated competition .

  4. 论催生有规模的股份制银行、国有银行海外上市

    Breeding Large-scale Joint-equity Banks And State-owned Banks to get Listed Abroad

  5. 中小股份制银行公司业务的战略思考

    Thinking on the corporate banking of small and medium banks

  6. 推进综合化经营,提升股份制银行核心竞争力

    Promoting Comprehensive Operation and Enhancing Core Competitiveness of Commercial Banks

  7. 当前我国股份制银行盈利状况分析

    Analysis of current status of profits of the stock banks in China

  8. 国有股份制银行的无形资产及其投资活动分析

    A Study on Intangibles and Intangibles Investment of Stated-Owned Shareholding Commercial Banks

  9. 试论股份制银行的异化及其矫正

    A Study on the Dissimilation and Rectification of Joint-Stock Banks

  10. 国有银行没有股份制银行对市场的反响敏感。

    The state-owned banks do not joint-stock banks in the market is sensitive .

  11. 我国股份制银行信用风险预警与防范机制研究

    Research on Credit Risk Early-Warning and Prevention System of China 's Joint-Stock Banks

  12. 中小股份制银行个人银行业务发展策略初探

    Study on Personal Banking Business Development Strategy of Small and Medium Sized Commercial Banks

  13. 建立西部开发银行和发展银行、吸引外资银行和股份制银行设立机构;第二、建立地区差别式的央行调控体系;

    Establishing The region-different central bank administering system ;

  14. 零售银行业务&中小股份制银行的战略支点

    Retail Banking : Support Point for the Strategy of Small and Medium Sized Commercial Banks

  15. 而在我国,目前只有五家股份制银行是上市的。

    However , in our country , only five shareholding banks are listed at present .

  16. 关注国有银行与股份制银行的绩效差异

    Paying Close Attention to the Difference of Achievement and Efficiency between State-run Bank and Shareholding Bank

  17. 自股份制银行走进中国历史舞台以来,我国股份制商业银行发展越来越快。

    The development of joint-stock commercial banks in China becomes faster and faster since it emerges .

  18. 突破资本约束瓶颈把脉股份制银行经营转型&2005年全国股份制商业银行行长联席会议侧记

    Break through Bottleneck of Capital Restriction , Take Pulse of Operation Transfer of Joint Stock System Banks

  19. 国有银行生产率增长空间比股份制银行生产率增长空间大。从引致银行生产率增长的因素来看,效率提高和技术进步一起促进了生产率的增长。

    In respect of productivity increase factor , the increase lies in the efficiency improvement and technical progress .

  20. 其结果是:股份制银行和地方银行的效率要高于国有银行。

    After a brief situation analysis , Efficiency of joint-stock banks and local banks is higher than state-owned banks .

  21. 2001-2003年信贷扩张仍是股份制银行规模增长模式,五大特征暗含失控危机。

    It 's pointed out that credit expansion is still the growth pattern with five features implying credit runaway .

  22. 而国有银行经营效率落后于股份制银行主要是由于纯技术效率的低下。

    The state-owned banks operating efficiency behind the joint-stock banks was mainly due to the low pure technical efficiency .

  23. 其二,外资银行和新兴股份制银行凭借其有效的激励机制使我国四大国有商业银行的优秀金融人才流失严重;

    Secondly , foreign banks and rising joint-stock banks win over excellent financial elitist clients by their effective incentive mechanism .

  24. 但是,国有银行的规模经济有渐渐改善的趋势,而股份制银行的规模经济却在渐渐恶化。

    However , the stated-owned banks ' scale economics are being improved , the shareholding banks ' are being worse .

  25. 得出我国国有商业银行和政策性银行的无清偿能力风险要普遍低于股份制银行的无清偿能力风险。

    The result shows that the insolvency risk of commercial bank and policy bank is smaller than joint stock bank .

  26. 股份制银行的信息披露问题已经成为国际银行业十分关注的一个问题。

    The information disclosure of joint stock banks is getting more and more attention in the field of world banking .

  27. 国有银行资产规模与效率负相关,股份制银行资产规模与效率正相关。

    The asset scale has negative effect on the efficiency in state-owned banks , while the effect is positive in shareholder-owned banks .

  28. 在城市业务发展中,农村商业银行的直接竞争对手涉及到国有股份制银行、中小股份制银行等各类强势金融机构。

    The direct competitors are state-owned joint-stock banks and medium and small joint-stock banks which are all stronger than rural commercial banks .

  29. 同时,加入了对某国有股份制银行现行信用评级系统的实证分析,并与内部评级法的要求进行了比较分析,利用案例来进一步说明内部评级法对于信用风险评级的优越性。

    Meanwhile , an empirical analysis about the current credit rating system of a state-owned shareholding bank is introduced within the paper .

  30. 国有银行仅有形资产价格方面有优势,上市股份制银行在劳动力价格和资金价格方面最有优势。

    State-owned commercial banks take advantage over visible asset price , listed share-holding take advantage over the price of labor and fund .