
  1. 本月,在英国上市的新兴市场银行&渣打银行(StandardChartered)率先申请在当地建立法人银行。

    Standard Chartered , the UK-listed emerging markets bank , was this month the first to apply to establish a local subsidiary .

  2. 自渣打银行(StandardCharteredbank)今年成为首批在华成立本地法人银行的外资银行以来,这家英国上市银行就在准备着大举进军中国市场。

    Standard Chartered Bank is readying itself for a major push into the China market this year since becoming one of the first locally-incorporated foreign banks in the country .

  3. 去年,在监管规则变动之后,包括汇丰与花旗集团(Citigroup)在内的约20家外资银行,通过在当地注册法人银行,距离自己的目标又近了一步。

    Following regulatory changes last year about 20 banks , including HSBC and Citigroup , took a step closer to that goal by switching to local incorporation in China .

  4. 2006年12月11日,我国履行加入WTO的承诺,金融业全面对外开放,外资银行相继在我国设立了法人银行,实现了全面的本土化,中国银行业的国际化程度进一步加深。

    December 11 , 2006 , China honored its commitments for entry into the WTO , opened the financial markets to the overseas market . The foreign banks have set up a corporate banking in China , achieved a comprehensive localization . China banks have further deepen national level .

  5. 当时,外资零售银行即便是像汇丰(hsbc)这样在亚太地区根基深厚的银行不被允许在中国内地注册成立法人银行,这严重制约了它们向企业和零售客户提供本币产品的能力。

    At the time , foreign retail banks even those with deep roots in the region , such as HSBC were not permitted to incorporate their mainland operations locally , which severely restricted their ability to offer local currency products to business and individual customers .

  6. 2006年12月,外资银行终于获准在中国成立法人银行。

    In December 2006 , foreign banks were finally allowed to incorporate locally .

  7. 在中国内地成立法人银行,意味着当地法规和又一个行政层面。

    Being locally incorporated means local regulation , and a whole new layer of administration .

  8. 上周,花旗集团和其他3家外资银行获得中国监管机构批准,可以在华成立本地法人银行。

    Citigroup and three other foreign banks last week were approved by Chinese regulators to incorporate locally .

  9. 这四家外资法人银行将在完成工商登记等法定手续后正式对外营业。

    The four foreign corporate banking business registrations and other legal formalities to be completed after the official business .

  10. 2006年年底正式出台的《外资银行管理条例》实行注册法人银行导向,引起了国内外的广泛关注和议论。

    The Managerial Rules of Foreign Banks is orientated by registered legal person bank , which attracts wide attention .

  11. 他表示,注册成立本地法人银行,将使渣打银行能够推出抵押贷款、财富管理、信用卡和个人贷款等为中国居民量身订制的人民币业务。

    He said local registration will facilitate introduction of Renminbi services tailored for local Chinese , including mortgages , wealth management , credit cards and personal loans .

  12. 外资银行扩张计划所面临的诸多挑战中,包括近期监管政策变化限制了外资法人银行的借贷量,以及人才严重短缺。

    Among the challenges facing the expansion plans of foreign banks are the recent regulatory changes restricting the amount that locally incorporated banks can lend , and acute talent shortages .

  13. 于上周获得全面人民币业务牌照的星展、恒生等第二批外资法人银行,目前仍处于相关业务及产品的准备阶段。

    Last week was full of RMB business license DBS , and the second batch of Hang Seng Bank foreign legal persons , are still in business and related products for the stage .

  14. 尽管成立本地法人银行带来更多的机遇,但它也可能迫使外资银行不得不面对一系列的中国银行业规定。对外资银行而言,这些规定与当地的官僚作风一样新鲜。

    While creating more opportunities , local incorporation is likely to force foreign banks to deal with an array of Chinese banking rules that are still new as well as the local bureaucracy .

  15. 截至2009年4月末,共有33家外资银行注册成为本地法人银行,111家外资银行分行,以及235家外资银行驻华代表处。

    Up to April , 2009 , 33 foreign capital banks officially launched as first foreign banks locally incorporated in China , as well as 111 foreign capital branch banks and 235 representative offices .

  16. 普华永道报告显示,现有76家外资银行在华经营业务,其中有20家已设立外资法人银行,因而可以提供范围更广的人民币产品服务。

    The PWC report cites that 76 foreign banks are now operating in China , with 20 having locally incorporated their operations to enable them to offer a wider range of local currency products .

  17. 昨天,据国务院法制办公室副主任宋大涵解释,条例规定只有在中国注册的外资法人银行才可全面经营人民币业务,主要是为了防止外资银行总行的金融危机波及到其在中国的分行。

    The requirement is aimed at preventing global financial woes of foreign banks from spilling over to their branches in china , song dahan , vice-minister of the state council 's legislative affairs office , said yesterday .

  18. 文章首先从理论角度,使用历史分析的方法对相关理论进行梳理研究;接下来从实践的角度,结合案例分析进行一般形式的讨论,对目前的地方政府干预下的法人银行监管提出建议。

    This article first from a theoretical perspective , the use of historical analysis of relevant theoretical analysis method of study , From the Angle of the case analysis , combined with the general form of the discussion , the local government intervention in the banking supervision under legal Suggestions .

  19. 村镇银行是独立的企业法人,村镇银行兼具商业银行和政策性银行的双重特征,目前村镇银行发展迅速,我国制定了一系列针对村镇银行的法律法规和规范性文件。

    Rural bank is an independent legal enterprise , they have double features of both commercial and policy banks , the current development speed of the rural bank is rapid , and China has formulated a series of laws and regulations for the rural bank .

  20. 地方法人金融机构参与银行间市场业务效应的调查报告

    Report on the outcome of local corporate financial institutions ' participation in interbank market businesses

  21. 法人治理结构与银行监管

    Corporate Governance Structure & Banking Supervision

  22. 重庆市农村信用社成立了省级法人的农村商业银行并已在香港成功上市,在全国农村信用社的改革中成为改制为农村商业银行后首家上市的省级农村信用社法人机构。

    Rural credit cooperatives in Chongqing city set up a provincial-level legal rural commercial bank and has been listed in Hongkong , in the reform of rural credit cooperatives to become for the restructuring of rural commercial banks after the first listing of the provincial rural credit cooperative agency .