
fǎ yuàn tiáo jiě
  • court mediation;mediation by the court
  1. 针对我国法院调解存在的问题,借鉴国外的司法ADR,提出重构法院调解制度的具体设想。

    In view of the problems in China court mediation , learn from overseas judicial ADR , proposed the specific idea of restructuring China court mediation .

  2. 略论我国法院调解制度的不足及完善

    A General Analysis of Deficiency and Improvement of Court Mediation System

  3. 论我国法院调解的促进和规范

    On the Promotion and Regulation of the Court Intermediation in China

  4. 并在此基础上,对我国法院调解制度提出了立法建议。

    Accordingly , the legislation suggestions on mediation institution are offered .

  5. 关于民事诉讼中法院调解原则的反思

    Recognition of the principle of mediation by court in civil procedure

  6. 法院调解制度:检讨与重构

    Conciliation System of the Court : Self - criticism and Reconstruction

  7. 事实上,强制性是法院调解运作的基础。

    In fact , compulsion is the base of court operation .

  8. 诉讼中通过法院调解化解矛盾,有其固有的优势。

    Litigation through mediation to resolve conflicts , has its inherent advantage .

  9. 反思、重构:我国法院调解制度

    Rethink and Reconstruct : Mediation System of the Chinese Court of Justice

  10. 法院调解的文化解释

    An Interpretation of Conciliation of Court from a Cultural Perspective

  11. 在该章中,本文首先介绍了实务界对法院调解改革的探索,分析了目前我国法院调解制度改革的必要性。

    First of all , the author analysis the necessity of reforms .

  12. 这正是法院调解制度的价值所在。

    All above consist of the value of the conciliation of court .

  13. 法院调解实现中的冲突化解与合意纯化

    Conflict quelling and accommodation purification in implementing conciliation of court

  14. 和谐社会视野中的多元化纠纷解决机制&以我国法院调解制度为视角

    Pluralistic Resolution Mechanism in Harmonious Society & From the Angle of Reconciliation

  15. 第三部分指出了现今我国法院调解制度存在的一些问题。

    The third part pointed out the current court mediation systemin China .

  16. 法院调解制度价值分析&兼谈我国法院调解制度的再重构

    A Value Analysis of Court Intermediation System & its Reconstruction

  17. 调解的比较优势与法院调解制度的改革

    The Comparative Superiority of Mediation and the Reform of Court Mediation System

  18. 完善法院调解制度若干问题研究

    Study on Several Problems of Perfecting Court Mediation System

  19. 和谐社会下的法院调解制度的重构

    Reconstructing the Court Mediation System in the Harmonious Society

  20. 论法院调解的诚信原则

    On the Principle of Good Faith in Judicial Mediation

  21. 第一部分概述了法院调解的内涵,首先从调解的定义出发,分析了法院调解的本质含义和价值;

    First of all , the author introduces definition of conciliation and court-conciliation ;

  22. 略论我国法院调解制度之改革

    The Reform of the Settlement System in Chinese Court

  23. 试论法院调解的改革

    Study on the Reform to the Intermediation of Court

  24. 法院调解制度在当代的发展明显地分成四个时期。

    Obviously , the development of court conciliation can be divided into four periods .

  25. 论法院调解制度的改革

    Discussions on the reform of judicial mediation system

  26. 引言中通过三个同样是扣不执行法院调解书但法院处理结果不同的案例来引出对下文的论述。

    The preface discusses three cases of refusing to carry out the court mediation .

  27. 我国法院调解制度改革之构想

    Design of Reformation of Chinese Judicial Mediation System

  28. 第二部分,我国法院调解制度与国外调解或和解制度之比较。

    Chapter two : comparing mediation institution of China with that of other countries .

  29. 第二部分明确了可以参加家事纠纷法院调解的人员。

    The second part clarifies the parties that can join in the mediation procedure .

  30. 法院调解的过程研究

    A Study of the Process of Court Conciliation